Views: 20913
Submissions: 325
Favs: 4588

Traditional Artist | Registered: Sep 23, 2013 12:20
Profile Is best viewed in Dark Mode....
~ ~ ~ Hello all!
I am Æveirra Nouva, A white Dragoness from the dimension of Eirrohsyndrae. I am using this human-built global cyber communication network, aka "Internet", to share my artwork, and interact with other members of the fandom <3
~~~ Here you will find most of my online artwork, ranging from colored pencil, watercolors, graphite, and acrylic.
( If you haven't already guessed, yeah - I am only a traditional artist.)
I'm not very good with technology in general. In real life I do not have phone, or Facebook.
~~~ I love making artwork, and I can draw you essentially anything your heart desires!
....Or.... I can do other things for you :)
Such as custom - program an awesome FA Profile! ( mine ;-) )
I can also help you with building a custom website. I have experience with HTML & CSS website design, and have built entire pages and programs for FA. (See Gallery).
** I'm always open to commissions, Or an Art Trade (As long as your good!!)
~~~~~~~~ Basic Info:
★ Gender: Female ♀
★ Edu Status:Post Graduate College
★ Name: Æveirra Nouva
★~~~~~ Pronounced: "Uh-Vair-Uh", "No-Vuh"
★ Nickname (For Short:) Æve, or Aeve
★~~~~~Pronounced: Like "Have", Without the "H"
★ ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮★
About Me :-)
🐲 Species: (White-Anthro) Lotus Dragon
★ Blood Type: Cold- Blooded
🌎 Home World: Eirrohsyndrae (Air-Oh-Sin-Dray
🔆 Skin Type: 95% Feathers. (Ancient Reptillian Proto-Feathers)
❤ Orientation: Bisexual (preference ratio: 70:30, Male to Female)
⭐ Occupation: Scientist / Inventor, Military strategist, Politician
💗 Main Paraphillia: Knismolagnia (Submissive)
🔘 Age: 23 years , and a proud 90s kid! ;-)
☀ Political Views: Far-Right Global Totalitarian( For the NWO, & Illuminati)
FA activity: Here are The FA groups I belong to :)
Ticklish-furs ❤Hehe, I LOVE being tickled !!!
ScaliesofFA I am a scalie :-)
fadragons...I am also, a dragon :-)
femboyicon ;-) !! <3
MTG_Furs MTG group
planeswalkerfursMagic, the Gathering, CCG
History_furs. Cus I love history! :angel:
ballpitfurs Fun, Colorful and Sphereical !!
MTG-FursI and
Hachi-Fox are co-admins of this group.
trustedartists I have been nominated for "Trusted Artists",
Which means I can be fully depended on for commissions :)
I am a programmer :) Mosty work on website designs, Page Layouts, and intergrading programs into new/existing pages.
Website Admin, Programming & Online Activity
~~ Some of programming projects were things I have worked relating to FurAffinity. Such as new page designs, and programs for a Folders system, and Message Alert system. (See Gallery for Screen shots ! )
~~ All of the programs and page layouts are 100% compatible with FA's software. :-) , Its' pretty awesome to create things that could really improve the site's look and function.
*** As of 2016, I am no longer working on FA-related web design projects.
*** I am now focusing on my own site, and its' various applications.
~~~~~ D R A G O N E T ~~~~~
I am the sites' Ûber Admin. (A co-founder, and the owner of the DN, Domain name (I.E.; (( )))
~~ It is a social networking fur-fandom site. (Similar to FA, it promotes user-based content, such as artwork, and stories ) Dragonet is specifically designed for Scalies, and of course the rest of the Fur fandom. :-)
The site has it's own forums, Instant-Messaging (chatroom), Built-in games, and a Domain Name Email service.
*** Dragonet is not a big company; and is sold-out to No One!
*** The site promotes complete freedom of speech; Users can post and say anything they want - With no censorship rules, And no repercussions.
*** The site is still new, and in it's early stages of becoming a social network.
Hence, it has few members and low recognition. But this will change in time.
~~~~~ C O M M I S S I O N ~~~~~ P R I C E S ~~~~~~
*** Every other month, each New Watcher Gets one free Drawing :)
(Beginning in July of 2016)
And please don't de-watch & re-watch me, Because I'll remember you!
*** I accept both PayPal (in USD), and BTC (BitCoin)
~~~~~ Drawing with Additional Characters: (More than 2)
🐲 +💲2.00 more than one Dragon ~~~~~ 😺 +💲3.50 more than one Furry
~~~~~ Media Type
🎨 Graphite Portrait : 7.50 ~~~~~~ ✏ Colored Pencil : 10.18
~~~~~ Standard Price Guide : ( Colored Drawing )
~ 🌟- 💲10.18 = Colored Drawing:
~ 🌟 - 💲12.00 = Fursona Badge: (Laminated, Con-Badge)
~ 🌟 - 💲15.27 = Fine Details (Any # of charecters, & Backround)
~~~ Personal Email:
~~~ Admin Email :
*** Official FA Page of ****
·······•••••••••• Æ - E - V - E - I - R - R - A ·····••••····· N - O - U - V - A ••••••••••········
~ ~ ~ Hello all!
I am Æveirra Nouva, A white Dragoness from the dimension of Eirrohsyndrae. I am using this human-built global cyber communication network, aka "Internet", to share my artwork, and interact with other members of the fandom <3
~~~ Here you will find most of my online artwork, ranging from colored pencil, watercolors, graphite, and acrylic.
( If you haven't already guessed, yeah - I am only a traditional artist.)
I'm not very good with technology in general. In real life I do not have phone, or Facebook.
~~~ I love making artwork, and I can draw you essentially anything your heart desires!
....Or.... I can do other things for you :)
Such as custom - program an awesome FA Profile! ( mine ;-) )
I can also help you with building a custom website. I have experience with HTML & CSS website design, and have built entire pages and programs for FA. (See Gallery).
** I'm always open to commissions, Or an Art Trade (As long as your good!!)
~~~~~~~~ Basic Info:
★ Gender: Female ♀
★ Edu Status:Post Graduate College
★ Name: Æveirra Nouva
★~~~~~ Pronounced: "Uh-Vair-Uh", "No-Vuh"
★ Nickname (For Short:) Æve, or Aeve
★~~~~~Pronounced: Like "Have", Without the "H"
[b] 💗_________▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Æ V E I R R A █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁________💗
★ ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮★
About Me :-)
🐲 Species: (White-Anthro) Lotus Dragon
★ Blood Type: Cold- Blooded
🌎 Home World: Eirrohsyndrae (Air-Oh-Sin-Dray
🔆 Skin Type: 95% Feathers. (Ancient Reptillian Proto-Feathers)
❤ Orientation: Bisexual (preference ratio: 70:30, Male to Female)
⭐ Occupation: Scientist / Inventor, Military strategist, Politician
💗 Main Paraphillia: Knismolagnia (Submissive)
🔘 Age: 23 years , and a proud 90s kid! ;-)
☀ Political Views: Far-Right Global Totalitarian( For the NWO, & Illuminati)
FA activity: Here are The FA groups I belong to :)


Which means I can be fully depended on for commissions :)

Website Admin, Programming & Online Activity
~~ Some of programming projects were things I have worked relating to FurAffinity. Such as new page designs, and programs for a Folders system, and Message Alert system. (See Gallery for Screen shots ! )
~~ All of the programs and page layouts are 100% compatible with FA's software. :-) , Its' pretty awesome to create things that could really improve the site's look and function.
*** As of 2016, I am no longer working on FA-related web design projects.
*** I am now focusing on my own site, and its' various applications.
~~~~~ D R A G O N E T ~~~~~
I am the sites' Ûber Admin. (A co-founder, and the owner of the DN, Domain name (I.E.; (( )))
~~ It is a social networking fur-fandom site. (Similar to FA, it promotes user-based content, such as artwork, and stories ) Dragonet is specifically designed for Scalies, and of course the rest of the Fur fandom. :-)
The site has it's own forums, Instant-Messaging (chatroom), Built-in games, and a Domain Name Email service.
*** Dragonet is not a big company; and is sold-out to No One!
*** The site promotes complete freedom of speech; Users can post and say anything they want - With no censorship rules, And no repercussions.
*** The site is still new, and in it's early stages of becoming a social network.
Hence, it has few members and low recognition. But this will change in time.
~~~~~ C O M M I S S I O N ~~~~~ P R I C E S ~~~~~~
*** Every other month, each New Watcher Gets one free Drawing :)
(Beginning in July of 2016)
And please don't de-watch & re-watch me, Because I'll remember you!
*** I accept both PayPal (in USD), and BTC (BitCoin)
~~~~~ Drawing with Additional Characters: (More than 2)
🐲 +💲2.00 more than one Dragon ~~~~~ 😺 +💲3.50 more than one Furry
~~~~~ Media Type
🎨 Graphite Portrait : 7.50 ~~~~~~ ✏ Colored Pencil : 10.18
~~~~~ Standard Price Guide : ( Colored Drawing )
~ 🌟- 💲10.18 = Colored Drawing:
~ 🌟 - 💲12.00 = Fursona Badge: (Laminated, Con-Badge)
~ 🌟 - 💲15.27 = Fine Details (Any # of charecters, & Backround)
~~~~ Feel free to send me a private Note! I check my FA fairly often, and even though it may not be immediate - I will always respond to you.
Contact Me! ~~~ Personal Email:
~~~ Admin Email :
Comments Earned: 2566
Comments Made: 3082
Journals: 20
Comments Made: 3082
Journals: 20
Recent Journal
NYFB !!!
8 years ago
Im attending The NYFB - aka the "New Years Furry Ball", in Delaware!
- Details -
I'll be there the night of the 31st,
It's a 4.5 - to about a 5 hour drive from where i live so I'll be arriving at night, around 10pm.
- Fursuiting -
Yes l I will bring my partial fursuit of my secondary character, Callisto (Calli)
((She was made by the super-talented Pandoth Crafts.))
You can't miss me, I'm a bright-neon orange Dog.
And you'll most likely find me at the RRAAVVVVEEE.... My fur is black-light sensitive
So I'll be GLOWING brightly. Haha,
Youll either find me glowing-up the dance floor, Or ill just running around the hotel.
if anyone wants to meet up with me, just let me know! I'd love to hang out with you on the Last night of 2016!
- Details -
I'll be there the night of the 31st,
It's a 4.5 - to about a 5 hour drive from where i live so I'll be arriving at night, around 10pm.
- Fursuiting -
Yes l I will bring my partial fursuit of my secondary character, Callisto (Calli)
((She was made by the super-talented Pandoth Crafts.))
You can't miss me, I'm a bright-neon orange Dog.
And you'll most likely find me at the RRAAVVVVEEE.... My fur is black-light sensitive
So I'll be GLOWING brightly. Haha,
Youll either find me glowing-up the dance floor, Or ill just running around the hotel.
if anyone wants to meet up with me, just let me know! I'd love to hang out with you on the Last night of 2016!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Lotus Dragon (anthro-reptilian)
Favorite Music
Deadmau5, Skrillex,ldygaga,kesha
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
SPYRO!!! & Ratchet and Clank
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 1 ,2
Favorite Animals
Dragons , wolves, jellyfish, tropical birds
Favorite Site
Furaffinity, DN (Dragon Network)
Favorite Quote
Contact Information


I've met you in real life, and you're a perfectly innocent and friendly guy to hang out with. Stay safe out there!
Also are you a Nazi?
As a person of color I don't take such things lightly