No Subject
Posted 7 years agoIt's been a while since i wrote anything on here, hasn't it? XD
Krita Gemini Demo out
Posted 11 years agoI realise I was a bit remiss in not announcing the release of Krita Gemini on Steam on 1st April ... no joke! Though it was a case of "Free open-source painting program released as Steam Early Access Game" ... and the joke was on me - it went live a day earlier than we'd planned and whilst I was still updating the packages - and then I still didn't leave the office til after 1am!
We just pushed the demo (Krita Sketch) which shows the touch interface...maybe we could do something a little better once the full first release is out, but until then this will nicely pick up most of the improvements as we add them to the main software too.
It's quite a lot of fun, but also slightly terrifying to find myself having to develop and support a product, particularly with a couple of "interesting" bugs, and it's hard also to keep a good balance between implementing new code or fire-fighting issues which people encounter. On the upside, there's already been some fixes pushed this week, and hopefully we'll have another update out in time for the Easter holiday :)
We just pushed the demo (Krita Sketch) which shows the touch interface...maybe we could do something a little better once the full first release is out, but until then this will nicely pick up most of the improvements as we add them to the main software too.
It's quite a lot of fun, but also slightly terrifying to find myself having to develop and support a product, particularly with a couple of "interesting" bugs, and it's hard also to keep a good balance between implementing new code or fire-fighting issues which people encounter. On the upside, there's already been some fixes pushed this week, and hopefully we'll have another update out in time for the Easter holiday :)
Krita's been Greenlit!
Posted 11 years agoJust had word in this evening that Krita has been Greenlit on Steam :D
It's been super-awesome seeing the submissions people have been making using it, sometimes testing it for the first time - hope to see more folks on the Steam "Krita Creators" group, or #KritaCritters on Furnet
It's been super-awesome seeing the submissions people have been making using it, sometimes testing it for the first time - hope to see more folks on the Steam "Krita Creators" group, or #KritaCritters on Furnet
New #KritaCritters IRC channel
Posted 11 years agoSince Krita went up on Steam Greenlight a week ago, the response has been great - the maintainer of the project has already commented about how many people have been sent their way and have now heard about Krita as a result. I really hope if you've tried Krita recently that it has run smoothly
I've been using FA's Search function to try and find recently submitted art, to gauge how interested furs might be in Krita, and how they're getting on.
I was quite happily surprised to discover that a few furs already have been using Krita on Linux, and for a while! :D
Over on the official krita channel on freenode, we've already had a few furs show up, which has been great, but the channel there doesn't really encourage too much chatter, particularly when folks are busy fixing bugs and the like.
So, I asked for a #KritaCritters channel to be created on Furnet, where fans and new users could mingle, chat and share tips. I'm hoping it will prove helpful :)
I've been using FA's Search function to try and find recently submitted art, to gauge how interested furs might be in Krita, and how they're getting on.
I was quite happily surprised to discover that a few furs already have been using Krita on Linux, and for a while! :D
Over on the official krita channel on freenode, we've already had a few furs show up, which has been great, but the channel there doesn't really encourage too much chatter, particularly when folks are busy fixing bugs and the like.
So, I asked for a #KritaCritters channel to be created on Furnet, where fans and new users could mingle, chat and share tips. I'm hoping it will prove helpful :)
Krita open-source painting software - on Greenlight :D
Posted 11 years agoI haven't posted in here in absolutely ages, but finally I have really good and relevant furry art related news! :D
Krita is an open-source digital painting program and the windows 7 installers are built for the community by the company I work for (I was part of the original windows-port effort, and project-lead on this one). Two years ago I was nervous about introducing Windows-using artists to it - it was massively popular on Linux, but Windows admittedly needed some more testing.
Now, Version 2.8 is less than a month away, and we're getting lots of good positive feedback from folks who heard about us and downloaded the Beta.
And we have plans - involving wireless graphics tablets, TVs and Steam Machines ;)
** Krita Greenlight Page **
Please check out the link above to find out more about the version we hope to sell on Steam, where to get the free versions or how you can help the Krita Project :D
Do be sure to "Follow" there, we have some great ideas and really want to get loads of folks playing with out software - I'm hoping to run a couple of competitions to give away codes of the fancy Steam-enhanced Gemini version we hope to sell there.
Krita is an open-source digital painting program and the windows 7 installers are built for the community by the company I work for (I was part of the original windows-port effort, and project-lead on this one). Two years ago I was nervous about introducing Windows-using artists to it - it was massively popular on Linux, but Windows admittedly needed some more testing.
Now, Version 2.8 is less than a month away, and we're getting lots of good positive feedback from folks who heard about us and downloaded the Beta.
And we have plans - involving wireless graphics tablets, TVs and Steam Machines ;)
** Krita Greenlight Page **
Please check out the link above to find out more about the version we hope to sell on Steam, where to get the free versions or how you can help the Krita Project :D
Do be sure to "Follow" there, we have some great ideas and really want to get loads of folks playing with out software - I'm hoping to run a couple of competitions to give away codes of the fancy Steam-enhanced Gemini version we hope to sell there.
Follow-Wednesday and panty-avatars!
Posted 13 years agoI spotted
Nayel-ie's panty-avatar icon pic a couple of days back and had to snap one up. She;s only been on FA for a couple of months, but if you happen to like underwear-clad bots (umm...which, yeah *blush* I plainly do :P) you should totally check out the recent journal post, and consider following :D
"More Panty avatars available!"

"More Panty avatars available!"

Magdeburg, and too early for Eurofurence!
Posted 13 years agoWork semi-surprised me with a work trip to Magdeburg, putting me up in an apartment for a month or so, and I'm really enjoying it - barely 25 minutes walk to the City Caree, and I've been bowled over by how cheap food and especially renting is over here. It's nice to finally have a place of my own again, albeit, to myself.
I am giving serious consideration to maybe moving out here for a year or two, given the opportunity, or seeing whether I can stay for an extended stretch - though actually commiting to moving here would probably make more sense financially - and work would still be flexible enough that I could probably get some extended time back in the UK to see friends.
It would be a challenge, I have been hitting the German language tapes and making slow but steady progress - mostly on the lovely walk along the park into town.
I'm still here for another few weeks, I was wondering whether anyone could recommend places to see, or if anyone knew folks/furs in the area?
Tschuess! :D
I am giving serious consideration to maybe moving out here for a year or two, given the opportunity, or seeing whether I can stay for an extended stretch - though actually commiting to moving here would probably make more sense financially - and work would still be flexible enough that I could probably get some extended time back in the UK to see friends.
It would be a challenge, I have been hitting the German language tapes and making slow but steady progress - mostly on the lovely walk along the park into town.
I'm still here for another few weeks, I was wondering whether anyone could recommend places to see, or if anyone knew folks/furs in the area?
Tschuess! :D
Hey you...don't watch that, watch Sketchkat!
Posted 13 years agoHi,
I am a regular furry guy, who likes...fur things.
I enjoy the finer things in life, and I have respect for myself.
I have principles, and would never accept a cheap bribe either or promise of free art.
So you know you can trust me when I say
sketchkat is possibly the finest furry artist you should follow.
Your morning or evening FA "session" is made warmer with
sketchkat's fun, cheery, sketchy characters and occasionally *wink* something a little extra special.
Like completed, coloured pieces! (Huh - what were you thinking I was on about?)
Also, you should totally check her offer of free A5 bust sketches. Not _that_ kind of bust! But I'm sure it will be special nonetheless.
All you need to do is, you know, give her much love, tell her how good herpoetry art was, and post a link in YOUR Journal too.
I a link in your journal
sketchkat - follow her, watch art, Simples!
~ Arakin
your slightly compromised Draccoon
I am a regular furry guy, who likes...fur things.
I enjoy the finer things in life, and I have respect for myself.
I have principles, and would never accept a cheap bribe either or promise of free art.
So you know you can trust me when I say

Your morning or evening FA "session" is made warmer with

Like completed, coloured pieces! (Huh - what were you thinking I was on about?)
Also, you should totally check her offer of free A5 bust sketches. Not _that_ kind of bust! But I'm sure it will be special nonetheless.
All you need to do is, you know, give her much love, tell her how good her
I a link in your journal

~ Arakin
your slightly compromised Draccoon
My 15 minutes of fame... :D
Posted 13 years agoOr technically 7 minutes, really
That's how much time elapsed between my cake creation going live and the last favourite that I received for it. I suspect This exactly coincides with the time taken for it to be pushed out of the Furaffinity home page by everyone else's cool creative endeavours.
Stilll, *squee* I suddenly have a new "10F" under my name (I didn't even KNOW it did that), and many many thanks to everyone who favourited or commented, it was a load of fun for me, and gave me just the merest taste - pun intended - of what it might be like to be a proper art-machine on here
That's how much time elapsed between my cake creation going live and the last favourite that I received for it. I suspect This exactly coincides with the time taken for it to be pushed out of the Furaffinity home page by everyone else's cool creative endeavours.
Stilll, *squee* I suddenly have a new "10F" under my name (I didn't even KNOW it did that), and many many thanks to everyone who favourited or commented, it was a load of fun for me, and gave me just the merest taste - pun intended - of what it might be like to be a proper art-machine on here
A pet peeve in some mature art...(saucy!)
Posted 13 years agoAlthough something which conjurs up images of a woman trying to comfort her male companion, who's curled up in a ball at the corner of the bed:
"Dear...what's wrong? Clark? Please, we need to talk about this, Clark? Kent, honey...?"
Hee-hee, of course I'm talking about X RAY VISION PENETRATION ^.^
Don't get me wrong, I feel I can at least appreciate why some folks dig it, and all the more power to them. And yes, sometimes maybe you need that...otherwise how are you going to let the fans see that MEGA-WOLF-TAUR has a hapless raccoon bound on the leeward-side of his glans whilst he's engaged in a very intimate embrace with his partner? (and no...this has nothing to do with speculation of how a dragon-wolf-raccoon came about to begin with...for one, the raccoon would not have been bound behind the head, it's more likely to have been used as a primitive contraceptive device...which failed...)
But yeah, just something that I was amused to see at least one artist specify that they DID NOT WANT when being commissioned - and thought it might amuse. I wonder whether some artists specifically enjoy it - certainly it gives one a chance to showcase the more exotic or sensual penii that one finds in the fandom, and I totally get that it lets one know that "THAR SHE BLOWS!" or as some form of obscene progress bar (10%, 25%, 10%, 25% 50%!)
Anyway - not my think, but all the more power to those that do enjoy it :D
"Dear...what's wrong? Clark? Please, we need to talk about this, Clark? Kent, honey...?"
Hee-hee, of course I'm talking about X RAY VISION PENETRATION ^.^
Don't get me wrong, I feel I can at least appreciate why some folks dig it, and all the more power to them. And yes, sometimes maybe you need that...otherwise how are you going to let the fans see that MEGA-WOLF-TAUR has a hapless raccoon bound on the leeward-side of his glans whilst he's engaged in a very intimate embrace with his partner? (and no...this has nothing to do with speculation of how a dragon-wolf-raccoon came about to begin with...for one, the raccoon would not have been bound behind the head, it's more likely to have been used as a primitive contraceptive device...which failed...)
But yeah, just something that I was amused to see at least one artist specify that they DID NOT WANT when being commissioned - and thought it might amuse. I wonder whether some artists specifically enjoy it - certainly it gives one a chance to showcase the more exotic or sensual penii that one finds in the fandom, and I totally get that it lets one know that "THAR SHE BLOWS!" or as some form of obscene progress bar (10%, 25%, 10%, 25% 50%!)
Anyway - not my think, but all the more power to those that do enjoy it :D
No Subject
Posted 13 years agoOver a year since my last entry, and aside from the micro-blogging sites, I've largely been inactive. That said, things seem to be picking up: I've cleared a 2k backlog of submissions (15k to go!) in the past couple of days, even finding time to comment on a few pieces, catch up on journals and even start thinking about drawing (or ham-fisted doodling) again, and even have another character to think about.
Oh, and I also made a Sonic Rainboom cake for my birthday :D
(sadly, I used a Dash toy - marzipan would have been a clear round numbered percentage cooler, but I really am not that experienced)
Oh, and I also made a Sonic Rainboom cake for my birthday :D
(sadly, I used a Dash toy - marzipan would have been a clear round numbered percentage cooler, but I really am not that experienced)
EF16 - a blast - and scanner advice sought
Posted 14 years agoThoroughly enjoyed Eurofurence 16. Con-hotel a bit pricey perhaps, but the local amenities were pretty good (spent so many breakfasts and dinners at the eiscafe in the shopping centre).
Far too many folks to shout out to and thank - barely did any sketching at the con, but at least I did some, for the first time in ages - hoping I'll be able to keep at it.
Apologies to all the non-British or non-Mongrels-fan furs who had to put up with the incessant "Oi"ing from the mostly-British contingent - hopefully by next year there will be a whole new set of Mongrels quotes doing the rounds :D
Got some awesome commissions by blackdragon-sama, Awe and JDPuppy - oh and that reminds me there's another artist I need to note on here...just need to find her card.
Came home and went to scan stuff and discovered that my 6 year old Canon LiDE20 scanner is not supported in 64-bit Windows 7, but conveniently enough, the 110/210 are being released at the end of the month! I do love the ease of use, without an awkward power supply. Not sure if anyone has had a play with the LiDE200, or maybe someone could recommend a similar USB-powered model that I should consider?
Con-crud is getting sorta worse after 2 days - at least it's kind of like the con is still going a bit longer, eh?
Far too many folks to shout out to and thank - barely did any sketching at the con, but at least I did some, for the first time in ages - hoping I'll be able to keep at it.
Apologies to all the non-British or non-Mongrels-fan furs who had to put up with the incessant "Oi"ing from the mostly-British contingent - hopefully by next year there will be a whole new set of Mongrels quotes doing the rounds :D
Got some awesome commissions by blackdragon-sama, Awe and JDPuppy - oh and that reminds me there's another artist I need to note on here...just need to find her card.
Came home and went to scan stuff and discovered that my 6 year old Canon LiDE20 scanner is not supported in 64-bit Windows 7, but conveniently enough, the 110/210 are being released at the end of the month! I do love the ease of use, without an awkward power supply. Not sure if anyone has had a play with the LiDE200, or maybe someone could recommend a similar USB-powered model that I should consider?
Con-crud is getting sorta worse after 2 days - at least it's kind of like the con is still going a bit longer, eh?
At FC2010!
Posted 15 years agoWell, not here Thursday night, but leucrotta and I are rooming in 434.
Posted 15 years agoJust to prove this account aint dead (despite a lack of updates in over a year) - currently looking forward to heading over to Further Confusion 2010 and meeting all kinds of groovy people there.
I think most folks following me already know me - otherwise I'm the slightly fat geek with the long hair wearing an animal t-shirt
Hugs are good, especially if I know you and if I'm off fursuiting somewhere.
I suppose I really should try and be more active here than I am! Maybe I'll find a muse and find time to doodle some.
I think most folks following me already know me - otherwise I'm the slightly fat geek with the long hair wearing an animal t-shirt
Hugs are good, especially if I know you and if I'm off fursuiting somewhere.
I suppose I really should try and be more active here than I am! Maybe I'll find a muse and find time to doodle some.
Off for a while
Posted 16 years agoOkay, I never really use this journal much at all, but in case anyone was trying to get in touch with me, I'm off to the back-of-beyond for the next three weeks, so expect my internet access will be really limited until I get back.
Art dump!
Posted 18 years agoI was recently staying at a B&B near Bedford, and with mobile phones not permitted in the restaurant (a sterling idea...although muggins here got told off when he took it out to text someone on his 'silent' phone, and the guy opposite's R2-D2 SMS-alert went full guns blazing half an hour later).
So I took out my small (A6) sketchbook and began doodling, the results of which are in my Scraps.
Still don't log in here enough, something I'll have to get into the hang of.
So I took out my small (A6) sketchbook and began doodling, the results of which are in my Scraps.
Still don't log in here enough, something I'll have to get into the hang of.