Views: 2817
Submissions: 36
Favs: 168

Digital Artist | Registered: Apr 27, 2015 12:37
Mantiykora | 23 | KS | Digital Artist
Tumblr | DeviantArt
| Commissions: [C L O S E D] |
| Trades: [ O P E N] |
| Requests: [By journal only] |
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Hey guys! My name is Lauren or Mantiykora. A ton of you may be coming on over from my old account Manticore Booty, if you are then thank you so much for taking the time to follow my new account, I really really appreciate it! I try and thank everyone personally for all your watches ~ unless you put up a post about not wanting any thank-yous!
Please feel free to e-mail me at: [ ] I'd be happy to answer any questions, or of course just send me a note on here!
I'm really trying to get back into art full-throttle since my long hiatus of several months. I really want to improve and be a better and stronger artist!! I'm currently taking a few trades on so comment on my journal if you're interested, or if you're shy, note me!!
Comments Earned: 117
Comments Made: 211
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 211
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
My Long Disappearance
9 years ago
Hey long time friends and fellow artists!!
As some of you may have noticed I've taken a long disappearance as in, several months. The bar I was working at shut down and since then I've been job-hopping. The first place was absolutely horrid, thankfully I think i've found a place I fit in at with a lot of really awesome people. I hope so.
As for commissions, I've e-mailed all those directly involved but I'm at a really bad place with my art. I'm not happy with anything I've been making lately, everything I draw I don't like. I know that every artist goes through lulls like these and you should just draw through them, but I feel like every time I pick up my tablet and pen I get more and more discouraged, that I'm just not doing any better.
I'll probably stick to personal art for a little while or sketches and doodles. It's been a truly very long time since I lined and colored anything at all and I really and truly miss it. I miss art and the escape it gave me. I miss it and I want to make sure I get it back in my life.
I'm really truly sorry to do this to my customers especially customers that have been so incredible to me, I just refuse to give people that are willing to pay for my art, a crappy commission. I won't do it.
Thanks so much for everyone's understanding and help and i'm so sorry !! Please don't hate me.
As some of you may have noticed I've taken a long disappearance as in, several months. The bar I was working at shut down and since then I've been job-hopping. The first place was absolutely horrid, thankfully I think i've found a place I fit in at with a lot of really awesome people. I hope so.
As for commissions, I've e-mailed all those directly involved but I'm at a really bad place with my art. I'm not happy with anything I've been making lately, everything I draw I don't like. I know that every artist goes through lulls like these and you should just draw through them, but I feel like every time I pick up my tablet and pen I get more and more discouraged, that I'm just not doing any better.
I'll probably stick to personal art for a little while or sketches and doodles. It's been a truly very long time since I lined and colored anything at all and I really and truly miss it. I miss art and the escape it gave me. I miss it and I want to make sure I get it back in my life.
I'm really truly sorry to do this to my customers especially customers that have been so incredible to me, I just refuse to give people that are willing to pay for my art, a crappy commission. I won't do it.
Thanks so much for everyone's understanding and help and i'm so sorry !! Please don't hate me.

Sorry I accidentally unwatched you cause of my phone, but I watched you again