Views: 7530
Submissions: 19
Favs: 145

Mercenary | Registered: Jun 3, 2016 06:10
You are nothing but others amusement. They twist and toy with you. They take pleasure in seeing you squirm and suffer. They already have everything and you have nothing.
Comments Earned: 443
Comments Made: 587
Journals: 14
Comments Made: 587
Journals: 14
Recent Journal
Starting over
3 years ago
Last place to sign off of. Starting over, tired of hurting myself with mistakes and hurting others around me as well. Over and over i lose control and how i keep comfortable an calm hurts people around me and when i hurt others it hurts me and just spirals out of control. I’ve only told a few people this has been in debate with the wish no one stops me. I am not harming myself im simply not going to be hyper anymore. If you find me elsewhere i wont turn you away just i will not be talking. Im done with this. To all my close friends i do honestly love you to death thank you for making life bearable, but as so many have told me i need to act for myself for once and not do everything for others. This is just that. Being selfish.
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Spirit Fox
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I've stated in the past that you're cursed with my friendship and goodness.. I'm stickin to it.
Miss ya Hyper Foxo.
Im sorry ive been so bad at communicating..