I'm Back!
Posted 4 years agoBeen awhile folks. I've recovered and stuff. So let's get back to it.
Posted 5 years agoStarting with the bad. Tuesday of this month, I got into a bad accident while I was on the job. Someone rear-ended my vehicle on the highway at full speed while I was stopped in traffic. My leg is messed up and I'm on crutches right now. Good News. I'm going to be back to writing soon. Posting up some of my commissioned art today.
Just letting you know...
Posted 6 years agoI've got a small update. Chapter 2 is still being worked on but I've added aBlueprint of the MC's Bedroom and Backstory, the latter created with the massive amount of help from
And again, finally, I got my New Ask page up!!! Askfm wasn't working for me at all.

And again, finally, I got my New Ask page up!!! Askfm wasn't working for me at all.
Here is the new Mechabreed ask Page!!!!
Next chapter...already in the works
Posted 6 years agoAlright. With Chapter 1 up, I've already gotten started with Chapter Two. Got a lot of worldbuilding and stuff to do in this one so I might take a little longer on this one. I know I'm repeating myself here but I'd like to thank my watchers and those who favorite the art I get commissioned as well. Thanks also go to the artists who take my money, which I'm glad to hand over, and draw amazing pieces that bring my work to life.
Posted 6 years agoChapter 1 is done. It will be up and ready tomorrow.
Also one of my old rping buddies got me to rp Jason when I had writers block and now there's a one-shot in the works along with chapter 2. YAY!
Posted 6 years ago Hey everybody! I've got an askfm opened for Jason and Other Characters
Mechabreed now has an in character askfm. I wanted to use Tumblr at first but after having pretty much every single post on my old SFW account flagged, even those without images, I just decided not to take any chances.
That aside...
Ask your questions HERE!!!
Rules Please Read!!!
1. Questions answered there will be marked as Canon© or Noncanon(NC) depending on the context. Any answers marked as (NC) will not have an effect on the story or will be based off of information the Main Character is unaware of. © answers are the opposite and will be based off of information the character has at the time.
2. If your questions are addressed to another character in the story then you MUST name them in the question. If you don't, I will have to assume the question is going to the main character and he will react accordingly.
3. Be respectful. Simple as that.
Bad News.
Posted 6 years agoMy computer crashed. More specifically, the writing program I use instead of Word crashed and took out nearly all of the last MONTH of work. 16,000 words of prologue and 5,000 of chapter one were lost. I still have some so its not all wiped out but still...
Chapter One and my first Character profile is almost done!!!
Posted 6 years agoI've reached a milestone in my first draft and everyone who's sneaked a peak at it has said it looks great.
This calls for some celebration music.
This calls for some celebration music.
Current Writing Project: MechaBreed
I don't know how many people are going to be reading this, certainly not many right now but I'm putting this up for future visitors to my profile.
I've decided to put my human-centric semi-serious plot over porn superhero story up on this site as it's the only place that feels right for a story with the kind of fetishes I have and like to read about. Picking a place to host my story aside, I've been looking for a Beta-reader to help me with flow and other things to make sure the story I post here is the best version of it. If anyone is interested, note me.
As for wider details of the project, I'm not a big comic reader so anyone who might expect me throwing obscure DC or Marvel references is going to be sorely disappointed. I was inspired to write this by two major sources.
Forging Hephaestus By Drew Hayes which is a damn amazing book by the way. Here's the link if anyone's interested: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show.....ing-hephaestus
And by a bunch of NSFW CYOAs on reddit which is linked on my profile. While I've never posted any I highly recommend for anyone trying to make their own OCs or scenarios. They are the perfect foundations to build much bigger ideas off of without question. I've even commissioned character art from a few artists on this site. BTW, I genuinely forgot that there were so many amazing artists on this website.
And as for the MechaBreed Project, I'm writing as much as I can as fast as I can while all my ideas are still lemony fresh and squeaky clean. Still, I hope all of you enjoy when I start posting.
An Open letter to the artists.
I feel like I have to say this, but thanks for taking up my commissions and playing straight with me. The characters I want you to draw are part of a major writing project that I've been working on for months and save for a few artists I really trust, I've been leery to buy art ever since I got screwed on a 200 dollar commission that was never finished, nor will it ever be. Said artist cut contact completely though I find it irritating that they are still posting up new pieces of art but that's besides the point, the artists on the list on my main page will always get work from me if they are available.
Okay, my computer crashed about 5 days back and I've only been able to recover so much from it. But my writing is back on track. Hope to have the prologue up and ready soon.
Chapter 1 is finally up and ready.
I've got a small update. Chapter 2 is still being worked on but I've added aBlueprint of the MC's Bedroom and Backstory, the latter created with the massive amount of help from

And again, finally, I got my New Ask page up!!! Askfm wasn't working for me at all.
Here is the new Mechabreed ask Page!!!!