Views: 53807
Submissions: 20
Favs: 10596

Artist Funder | Registered: Sep 3, 2018 08:24
Full Name: Atticus Mura (A *roman*-tic name, huh?)
NB (Demi-Girl) "She/Her" - it's alright to call Atty a boy still though, if that's what you're comfortable with!
Actually active since: Apr X, 2019
Howdy, welcome to my page, and welcome to my Olympic Designs world - where cute girlyboys rule!
I'm just a guy with a biiiiiig appreciation for all things pink, cute and girly - especially femboys~!
I'm actually super duper shy, easily distracted, and super easy to fluster, so pardon any nervousness!
Hope you enjoy my stuff!
Feel free to ask about getting art with me, I'd love that!
Literally everything I have is a commission of some sort (I don't have a artistic bone in my body)
Please make sure to go check out the artists too!
Do not use my characters for RP or claim its yours! Seriously!
My bois:
Current List of Pals (hopefully to grow soon!)
My super friends, don't worry I'll add the ones I missed soon!

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Comments Earned: 1503
Comments Made: 958
Journals: 13
Comments Made: 958
Journals: 13
Featured Journal
Atty's Thoughts 01
2 years ago
Here's a question for y'all:
I'm wanting to re-share my gallery again -- but so much of my art I've held for SO long... and uh
My filesorting practices have been... a little less than stellar
So I may have straight up forgotten whom the artists were for most of my gallery, provided I can read their signatures
Think it's OK for me to share and request some help in IDing these wonderful artist's work with me?
Appreciate the thoughts!
Been wanting to upload forever and ever, but been too embarrassed to share cause of this point!
I'm wanting to re-share my gallery again -- but so much of my art I've held for SO long... and uh
My filesorting practices have been... a little less than stellar
So I may have straight up forgotten whom the artists were for most of my gallery, provided I can read their signatures
Think it's OK for me to share and request some help in IDing these wonderful artist's work with me?
Appreciate the thoughts!
Been wanting to upload forever and ever, but been too embarrassed to share cause of this point!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Pink Bunny
Favorite Music
RetroWave, Synth, etc.
Favorite Games
Anything where I'm large and in charge
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Foods & Drinks
RAMEN - or anything with rice!! Donburi yass!
Favorite Quote
An aspirant can afford to be promising; an Emperor must keep those promises
Contact Information