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King of Snakes | Registered: Aug 8, 2015 09:14
King of Snakes, Master of the Jungles and Forests of the world~
All bow before me and worship me as their only King~
I make artwork of myself but do other things too~
FYI: I don't like alot of NSFW things, so please don't force it upon this King, or else...
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Comments Made: 1328
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2023 update
a year agoMy dear friends~....
Hope you are all doing well~
I thought I'd take the time to write a briefish journal of what's been happening for all those interested.
2023 hasn't been the best for many, a wild ride in a sense, and not all in the best way. Especially for me, it's been one hell of a ride through thick and thin, with sudden changes and new experiences both good and bad.
In the beginning it seemed like things might improve and I would've attempted to follow through on my plans to do more for myself. But they swiftly took a tumble after my bio-injection (Infleximab for anyone curious) treatment didn't agree with me no more (Started in December, then stopped in January) so I had to change things up with steroids which did not help at all. It only made my condition worse, I was slowly getting weaker and growing a fistula within me that was also causing a great amount of pain. So much so that by summer I had to stay with family and swiftly after be taken into hospital when it grew infectious and serious. Luckily I was seen to quick and they operated on me to drain the cyst and down the infection with antibiotics, but the whole thing left me broken inside, shattered even.
I recovered well luckily, the infection disappeared over the course of the weeks and I was able to eat, walk and do things a bit more, but I still have this fistula until my crohn's has fully settled into remission. So for the next few months I've been doing tests at hospitals and exams to check over everything, and soon was starting a new powder medicine called Questran, which slows down digestion so your food can process and intestines absorb as much nutrients as possible. It's a bit of a bother at times still having loo issues, but I get by most of the time. Some days are better than others.
And now I'm on a new treatment/ Bio-infusion called Ustekinumab, which is another treatment to help control Crohn's better. Had a vein infusion a few weeks back without any reactions luckily, (nothing like the other where my throat closed up, couldn't breathe and nearly passed out.) but I won't expect to see or feel any results for the next 7ish weeks from now. After that I'll have to inject more via needle under the skin, which doesn't sound cozy but, if it helps then hopefully it'll work. So all I can do now is wait and continue as I am for the best that I can. Hopefully this'll give you a better idea of what's been happening with me.
Not all of 2023 was bad however! Even tho my drawing has slowed down and I haven't really posted anything of yet, I am still making things in the background for both myself (Or least trying to) and friends, as well as try to spruce up my Twitch streaming so I can do more within the coming year. Got a pair of new sonas I'm having fun toying with in art as well as in VR (Well, want to make a model for the Gatox somehow, but will seek that after the holidays) so that's been fun in places~
Made some wonderful new friends during the year, even dated someone for awhile! (Tho we're not dating anymore, still had some good times and hope to continue as good friends moving forward) I'm very blessed to have met and become close with alot of people within the recent years, my life wouldn't be the same without them, in all honesty. They mean alot to me.
As Christmas comes around I'm hoping to make the best of it, by decorating out as much as possible, get festive, help out as much as I can and just spread some cheer on this lousy year we've been having, and hope that 2024 will be the one where things get better for all, not just me.
Can't think what else to add as I finish this journal... If there is anything people can ask I'm sure, friends know where to reach me.
And yeah, it's no secret anymore that I'm VexxBlack and still make silly snek posts in places like BlueSky or such, I just preferred to keep my snek stuff separate and will continue to do so in future. Probably didn't need saying but I felt like getting that off my chest anyway.
For now I will leave this journal and get started on trying to make Christmas special this year. I hope everyone else gets a great holiday, we certainly need more happy buzzes. Until then, stay warm, have fun, and wish you all the best, as I too will continue to do my own best. Till then, see yah for now!~
Thanks for Listening~...
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Never hurts to ask~
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