Art 4 Snail mail things?
8 years ago
The doctor is here.

commissions price sheet
Buy me a coffee, if you would like!(ko-fi)
comprame un cafecito, si queres!(cafecito)
When i am back at home and regain my tablet skills
Would anyone like to do this sort of trade? :
You send me a letter or a postal card or, i don't know, maybe a photo of a kitten, something completely random! trough postal mail, and i do a drawing in exchange?
(that is, until i learn to mail things >_<' )
I would love to receive letters or cards, and or random things on the mail, mostly because it will be something to look forward to, and since mail works so slow and random i will likely get it in an unexpected day and it will cheer me up for sure ^^'
The thing is that, since it will likely take a lot for it to reach (unless cards reach faster than packages? i bet they do!), you will have to wait for your drawing to be done too. until i receive the thing you send me ^^'
(snail mail for both sides! X333!)
Specially now that christmas is coming!
And.. ok.. i admit this...
Receiving surprize material things is the only thing that never fails to cheer me up
other than impulsebuying useless stuff. screw you , depression.
So yes, perhaps you would be willing to send me a letter or something and i return i draw you a thing? ^^
Maybe for a small letter or card i can offer you in exchange some handwritten attempts at making Haikus, and a sketchy drawing / headshot/ small random thingie drawing of your char (like a virtual letter! or maybe i can scan it and PM it to you)
and if you send stuff that isn't just a card like.. i dont know, candy or a plushie, or candy, or cloth scraps, or feathers, or.... candy.... i will draw you something better! >w<'
This will only be until i learn to mail stuff >-<
Because maybe we can do handcrafted plushies/clothes trades trough packages when i can do it ^^
Please would anyone be interested? ^^
Or maybe you just feel like sending a stranger overseas a random letter without asking anything in return? that will cheer me up too ^^''''
The only catch i ask is this:
In your letter please do not mention about you expecting a gift/drawing from me... i will keep all things noted on FA in public list instead so no need to remind me. also because when i read the card again after some years, i would love to avoid this horrible situation:
"awww, i remember this letter, so lovely!! *reads letter* .. fuck... OH FUCK DID I DO THE DRAWING!? I BET I DID; OH MY GOD NO DXXXX *gets stupidly stressed*"
Any thoughts on this? please? ;w;♥
Or know of someone who could be interested?
Sharing this is not needed, but will be appreciated too ^^♥
maybe if your friend mails something i may do a haiku for you or something like that nwn♥
I believe (and hope) that sending a letter will be cheaper than a package.
If a package then the price varies, but i think is specially expensive to ship here? o.o''''
Last time i checked, shipping from the US to Argentina it was around $35 for a small package
I recomend you check well the prices first! i really do not want you to spend your whole money to send a package/thing/letter to me ;w;'
When you need my address, or would like to arrange better, please do send me a note ^^♥
....candy, you say....hmmm. XD
If you need my info or anything please do note me! nwn♥♥♥
and it can be candy or... you know,, other stuff like ... hmm... candy? ewe'''
must be a really resistant candy tho! last time i got a delicious chocolate it was all melt and squished by the time it reached here ;W;! but still delicious X3
i know i repeat this but i do not want anyone spending too much money, be careful with the packages nice coatil, they get so dumb expensive for both of us ;w;!♥
but cards and small card like things wont be a problem! ^w^♥♥
But yeah, letters and cards and things would be much cheaper ^w^
i had just thinking though, is it possible to connect my kuchipatchi with any of the new tamagotchis? =T
and which one is the newest of them? i did not check much into it lately hmm =T
And the tama friends also sounds really nice! but i should really look into some tamas with back light, it gets soooo hard to check it at night! >w<!
Also there are so many chars i haven't seen before, i will have to read more into it nwn♥
but there were some, (like that flower one perhaps? and the one that looks like a vampire!) which i never seen! ^w^
nice pictures by the way! nwn♥
and that final tama is so cute!!!
what is one of your new favorite tamas? c:
I have a nice box with your letter and the paper of the candy you sent me on my bedroom ^^♥
We know the package needs a month to get to ya when not stuck. So I probably should get in gear if I want it to arrive before the new year! Erm... did I send a Cailler l'Atelier chocolate last time?
as long as you send the envelope like last time it will reach no problem! ^W^
that big letter kind thingie envelope nwn
I keep worrying about not being abled to go learn how to send a letter >-<
i will learn eventually!!!
Mind if i request a friendship bracelet from you? ^^''
i love chocolates,,, but i would like something permanent to remind too ^^'
nothing too fancy needed tho! even if just a string to tie on my wrist it will be perfect nwn♥
(and be warned, when i get the knowledge of envelope sending, i will send you a LOT of handmade bracelets >w<''''♥)
Bracelet.. I think I have some stuff around to craft one.^^
i love surprizes! ^w^♥♥♥
ha! i can already imagine us with too many bracelets, we would need no sleeves! XDD!!
Alrighty I will send what I come across.. or fits into the envelope!! XDD
I would love to do this! :D
Please do send me a note! so we fix the tiny bits and i send you the info you need ^^♥
i will wait to see first if the first sent letter reaches, and if it does then you can note me and i will tell you my info so you can send me a letter too!! ^W^♥
ahhh i hope it reaches soon! it should be here this week hopefully >w<♥