And the raffle results are in!!
Posted 3 years agoAlright alright, and here we gol!
Winner is #27:
I'll be contacting the winner later on. Thanks to all of you that participated in my little raffle, and hope the holidays have been treating you guys well <3
Winner is #27:

I'll be contacting the winner later on. Thanks to all of you that participated in my little raffle, and hope the holidays have been treating you guys well <3
2K watcher appreciation raffle!!!
Posted 3 years agoEDIT: Raffle's all closed up! I'll plug in the numbers and announce the winner in a new journal sometime tomorrow. Hope you guys are enjoying your holiday evening <3
Right, time to kick myself into gear and actually get this raffle underway. 2000+ watchers eh? It's quite a bit, and definitely a milestone for me! It's flattering that there's so many of you out there that are into my odd bat Bruve, or my varied assortment of other characters! Make no mistake: I appreciate all of the watches, likes, and comments everyone throws my way--and that's what this raffle is for! To show that appreciation!
For this round I've pre-slotted a comm from
Blown-Ego. The raffle winner will get a fully paid piece commissioned by me and feature their chosen character and one of my OCs together (you can see this character list in my gallery). Either SFW or NSFW is fine. Please keep in mind Conter's will draw/won't draw preferences here, so as to avoid any surprise trip-ups once the commission process starts! Also, it's best if you have a general idea of what you'd like prior to the cutoff date (as well as a decent visual ref), though we can always hash things out if not.
To enter, simply be watching me and comment down below! You don't have to say anything specific, but if you'd like to comment and omit entering just mention so in your reply. I'll assign a number to each entrant and run the whole lot through a randomizer on the following day. And speaking of the cutoff date: it's December 25th @ 10:00 pm PST, a good week from now. New watchers are welcome too btw--I'd appreciate your sticking around regardless of raffle results, but I can't really make you do anything!
Good luck everyone and thank you again <3
Right, time to kick myself into gear and actually get this raffle underway. 2000+ watchers eh? It's quite a bit, and definitely a milestone for me! It's flattering that there's so many of you out there that are into my odd bat Bruve, or my varied assortment of other characters! Make no mistake: I appreciate all of the watches, likes, and comments everyone throws my way--and that's what this raffle is for! To show that appreciation!
For this round I've pre-slotted a comm from

To enter, simply be watching me and comment down below! You don't have to say anything specific, but if you'd like to comment and omit entering just mention so in your reply. I'll assign a number to each entrant and run the whole lot through a randomizer on the following day. And speaking of the cutoff date: it's December 25th @ 10:00 pm PST, a good week from now. New watchers are welcome too btw--I'd appreciate your sticking around regardless of raffle results, but I can't really make you do anything!
Good luck everyone and thank you again <3
What's this? A Bru journal? Is that allowed?!
Posted 3 years agoWell it's been about...*looks at calender*...nearly two years since I've made a journal? Let's fix that shall we? Gonna touch on past, present, and future topics a 'lil in here.
So it's certainly not like I've been absent from FA or furry circles since the beginning of 2020, but I feel I've become less chatty or forthcoming (personable?) in that time. To say that 2020 threw a wrench into everyone's plans would be one hell of an understatement. We all know what happened then--what's still happening--and as much as I'd like to just skip past that topic, it's at least worth mentioning how it's affected me since.
So how has the pandemic affected Bru? Well, very much and very little. Little in the sense that my work and job situation remained virtually untouched during its onset, then slowly grew busier and busier as supply chain issues became more prevalent. I'm quite fortunate that I still had my job--that I wasn't let go or furloughed--but with the state of the world and just things in general, the job became my life. It was the same cycle of work, home, work, home. Vacations became staycations, became unused vacations, because why spend even more time in the place I retreat to every night? A month or so of this, and I came to the startling and rather depressing realization that my current routine wasn't all that different from my pre-pandemic one, just with some of the fat trimmed. And this is where the lockdown started to affect me very much. Things that I used to enjoy grew stale, dull to me. My writing suffered; it felt more like a chore than an escape. I'd waste my free time on low-effort distractions instead of socializing or world building or creating, then head to work and repeat my stupid little routine--ad infinitum, wash rinse and repeat.
I stuck it out to 2021, and things were looking up! The advent of vaccines! Maybe the world opening up after a year! I clung to that prospect as though it were floating wreckage and, wonder of wonders, it was enough to push me out of my mental funk, if only incrementally! And then a good friend of mine died. Though not from covid. I started talking to her at the end of '19, right after MFF actually. She'd talk to me so often (pester me at times, really) that she wound up dragging me out of my shell, which after last year was something I sorely needed! Her abrupt passing was a fucking punch to the gut and it sling-shotted me into an even worse place than before. I've since done all the grieving and reconciling I can, but it still hurts. That one unfortunate even has made 2021 a shite year for me; worse than all of 2020 combined. The latter half of 2021 is a different story, but yeah.
Present & Future
Things did start opening up more this year thankfully, and cons made their welcome return. I was nervous going into BLFC back in October: nervous about driving somewhere so far and solo for the first time, nervous I'd forget how to socialize well in person, along with a host of other minor worries. Wasn't worried about covid though. We're all used to the preventative measures by this point, and mandatory vaccine req certainly helped (but don't be complacent, get yourself tested after any large event! I've two negative PCR tests after two cons :>). All those worries evaporated once I arrived though, as I got to finally see my friends in person and socialize in the same space! It's amazing how therapeutic hugging a fuzzy animal person is, let alone your friends, heh. It was a weekend I desperately needed. Imagine cutting your teeth at your first con in December '19, letting it whet your appetite for more in the next year, then the goddamn plague comes and tears all those plans to shreds like so much paper. That was me the past couple years. And just last weekend I returned to MFF; the con that started it all for me hahah.
At this point I'm kinda con'd out--an unfamiliar yet good feeling to have! Since BLFC I've put more effort into socializing and getting some good writing in. It's been hit or miss, but these days it's landing more on 'hit' and I'd like to keep riding my positive and productive efforts as far as I can. I'd like to get back to normal--to be the guy I was way back when--but I think that'll only wind up being self-sabotage. I'll settle on a new normal, such that it is.
BUT! I want to wrap this up since I think I'm rambling at this point! I've recently hit 2k watchers (during MFF iirc), and I've noticed an influx of even more the past few days (hello all you lovely new people!), so I think it's high time for another watcher appreciation art raffle! I'm not sure that I'll be doing a raffle for every 1k moving forward, but I figure that with all my talk of "two years since," now would be a fitting time to do another. I haven't really organized it yet so it mayyyyy be a bit before it happens, but please do keep an eye out if such a thing interests you.
To any who made it this far thank you for reading <3 I really wanted this to be short, but then the words started flying!
So it's certainly not like I've been absent from FA or furry circles since the beginning of 2020, but I feel I've become less chatty or forthcoming (personable?) in that time. To say that 2020 threw a wrench into everyone's plans would be one hell of an understatement. We all know what happened then--what's still happening--and as much as I'd like to just skip past that topic, it's at least worth mentioning how it's affected me since.
So how has the pandemic affected Bru? Well, very much and very little. Little in the sense that my work and job situation remained virtually untouched during its onset, then slowly grew busier and busier as supply chain issues became more prevalent. I'm quite fortunate that I still had my job--that I wasn't let go or furloughed--but with the state of the world and just things in general, the job became my life. It was the same cycle of work, home, work, home. Vacations became staycations, became unused vacations, because why spend even more time in the place I retreat to every night? A month or so of this, and I came to the startling and rather depressing realization that my current routine wasn't all that different from my pre-pandemic one, just with some of the fat trimmed. And this is where the lockdown started to affect me very much. Things that I used to enjoy grew stale, dull to me. My writing suffered; it felt more like a chore than an escape. I'd waste my free time on low-effort distractions instead of socializing or world building or creating, then head to work and repeat my stupid little routine--ad infinitum, wash rinse and repeat.
I stuck it out to 2021, and things were looking up! The advent of vaccines! Maybe the world opening up after a year! I clung to that prospect as though it were floating wreckage and, wonder of wonders, it was enough to push me out of my mental funk, if only incrementally! And then a good friend of mine died. Though not from covid. I started talking to her at the end of '19, right after MFF actually. She'd talk to me so often (pester me at times, really) that she wound up dragging me out of my shell, which after last year was something I sorely needed! Her abrupt passing was a fucking punch to the gut and it sling-shotted me into an even worse place than before. I've since done all the grieving and reconciling I can, but it still hurts. That one unfortunate even has made 2021 a shite year for me; worse than all of 2020 combined. The latter half of 2021 is a different story, but yeah.
Present & Future
Things did start opening up more this year thankfully, and cons made their welcome return. I was nervous going into BLFC back in October: nervous about driving somewhere so far and solo for the first time, nervous I'd forget how to socialize well in person, along with a host of other minor worries. Wasn't worried about covid though. We're all used to the preventative measures by this point, and mandatory vaccine req certainly helped (but don't be complacent, get yourself tested after any large event! I've two negative PCR tests after two cons :>). All those worries evaporated once I arrived though, as I got to finally see my friends in person and socialize in the same space! It's amazing how therapeutic hugging a fuzzy animal person is, let alone your friends, heh. It was a weekend I desperately needed. Imagine cutting your teeth at your first con in December '19, letting it whet your appetite for more in the next year, then the goddamn plague comes and tears all those plans to shreds like so much paper. That was me the past couple years. And just last weekend I returned to MFF; the con that started it all for me hahah.
At this point I'm kinda con'd out--an unfamiliar yet good feeling to have! Since BLFC I've put more effort into socializing and getting some good writing in. It's been hit or miss, but these days it's landing more on 'hit' and I'd like to keep riding my positive and productive efforts as far as I can. I'd like to get back to normal--to be the guy I was way back when--but I think that'll only wind up being self-sabotage. I'll settle on a new normal, such that it is.
BUT! I want to wrap this up since I think I'm rambling at this point! I've recently hit 2k watchers (during MFF iirc), and I've noticed an influx of even more the past few days (hello all you lovely new people!), so I think it's high time for another watcher appreciation art raffle! I'm not sure that I'll be doing a raffle for every 1k moving forward, but I figure that with all my talk of "two years since," now would be a fitting time to do another. I haven't really organized it yet so it mayyyyy be a bit before it happens, but please do keep an eye out if such a thing interests you.
To any who made it this far thank you for reading <3 I really wanted this to be short, but then the words started flying!
Another new year's journal to add to the multitude!!
Posted 5 years agoI have to admit that I don't put much thought or ceremony when it comes to resetting the calendar, but I'd be remiss to not at least wish everyone a happy New Year! We're also moving into a whole new decade which is still something I keep forgetting. Finally...we can say we're in the 20s! Yes!!! Let's hope we all grow and thrive this next decade, yeah?
(Also how you liking that new FA update?)
(Also how you liking that new FA update?)
MFF '19 Wrap Up
Posted 5 years agoWell MFF came and went, and it was an absolute blast! So much to do and see! This was my first every furry con and I didn't entirely know what to expect, but seeing both new and familiar folks was definitely the main highlight for me. I missed some some peeps I really wanted to see, and had plans change or die far too many times to count--but that's ok! Guess that's just how it goes with these larger cons! Here are some highlights below:
So I roomed with
Wobbey, who was gracious enough to offer some room space to even attend MFF this year! He's basically the reason I was able to attend at all! Tully was also nice enough to offer rides to both me and his friends to make getting around Rosemonte a little easier~
Manged to meet
SleeplessTotodile in the flesh during the loooong registration lines on that first night and pick up my badge from him!
With the dealer's den I picked up a good amount of art related merch and met a whole slew of artists as well!
Braeburned, and
DarkNatasha were just some of the few I stopped and chatted with. Also! I took a look at the 'adult' corner of the dealer's den floor and that was definitely a spicy area, phew! BD had its own healthy little line going there, and I finally managed to see (and handle) some of Twin Tail's stuff in person!
I also had the pleasure of meeting up with
Sai-Mercael and
breezy at their room, and met their buds Flay, Zaq and Blargh! A lot of other furs swung by too for a drink or seven, including
, and many others I either can't fit in or remember:>
One of the few panels I managed to attend was
Zephra's painting workshop but unfortunately hopped in towards the tail-end of it. While there I managed to meet quite a few others like
RumbleDrake and
Slash0x, as well as
WitchKnight and
RohirrimRowan (who has a cute deer suit btw)! It's honestly surprising how many familiar furs I met in that tiny room, and in the span of like 10 minutes~
Saturday led me to find
Ulfhednar and we spent roughly half that day wandering around the convention floor and main hotel. Was pretty fun!
Ichiinu also organized a sushi group later that night which was an absolute blast to be a part of. It was all-you-can-eat too!
On the final day of MFF I caught up with
ForgottenScales and we chatted and meandered for a bit, then I went to the closing ceremonies. Later on though I bumped into
LaPatte and
The_Secret_Cave suiting on the main Hyatt floor, then proceeded to spend the next few hours as an impromptu handler for them! Tiesci mostly needed someone to take pics of him with other suiters ahaha. Oh, and I got to see the headless lounge as a result too; it's pretty neat to see how fur suiters unwind and cool off in there!
All in all MFF was a truly memorable experience! I'm already looking forward to attending my next con (BLFC), and hoping I have the opportunity to attend next year's MFF as well <3
So I roomed with

Manged to meet

With the dealer's den I picked up a good amount of art related merch and met a whole slew of artists as well!

I also had the pleasure of meeting up with

One of the few panels I managed to attend was

Saturday led me to find

On the final day of MFF I caught up with

All in all MFF was a truly memorable experience! I'm already looking forward to attending my next con (BLFC), and hoping I have the opportunity to attend next year's MFF as well <3
Raffle Winner
Posted 5 years agoRight, and the results are in! Here's the roll
Winner is
I'll be noting the winner when I get the chance. Thank you so much everyone for entering this raffle--there's a lot of you awesome folks out there and the interest you've show means so much to me <3
Winner is

I'll be noting the winner when I get the chance. Thank you so much everyone for entering this raffle--there's a lot of you awesome folks out there and the interest you've show means so much to me <3
1K Appreciation Raffle! Get some Bruve arts!!
Posted 5 years agoEdit: Raffle is now closed! I'll be putting the entries into and contact the winner shortly!
Hey all of you beasts and other assortment of creatures! I managed to hit 1K watchers a couple days back and I'd say this is as good a time as any to host a free art raffle! I've actually been meaning to do something like this since around the 500 mark but kept putting it off or got distracted. But damn though, now we're at 1000?! It's awfully flattering and a little surprising that there are this many of you out there interested in my brand of weird~
So here's the deets: I'll be paying for a duo commission from an artist I've pre-selected, which will then feature one of your characters paired up with Bruve (your choice of feral or anthro, or select any of my other characters if so desired)! The particulars of this piece (prompt, pose, etc.) will be hashed out with the winner after they've been selected. Please be sure to have a decent visual ref of your character should you be chosen!
All you need to do to enter is be watching me and comment below. New watchers are also welcome, but please don't watch and leave just for free stuff -w- I'll assign you a number through reply then plug the entries into a random generator. This raffle ends on Wednesday 12/4 @ 9pm PST. Given how close this raffle falls to MFF I likely won't be able to finalize and/or submit the prompt until the following week, but we'll see how it all plays out! Good luck you guyz :>
Hey all of you beasts and other assortment of creatures! I managed to hit 1K watchers a couple days back and I'd say this is as good a time as any to host a free art raffle! I've actually been meaning to do something like this since around the 500 mark but kept putting it off or got distracted. But damn though, now we're at 1000?! It's awfully flattering and a little surprising that there are this many of you out there interested in my brand of weird~
So here's the deets: I'll be paying for a duo commission from an artist I've pre-selected, which will then feature one of your characters paired up with Bruve (your choice of feral or anthro, or select any of my other characters if so desired)! The particulars of this piece (prompt, pose, etc.) will be hashed out with the winner after they've been selected. Please be sure to have a decent visual ref of your character should you be chosen!
All you need to do to enter is be watching me and comment below. New watchers are also welcome, but please don't watch and leave just for free stuff -w- I'll assign you a number through reply then plug the entries into a random generator. This raffle ends on Wednesday 12/4 @ 9pm PST. Given how close this raffle falls to MFF I likely won't be able to finalize and/or submit the prompt until the following week, but we'll see how it all plays out! Good luck you guyz :>
Sooo...looks like I'm goint to MFF after all! Meme within.
Posted 5 years agoYup! You read that right, I'll be attending MFF this year! It's kind of a last minute development truth be told, but I've been meaning to go to a fur con for a while now and MFF is certainly one of the more notable ones! This is all pretty much new to me so there's gonna be a whole lotta firsts: first time in Chicago (or even the midwest), first time at a con, first time meeting some of you guys in person! And speaking of which there's a whooole bunch of people I wanna see and say hi to, artists included. So without further ado here's that meme dealy below (another first!)
What day are you getting there?
Thursday, Dec. 5th
How are you traveling?
Going by plane this time. I'd rather drive buuuut I'm on the West Coast so that's hardly feasible.
Where are you staying?
Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare
Who will you be rooming with?
Gonna be rooming with
Wobbey! Tully's actually the reason I'm able to attend this late, so kudos to him ^^
How long are you going?
I'll be sticking around until Monday the 9th
What do you look like?
A somewhat thin, nondescript dude. Don't really know how to describe or sell myself tbh.
What is your gender?
How tall are you?
5'8" or 5'9" one of those.
Can I talk to you?
Sure! I'm game to meet new people as well!
Can I touch, hug, or snuggle you?
If I know you then hell yeah! If I don't then just ask (I'll probably say yes).
Are you nice?
I like to think I am but that's kind subjective right?
Are you taken?
Can I draw in your sketchbook?
I actually don't have a sketchbook. Is this a thing? I should probably get one before arriving...
Can we get art?
This one depends really. If I know you and it seems reasonable price-wise then yeah, most likely! For everything else it's gonna be "maybe."
Will you be fursuiting?
That would require a fursuit/partial, so no!
Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
Oh god...I have no idea. All over the place? Getting lost?
What is the best way to find you?
Telegram's your best bet, followed by discord and twitter. Gimme a poke on any of those if you wanna find me or chat.
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Try screaming and gesticulating wildly! Or alternatively you can just say "Hey you're that bat thing!" or "Hello, I'm [blank]!"
Are there any panels you might be attending?
There's an absolute buttload of panels going on during MFF, but I may be checking out some writing/voice-acting ones! There's also an "Intro to fursuiting" one I may be interested in seeing.
Will you be going to parties?
Gosh I dunno. I won't be in-the-know on parties so maybe not, and I hate to be that guy that invites himself!
Will you be performing?
Hell nah.
What/where will you be eating?
Unsure on this one. I DO know that I have to try deep dish at least once, being in Chicago and all!
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Maybe, yeah! It really depends on who's involved and where everyone's going etc. etc.
Can I visit your room?
Considering how I'm sharing the room and didn't book it originally, I'm leaning towards no on this one. If I know you maybe, yeah? But really it hinges on Tully.
Can I buy you drinks?
If it's sealed or I see it made, then yeah absolutely!
Can I give you stuff?
Sure I guess (I'm not even sure what "stuff" entails tbh)!
Can I take your picture?
I'd prefer not tbh. If I wind up in some group photo I'm not gonna make a fuss over it, but there's something about having my photo taken that makes me uneasy. But! If I somehow get a suit head on me or whatever then that's absolutely fine!
What are your goals for the con this year?
The biggest goal was actually going to a con, so that's gonna be accomplished in short order! Apart from that: meeting everyone I wanna meet, seeing all the various fursuiters, and nabbing some swag!
What day are you getting there?
Thursday, Dec. 5th
How are you traveling?
Going by plane this time. I'd rather drive buuuut I'm on the West Coast so that's hardly feasible.
Where are you staying?
Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare
Who will you be rooming with?
Gonna be rooming with

How long are you going?
I'll be sticking around until Monday the 9th
What do you look like?
A somewhat thin, nondescript dude. Don't really know how to describe or sell myself tbh.
What is your gender?
How tall are you?
5'8" or 5'9" one of those.
Can I talk to you?
Sure! I'm game to meet new people as well!
Can I touch, hug, or snuggle you?
If I know you then hell yeah! If I don't then just ask (I'll probably say yes).
Are you nice?
I like to think I am but that's kind subjective right?
Are you taken?
Can I draw in your sketchbook?
I actually don't have a sketchbook. Is this a thing? I should probably get one before arriving...
Can we get art?
This one depends really. If I know you and it seems reasonable price-wise then yeah, most likely! For everything else it's gonna be "maybe."
Will you be fursuiting?
That would require a fursuit/partial, so no!
Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
Oh god...I have no idea. All over the place? Getting lost?
What is the best way to find you?
Telegram's your best bet, followed by discord and twitter. Gimme a poke on any of those if you wanna find me or chat.
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Try screaming and gesticulating wildly! Or alternatively you can just say "Hey you're that bat thing!" or "Hello, I'm [blank]!"
Are there any panels you might be attending?
There's an absolute buttload of panels going on during MFF, but I may be checking out some writing/voice-acting ones! There's also an "Intro to fursuiting" one I may be interested in seeing.
Will you be going to parties?
Gosh I dunno. I won't be in-the-know on parties so maybe not, and I hate to be that guy that invites himself!
Will you be performing?
Hell nah.
What/where will you be eating?
Unsure on this one. I DO know that I have to try deep dish at least once, being in Chicago and all!
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Maybe, yeah! It really depends on who's involved and where everyone's going etc. etc.
Can I visit your room?
Considering how I'm sharing the room and didn't book it originally, I'm leaning towards no on this one. If I know you maybe, yeah? But really it hinges on Tully.
Can I buy you drinks?
If it's sealed or I see it made, then yeah absolutely!
Can I give you stuff?
Sure I guess (I'm not even sure what "stuff" entails tbh)!
Can I take your picture?
I'd prefer not tbh. If I wind up in some group photo I'm not gonna make a fuss over it, but there's something about having my photo taken that makes me uneasy. But! If I somehow get a suit head on me or whatever then that's absolutely fine!
What are your goals for the con this year?
The biggest goal was actually going to a con, so that's gonna be accomplished in short order! Apart from that: meeting everyone I wanna meet, seeing all the various fursuiters, and nabbing some swag!
So it's been a year here!
Posted 5 years agoI think I missed the date by a few weeks, but I just realized I've been kicking around this site for about a year now! Figured I'd make this journal on the heels of the great FA outage of '19--and no this isn't me plugging my other galleries or twitter (which I do have btw), but more of a general update of sorts!
Overall it's been a fun year, and as summer hits its stride I'm getting this feeling of nostalgia. I remember around this time last year I was working closely with hissee on making Bruvelighe a reality, with equal parts excitement and anxiety! Would he turn out the way I saw him in my mind? Would his ability even be all that interesting? Would anyone even like him? I'd fret over these things and much more in the hot summer evenings, along with all the planned art and headcanon I had for him. Looking back I'd say Bruve turned out fine--better, even--and there are a surprising amount of you guys that seem to share that sentiment! I've still got the drive to push onward in this community and meet some lovely new folks! And actually...on that subject, I've been toying with the idea of doing a raffle when I hit the 1k watchers mark. It's still a ways a way, but that gives me ample time to mull it over. I've been consistently missing the opportunity to do this since the 500 mark (because I'm pretty lazy, ngl), but I really do wanna give back to some of you wonderful folks <3
There's still several pieces I've been slacking on uploading, a few in need with an accompanying story too. In regards to Bruve I'd like to get in a little more concept/planar pieces with him--it's not as immediately gratifying as smut of course, but I find them quite fulfilling in their own right. I've actually got a few new characters in need of uploading and at least a couple more I'm planning to create before the year is up. I can't wait to show a few of 'em off! And that brings me to my last point: with this increasing menagerie size I'm gonna have to cozy up to sorting my gallery with folders, something that's long overdue I suppose!
Aaaand I guess that's about it! Damn, this is also my first journal of 2019...
Overall it's been a fun year, and as summer hits its stride I'm getting this feeling of nostalgia. I remember around this time last year I was working closely with hissee on making Bruvelighe a reality, with equal parts excitement and anxiety! Would he turn out the way I saw him in my mind? Would his ability even be all that interesting? Would anyone even like him? I'd fret over these things and much more in the hot summer evenings, along with all the planned art and headcanon I had for him. Looking back I'd say Bruve turned out fine--better, even--and there are a surprising amount of you guys that seem to share that sentiment! I've still got the drive to push onward in this community and meet some lovely new folks! And actually...on that subject, I've been toying with the idea of doing a raffle when I hit the 1k watchers mark. It's still a ways a way, but that gives me ample time to mull it over. I've been consistently missing the opportunity to do this since the 500 mark (because I'm pretty lazy, ngl), but I really do wanna give back to some of you wonderful folks <3
There's still several pieces I've been slacking on uploading, a few in need with an accompanying story too. In regards to Bruve I'd like to get in a little more concept/planar pieces with him--it's not as immediately gratifying as smut of course, but I find them quite fulfilling in their own right. I've actually got a few new characters in need of uploading and at least a couple more I'm planning to create before the year is up. I can't wait to show a few of 'em off! And that brings me to my last point: with this increasing menagerie size I'm gonna have to cozy up to sorting my gallery with folders, something that's long overdue I suppose!
Aaaand I guess that's about it! Damn, this is also my first journal of 2019...
Another year gone by!
Posted 6 years agoHappy new year to all of ya! For some it's already 2019, but in the states it's just under an hour away for the Eastern crowd~
With 2019 here's hoping that good things come your way--that plans fall into place and your accomplishments grow! I hope you all meet many new people, and that you enjoy the company of those who stick around...and make peace with those who don't or won't.
I can't say what 2019 holds for me, but I can safely say I'll keep trucking along. There are so many things I want to continue with, things I'd like to try or do! I'm not even gonna bother detailing all of it as it's just gonna bloat this journal up! BUT! In closing I just wanna say I've got a surprisingly great outlook, and that I'd like to once again thank you all for coming along for the ride~
Here's to a great '19!
With 2019 here's hoping that good things come your way--that plans fall into place and your accomplishments grow! I hope you all meet many new people, and that you enjoy the company of those who stick around...and make peace with those who don't or won't.
I can't say what 2019 holds for me, but I can safely say I'll keep trucking along. There are so many things I want to continue with, things I'd like to try or do! I'm not even gonna bother detailing all of it as it's just gonna bloat this journal up! BUT! In closing I just wanna say I've got a surprisingly great outlook, and that I'd like to once again thank you all for coming along for the ride~
Here's to a great '19!
Merry Xmas ♡
Posted 6 years agoI've been slacking on journals lately, and this may or may not be my final entry before year's end but I'd just like to wish you guys a merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Enjoy the time spent with your families or your friends and loved ones--and here's hoping you got what you wished for, and gave well in kind~
In the event I slack off and do nothing before new year's I'd just like to say how grateful I am to all of you who've come along for the ride. I've met and talked with some great folks since joining up last Summer, and I very much look forward to meeting more next year! Seriously you guys are awesome, and I appreciate every comment /fave/watch/ you all throw my way~
Enjoy the time spent with your families or your friends and loved ones--and here's hoping you got what you wished for, and gave well in kind~
In the event I slack off and do nothing before new year's I'd just like to say how grateful I am to all of you who've come along for the ride. I've met and talked with some great folks since joining up last Summer, and I very much look forward to meeting more next year! Seriously you guys are awesome, and I appreciate every comment /fave/watch/ you all throw my way~
$20 - $25 comms from KOTTONRYU!
Posted 6 years ago>
Hey so technically he's closed for these right now, but if interested you can still queue up on his wait-list! If not that at the very least check out his work--he's got such a great kemono-esque style, and is looking for a little more exposure; hence his promo!
Hey so technically he's closed for these right now, but if interested you can still queue up on his wait-list! If not that at the very least check out his work--he's got such a great kemono-esque style, and is looking for a little more exposure; hence his promo!
A month in review
Posted 6 years agoRight, gonna sweep the previous journal with a more recent entry! Not really planning on this being a regular thing but a self-appraisal of the last month seemed like a good idea.
First off, and most obvious, is Bruvelighe's been created! This was the paramount step I needed to make and is definitely the highlight of last month! Since that point I've also put a few comms under my belt as well (every artist has been a joy to work with thus far). Initially I was nervous about commissioning artists but I've waded into a comfortable familiarity with it, and actually find it quite enjoyable now! If I had to condense the past month into a kind of takeaway it'd be this: All of this has been great fun. It hasn't stopped being fun! I fully intend to ride the impetus of that feeling for as long as I can.
Looking forward there's still a lot I'd like to do! I've got to make my way around to an NSFW ref as well as a ref for Bru's larger feral form, try and give him some clothes (heh), and maybe try my luck at some YCHs (still a little hesitant on YCHs though for reasons I won't go into here). And while, yeah, I'm moving into lewder territory with comms I'm actually quite looking forward to commissioning some lore/species based pieces. Bruve's also not the only OC kicking around in my head...expect others later on.
Looking at it all it's kinda daunting, but if I tackle it all piecemeal it should work out fine. Guess that's about it for this journal!
First off, and most obvious, is Bruvelighe's been created! This was the paramount step I needed to make and is definitely the highlight of last month! Since that point I've also put a few comms under my belt as well (every artist has been a joy to work with thus far). Initially I was nervous about commissioning artists but I've waded into a comfortable familiarity with it, and actually find it quite enjoyable now! If I had to condense the past month into a kind of takeaway it'd be this: All of this has been great fun. It hasn't stopped being fun! I fully intend to ride the impetus of that feeling for as long as I can.
Looking forward there's still a lot I'd like to do! I've got to make my way around to an NSFW ref as well as a ref for Bru's larger feral form, try and give him some clothes (heh), and maybe try my luck at some YCHs (still a little hesitant on YCHs though for reasons I won't go into here). And while, yeah, I'm moving into lewder territory with comms I'm actually quite looking forward to commissioning some lore/species based pieces. Bruve's also not the only OC kicking around in my head...expect others later on.
Looking at it all it's kinda daunting, but if I tackle it all piecemeal it should work out fine. Guess that's about it for this journal!
Token journal for posterity
Posted 6 years agoHey everyone/anyone! Figured I'd make a journal to A) actually have an entry and B) render some kind of introduction.
So I've been on FA in a lurking capacity for a long, long time. Like over a decade kind of long. While I'd be fine with and even capable of lurking for another several years I find that maybe it's about time I participate more! In the amount of said time lurking I've created numerous OCs (usually in a fugue of maladaptive daydreaming) but have just kinda let them accumulate...and in some cases some are even forgotten. That said my artistic ability's terrible and underused, and if I'd spent as much time developing that skill as lurking then maybe I'd be an artist worth actually submitting content on FA.
Despite this I still want to see some of my ideas and characters come to life even if it's not through my own means, and the best way to go about this is of course monetizing/commissioning other artists. It's something I've never really done before and I'm looking forward to it in equal parts excitement and dread. I have an eponymously named OC all but demanding to exist but it might be a little rough getting him created without previous refs; hopefully in time everyone'll get to see him. I know I can't wait myself!
So I've been on FA in a lurking capacity for a long, long time. Like over a decade kind of long. While I'd be fine with and even capable of lurking for another several years I find that maybe it's about time I participate more! In the amount of said time lurking I've created numerous OCs (usually in a fugue of maladaptive daydreaming) but have just kinda let them accumulate...and in some cases some are even forgotten. That said my artistic ability's terrible and underused, and if I'd spent as much time developing that skill as lurking then maybe I'd be an artist worth actually submitting content on FA.
Despite this I still want to see some of my ideas and characters come to life even if it's not through my own means, and the best way to go about this is of course monetizing/commissioning other artists. It's something I've never really done before and I'm looking forward to it in equal parts excitement and dread. I have an eponymously named OC all but demanding to exist but it might be a little rough getting him created without previous refs; hopefully in time everyone'll get to see him. I know I can't wait myself!