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Registered: Jun 19, 2020 07:29
A pig with a Ph.D., though sometimes a bunny
Comics, Fandom, Science Fiction
Comments Earned: 54
Comments Made: 61
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 61
Journals: 3
Featured Journal
What's A Pig Been Up To? (Update)
5 months ago
Hey ho, everyone,
First off: it's been a summer, fall. Since graduation and the whole dissertation mess, I've been teaching a small science fiction course at a local university, adjunct, alas, which means very low pay. It's meant to be part time, but as many academics have critiqued, many of these jobs are all folks can get, and I was lucky enough to just get one in my field of study. Other than that, I've been working on an article for publication, this third round of revisions being my most recent. I've been applying for work non-step, it seems like, and I'd really like to get something set for the next year (this job ends in December, and then I'm on my own once more). Way the world works at the moment, I suppose.
On the other hand, I was lucky enough to get a chance to speak at Another Furry Con in Ontario, CA, the first Furry Studies conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and this weekend I will be speaking at Shiftercon online. For as shoddy as the job market is right now (I can't even get a retail job with the degrees I have...), public humanities work continues to be my thing alongside teaching (which, btw, is going all right if you consider that students are engaging the material, asking questions, showing up, and looking hopeful in raising their grades from midterms). Can't say everything is negative atm!
Stay well, all of you, and register to vote! Or I'll bite you or do something piggish.
First off: it's been a summer, fall. Since graduation and the whole dissertation mess, I've been teaching a small science fiction course at a local university, adjunct, alas, which means very low pay. It's meant to be part time, but as many academics have critiqued, many of these jobs are all folks can get, and I was lucky enough to just get one in my field of study. Other than that, I've been working on an article for publication, this third round of revisions being my most recent. I've been applying for work non-step, it seems like, and I'd really like to get something set for the next year (this job ends in December, and then I'm on my own once more). Way the world works at the moment, I suppose.
On the other hand, I was lucky enough to get a chance to speak at Another Furry Con in Ontario, CA, the first Furry Studies conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and this weekend I will be speaking at Shiftercon online. For as shoddy as the job market is right now (I can't even get a retail job with the degrees I have...), public humanities work continues to be my thing alongside teaching (which, btw, is going all right if you consider that students are engaging the material, asking questions, showing up, and looking hopeful in raising their grades from midterms). Can't say everything is negative atm!
Stay well, all of you, and register to vote! Or I'll bite you or do something piggish.
