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Writer | Registered: Dec 14, 2005 05:34
Felekar is a red fox. He looks to be about 5'10' tall and looks to weigh about 140 lbs, not including his tail. He looks to have the classic coloration of a fox. Red fur all over, white fur running from his muzzle, down his belly, ending just at the base of the underside of his tail. His paws nearly up to his elbows are a dark brown, nearly indistinguishable from black in all but the best light, as are his feet. His footpaws are digitigrade, with four large toes, blunt claws adorning each. His tail stretches out behind him at four feet long, about two feet wide at its widest area, the tip quickly fading to the same white colored fur as his belly. He can always be found wearing a pair of armless glasses upon his muzzle, no frames, just the bridge holding them together, the glass slightly tinted. If he is wearing clothing, which is only when they're needed, he is just wearing a pair of loose pants, at least a size too big. They stay on his quite well thanks to the strap for his tail in the back, but they would fall at a moments notice if that were undone.
Living within his tail is an intelligent and friendly, albeit shy, tentacle creature made entirely of thick goo. It entire mass, of unknown size, is a soft cobalt blue. It's quite more likely to give you a kiss on the cheek than anything. They absorb ambient pleasure from their immediate surroundings, not unlike a plant to sunlight, and rather often they like to get others' help to produce their food supply. Contact with the goo they constantly produce causes pleasant tingle in the immediate area, while further exposure just increases the feeling to the point of near blissful pleasure. It can make nearly any spot practically erotically sensitive.
transformation, ferals,
Orgasm Control/Denial,
Oviposition, Tentacles,
subbing, petplay,
trying new things, and lots more
Much more complete list o' stuff here

Care to draw me, or something out of my stories?
By all means! I love to be a good muse.
Favorites are always appreciated, even if I don't send a thank you. Comments, and notes I will always try and reply to.
Comments Earned: 2942
Comments Made: 2904
Journals: 159
Comments Made: 2904
Journals: 159
Recent Journal
Still Going
3 years ago
Just realized I've not posted any sort of journal update in a couple of years.
Quality of life update. Still alive and kicking this way, doing fairly well!
Working still on the next chapter of Two Weeks. About 10 pages in and ready soon to release.
("Soon" he says, after it's been a couple years since the last chapter)
Quality of life update. Still alive and kicking this way, doing fairly well!
Working still on the next chapter of Two Weeks. About 10 pages in and ready soon to release.
("Soon" he says, after it's been a couple years since the last chapter)
🐾 Thank you for the watch! I am very grateful ! 🐾