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Digital Artist | Registered: Apr 30, 2013 11:17
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Comments Earned: 1240
Comments Made: 610
Journals: 11
Comments Made: 610
Journals: 11
Recent Journal
I'm leaving.
9 years agoI recently broke up with my now ex-boyfriend. While I still love him very much and very dearly, a relationship between us at this given stage and point in time was unhealthy for the both of us. I won't say any more on the matter, and I hope both his privacy and my own are respected in kind.
All outstanding collab commissions that we were working on, he is going to finish on his own. Please seek updates out from him, as he'll be seeing to their completion and delivery.
I shall be leaving furry and disabling this account and any others associated with me indefinitely. This includes my Tumblr, Twitter, and Skype. I won't maintain contact with anyone for personal reasons, and I hope those can be respected.
All in all, I've enjoyed furry very much. I've met a whole bunch of awesome people and have loved it here, but it's time for me to turn the page on this chapter and start a new one. Thank you all for the friendships, the conversations, and the memories.
Good night, and good luck.
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