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Writer | Registered: Feb 3, 2012 03:55
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Comments Made: 567
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Recently gone through gall bladder surgery
4 years ago
So, over the last few weeks I've been having health trouble. First was what my dad and I assumed was severe food poisoning but was something worse.
Wednesday this week it was discovered that I needed immediate gall bladder surgery. Now I'm alive and still kicking but at a vastly reduced rate. This is going to be upsetting all sorts of projects that I've been doing.
Hopefully I'm going to get better soon. :)
Wednesday this week it was discovered that I needed immediate gall bladder surgery. Now I'm alive and still kicking but at a vastly reduced rate. This is going to be upsetting all sorts of projects that I've been doing.
Hopefully I'm going to get better soon. :)
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"The pinicle of victory is one that you is one that does not require military action."
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