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Commissioner and Watcher | Registered: May 12, 2019 08:23
Kratos comes from an old forgotten world where dragons of many species, kinds and types shared the planet. They also reside with Furs of many species as well living in coexistence. Kratos has 2 brothers and a sister as there are no others left in their species. He has several abilities that comes with his species, he's a firebreather, a healer, premonitions, able to transfer thoughts and feelings through touch along with new abilities that will come as he matures. His amulet amplifies and enhances his abilities.
Kratos' large sized planet orbits a larger gaseous giant. Which orbits around a binary star system. His planet has many moons and a ring around the planet. There is a colourful nebula in the night sky. The plants on my world have bioluminescence at night. Also, you can see several moons on the sky and the larger planet is seen... the smaller star stays around the horizon while the larger star rises high like the sol star here on earth.
There are several other planets that orbit the larger planet. The climate on my world is warm with light humidity all summer long. The temps are comfortable for me...sunbathing is relaxing. There is abundant water on my world and mountains too as some have snow at their tops. There are two seasons. The warm season and the temperate rainy season. During the temperate season is the warm season with night thunderstorms that has heavy rainfall with lightning too. By sunrise the storms are gone and its sunny all day. Then the storms all night, no tornadoes like earth has. During the rainy season, its cooler with less sunny days, but it has a gentle rain...there are sunny days, but its cooler. The mountains get snow storms.
Idk how many planets are in his system. That knowledge has long since gone, written in the parchments in the caves located in the mountains. Known as the cavern library's only the elders knew of their locations.
There was only feral dragons at one time on our world. They evolved thru the times to where we emerged. There were no gods mentioned in the very old texts in a dialect of ancient dragon no longer spoken. Only the old elders from my clan could read them. But now they are all spirits roaming the planet and the grounds of my home. The kingdoms of the past ruined so much what we strived to build and trade with the other dragons, furries, avians, canines, felines and so forth on the world. Many species were put into extinction cuz of these kingdoms. The King in the Kingdoms believed in Gods, but the residents didn't. Or they integrated into another species creating a new species. If there were any gods, they didn't intervene back then, but now there are no gods.
My world is always under threats of wars...the old ones are no longer there to protect it. Its what's the Red Dragons of the Prairies, the Snowy White and Silver Dragons of the Mountain's, the Green Wood Dragons, the Muddy Swamp Dragons, the Aqua Sea Dragons, the Black Cave Dragons and the Wooded Dwellers of the Wolves.
The Valley of the Waterfall Dragons once numbered in the thousands now only 7 to 5 remain, I am one of those 5 known remaining.
The Snowy White Mountain Dragons once numbered in the low thousands are limited to a few dozen if that. The Golden Dragons, or as the recent kingdoms called them the Golden Death Dragons, only one survives. They are a combo of the Golden and Yellow dragons that combined in the early years of their emerged species. The Felines were recently extinct when my clan numbered in the high thousands. A trade deal gone bad...they were our riders...they battled fiercely in wars with us... there are no more. My world has lost much. We struggle to keep it like it used to be. The humans are multiplying far too fast. They looking for winged dragons to kill.
His two brothers who are named: Talwar and Savarious, also an only sister named Adelaide. Kratos was raised by the Golden Dragons who are noted throughout the kingdom as Golden Dragons of Death. The Golden Dragons are very magical with many abilities throughout the thousand of years since the begging of the dragons. The Golden who raised Kratos is named Carlin. He is the only one left of this clan and lives in the deep forest under a shield of magic hiding his land and home. So from the passerby, it looks like deep woods. Within the Golden Dragon boundaries roam spirits who are Goldens from the beginning of their existence. These spirits protect the grounds as well as keep up the lush and beautiful gardens which contain many magical herbs, When new individuals visit Carlin, they must enter thru a secret door at a specific place. Once on the grounds, one will get possessed by as many of the spirits as needed. Who knows what you'll do once possessed, you may end up dancing in a waltz, or speak poetry or do art. You might romp around as there are younglings present as spirits too. You may even be possessed by two in heat dragon spirits which then transfers over to you as then you experience their heat till it wears off. Carlin is a generous and protective dragon, he's known as a Dragon Wizard/Mage. His magic is very powerful in spoken, potion and mental abilities. Carlin stands about 10ft tall, muscular build, handsome Golden dragon with a large round muscly belly. He's an older dragon but still young enough not to be middle aged.
During the raids of the kingdom lands, many raids were dispatched to wipe out species who are a threat to the kingdom. A race of Cats were wiped out, they tried to wipe out the Green Wood Dragons who were excellent in sword skills and blending in with their surroundings. Then the Valley of the Waterfall Dragons were the army of the land. There was thousands of clans with many individuals in each clan. They traded and protected those who needed their airpower attacks and ground troops with magic. They were fighting many wars as their numbers were spread out. The raids came and started killing the younglings, hatchlings and eggs along with females who were not in the army. Each clan had a few females who were responsible with keeping the number up with clutches of eggs. Everyone helped in rearing the hatchlings and younglings to young adults to adults. Many fighters were shot down and then killed. Many egg laying females were killed... those who could fly away with a single egg and deposited to a Dragon Clan or a Wolf Clan were saved. The females were so badly damaged as most didn't see their egg hatch and died. Most of their clans are reduced to spirits who roam the Valley of the Waterfalls. Now it's an ancient and abandoned city with many past treasures and a vast library.
The Valley of the Waterfalls was a group of rivers that flowed off several precipices that combined to one large river that ended in a cove where it was part of the sea. The location was stunningly beautiful, the sound of the waterfalls with much mist floating in the moving air. There was several rivers that ended there with their water flowing as a waterfall at their location. Trees and soft rolling hills stretched for miles on their lands. They lived well, they forged their own swords and armour with a special lightweight material which was easy for the dragons to wear even in flight. This metal was very strong to protect them against magic, arrows and swords. The Dragons glowed beautifully when all decked out in their armour and swords. They are well versed in sword arts, shielding and hand to hand combat if necessary. They used magic as well as fire-breathing which is very common for their species. Each clan had their own amulet which was designated by the elders of the various clans. These amulets were handed to adult dragons unless that clan was destroyed as in Kratos' case, he only received one amulet that was gold with a satin polish. It belonged to the elder of the clan, this amulet was very powerful as it holds the magic and abilities of his clan.
One day, as I was with Carlin, a voice was heard through and over their forest...a summoning. Carlin created a vortex a doorway between my world and Earth where I stepped thru and met my hyoomin. I do have the ability to visit home where I came from. The languages I now know are English, Japanese, Common Dragon and Ancient Dragon.
Kratos a winged smooth scaled. He stands at 15 ft, with a wing span of 45 ft. He's well muscled everywhere. His eyes are intimidating to his looks. His personality is stoic, reserved and selfish. He has a long tail and breathes fire. His claws are long and sharp, he has a mouthful of razor sharp teeth, a few long canine type teeth. He's attractive, erotic and arousing.
He speaks common dragon with its three dialects and Ancient Dragon with its four dialects.
The dragon has a several abilities besides fire breathing. He can transfer memories to him or from him to another, he gets premonitions. He highly skilled in combat with a sword n shield. His family are in the army, as fighters, but more so as commanders.
He is intimidating, but a great dragon underneath all that. He's not overly human friendly, but tolerates some humans. His arms are big and very strong with lots of muscle. His wings do have the hook but he folds them neatly against him. His chest is massive as are his shoulders, no nipples. He's a reptile, not a mammal with many dragons I see have nipples. He has a long midsection with eight rows of big bulky abs, that raised mirror image of a v-line that raises out a bit. His legs are strong and muscular like the rest of him. He's well proportioned. His back has to be very strong to support those huge wings.
He eats anything and everything, whole generally, since he cannot chew well. He has two horns at the top of his head that have some length, his ears are off to the side but he hears very well. His sense of smell is quite efficient. My stomach digests everything into a thick slurry. It's my small intestines are very, very long...then my larger intestines are long too... it takes 3 days for food to enter my mouth to exit nearby the tail.
He comes from the Valley of the Waterfalls, a beautiful place with bluffs, rivers ending in long, high waterfalls. Some are small, near the cove out to a sea. The land sits up high with beautiful surroundings.
Kratos is his first name, his middle name is Suvarious as he doesn't know his last name if he even had one. His clan is of many warriors. They were involved in creating the army to protect the homeland and surrounding villages. Others were into making weapons used for trade and supplying their own with armour, swords, arrows for the archers, shields and all. They have to be solid muscle to carry and deal with the weapons. The armour was light so it didn't weigh the flyer down, but durable against arrows and sword blows. They had Dragowizards as backup support.
Tho he stands 15' tall, shoulders to shoulder is 6ft wide, his chest is 5.5ft wide which slightly tapers down to his lower belly. His entire stomach is about 4 or so feet long and 5ft wide. From his lower groin to the horns on his head is 8 ft long. From his feets to his lower groin is 7 ft. He is a very thick dragon from front to back about 5.5ft thick to support his 45' wing span. He is a solid muscle, powerful and lean. Though fat needed for a dragon of his species. he weighs approx 2500 lbs.
He's a fire breather, healer, premonitions, telekinesis, empathy, he's able to transfer memories and knowledge from his mind to another or from another to another thru communing by touch. He's an excellent with the sword and shield. Kratos doesn't know when he will receive all his abilities. As he grows older, they make their appearance be known. Some he wont get till he's an older mature dragon. He's very young in dragon age. A youngling so to speak on his world, he's 29 in earth years. Kratos is young dragon, he's not a young adult yet in dragon years. His species can live up to or just past 5000 yrs. He has a long way to go.
The blue crystal glows on the amulet as does the one on his shoulders. As he uses his abilities it glows brighter. But just being around his neck, it glows lightly, but not dimly.
As his tale goes, the amulet does nobody else any good. It only works for Kratos. If stolen, the amulet always finds its owner. Its attuned to Kratos's lifeforce, its an amplifier for his own magical abilities, it's from his clan and the elders it possessed long ago transferring their abilities to the Amulet, which transfers to Kratos as he ages. When he becomes an elder, he will have all the abilities the past elders had. Till he's ready to pass it onto the next clan dragon, usually a hatching at almost the time of death for Kratos.
I am Stoic, Reserved and sorta Selfish. Humans or Hoomins as I call them from Common Dragon. My creator is course an accepted Hyoomin as I belong to him, I am his dragon! If dragons like me existed, I'd have no trouble protecting him. I am fiercely protective of those I love and care about. I am a gay dragon, only during heat, I will have sex a female only during that time to preserve my dwindling species. I prefer a pure bred female dragon from the Valley of the Waterfalls. Most of my kind are spirits that we can commune with.
I was raised by the Golden Dragons, who are very magical and live in a sanctuary deep in the forest. Their land is kept secret by a magical boundary that leaves their clan and home invisible to outsiders, as all you see is forest. There is a special hidden entrance to enter the sanctuary. Once a year in the Sanctuary, the Golden Dragons have Festival. Where all the Golden Dragon spirits become corporeal for 2 days or 48 hours. There are parties, games, gardens, magic, bonfires, wrestling, dance, artists, fighters and more gather, talk and course eat. Huge banquets feeding a thousand or more dragons for those 2 days. On the 3 day, all the dragons revert back to spirits once again. It's a painful time during the reverting as many of them don't want to revert, lots of crying, screaming, yelling and so forth, as its a sad time. The gardens are amazing in the sanctuary as they are always tended to by the spirits. Just be careful not to pick any. Possessions are a common place in the sanctuary, which can last a few moments to several minutes. The Spirit has total control of you, it's a most interesting experience to be possessed. The Spirits possess new individuals who enter the Sanctuary. Anything and everything can happen there. It's a huge magical experience, most who enter are not fully prepared of what to expect. If possessed, you could be waltzing around, reciting poetry, doing an art pose or the artist, romping around like younglings, kissing another individual or feeling heat from a spirit which transfers off to you.
When inside the house, if you want something, just ask for it out loud, it will arrive to you. You have your own servant to ready your room, wake you, and talk to, which again is a spirit.
(more to add as time allots)
Put this on your page if you are a dragon or support them!
║║║║║║║║║╔═╝║╔═╝ Put this on
║╚╝║║║║║║║╔╗║╚═╗ your page
║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
I just love hugs.
Favourite Individuals: MyBuddy_Delta * Monchi* Raventhan* AzureParagon
* Red_Dragon_Roar* daikitei* maldu * ragincajunsmith (more to come)
Groups: scaliesoffa ~ pridedragons ~ uniteddragons ~ gaydragons ~
gayscalies ~
fadragons ~
musclegutfurs ~
bigmuscleanthros ~
buddyfightfans ~
fatalvorefurs ~
vore-furs ~
humanprey ~
creepycommentswelcome ~
Favourite Artists:
Kratos Arts That I have Commissioned:
Daikitei Finished & Paid, Second Commish, Finished and Paid
hikaze Finished & Paid
Monchi Finished and Paid
SilentKnightOwl finished and Paid
Kalidragon Finished and Paid
Wolfontherun30. Finished and free
Dusk_Coffee Twitter: Finished and Paid
WH6K Twitter: Finished and Paid
XBOOMMON Twitter: Commission soon
The Forgess Patreon: Finished and Paid
Red_Dragon_Roar Finished and Paid
AzureParagon Finished and Paid
AlienSymbol Stickers Finished and paid
P-Aei Commissioned and Paid, Finished
Lerchief2007 Commissioned, Finished and Paid
Amon-Sydonai Commissioned and paid, two busts finished, full body commissioned and Paid, MyBuddy_Delta Delta added for a Ref Sheet
BNA_V5 Commissioned with
stut and Both Paid
Shark-Blade Commissioned and Paid
Tankdragon commissioned and Paid (Artist is behind)
XUAN_SIRIUS Requested a commission?? (have not heard back)
Trencalos Commission soon??
Sollyz Refused, always refused. (Guess my money isn't Good enough) :-(
Kratos' large sized planet orbits a larger gaseous giant. Which orbits around a binary star system. His planet has many moons and a ring around the planet. There is a colourful nebula in the night sky. The plants on my world have bioluminescence at night. Also, you can see several moons on the sky and the larger planet is seen... the smaller star stays around the horizon while the larger star rises high like the sol star here on earth.
There are several other planets that orbit the larger planet. The climate on my world is warm with light humidity all summer long. The temps are comfortable for me...sunbathing is relaxing. There is abundant water on my world and mountains too as some have snow at their tops. There are two seasons. The warm season and the temperate rainy season. During the temperate season is the warm season with night thunderstorms that has heavy rainfall with lightning too. By sunrise the storms are gone and its sunny all day. Then the storms all night, no tornadoes like earth has. During the rainy season, its cooler with less sunny days, but it has a gentle rain...there are sunny days, but its cooler. The mountains get snow storms.
Idk how many planets are in his system. That knowledge has long since gone, written in the parchments in the caves located in the mountains. Known as the cavern library's only the elders knew of their locations.
There was only feral dragons at one time on our world. They evolved thru the times to where we emerged. There were no gods mentioned in the very old texts in a dialect of ancient dragon no longer spoken. Only the old elders from my clan could read them. But now they are all spirits roaming the planet and the grounds of my home. The kingdoms of the past ruined so much what we strived to build and trade with the other dragons, furries, avians, canines, felines and so forth on the world. Many species were put into extinction cuz of these kingdoms. The King in the Kingdoms believed in Gods, but the residents didn't. Or they integrated into another species creating a new species. If there were any gods, they didn't intervene back then, but now there are no gods.
My world is always under threats of wars...the old ones are no longer there to protect it. Its what's the Red Dragons of the Prairies, the Snowy White and Silver Dragons of the Mountain's, the Green Wood Dragons, the Muddy Swamp Dragons, the Aqua Sea Dragons, the Black Cave Dragons and the Wooded Dwellers of the Wolves.
The Valley of the Waterfall Dragons once numbered in the thousands now only 7 to 5 remain, I am one of those 5 known remaining.
The Snowy White Mountain Dragons once numbered in the low thousands are limited to a few dozen if that. The Golden Dragons, or as the recent kingdoms called them the Golden Death Dragons, only one survives. They are a combo of the Golden and Yellow dragons that combined in the early years of their emerged species. The Felines were recently extinct when my clan numbered in the high thousands. A trade deal gone bad...they were our riders...they battled fiercely in wars with us... there are no more. My world has lost much. We struggle to keep it like it used to be. The humans are multiplying far too fast. They looking for winged dragons to kill.
His two brothers who are named: Talwar and Savarious, also an only sister named Adelaide. Kratos was raised by the Golden Dragons who are noted throughout the kingdom as Golden Dragons of Death. The Golden Dragons are very magical with many abilities throughout the thousand of years since the begging of the dragons. The Golden who raised Kratos is named Carlin. He is the only one left of this clan and lives in the deep forest under a shield of magic hiding his land and home. So from the passerby, it looks like deep woods. Within the Golden Dragon boundaries roam spirits who are Goldens from the beginning of their existence. These spirits protect the grounds as well as keep up the lush and beautiful gardens which contain many magical herbs, When new individuals visit Carlin, they must enter thru a secret door at a specific place. Once on the grounds, one will get possessed by as many of the spirits as needed. Who knows what you'll do once possessed, you may end up dancing in a waltz, or speak poetry or do art. You might romp around as there are younglings present as spirits too. You may even be possessed by two in heat dragon spirits which then transfers over to you as then you experience their heat till it wears off. Carlin is a generous and protective dragon, he's known as a Dragon Wizard/Mage. His magic is very powerful in spoken, potion and mental abilities. Carlin stands about 10ft tall, muscular build, handsome Golden dragon with a large round muscly belly. He's an older dragon but still young enough not to be middle aged.
During the raids of the kingdom lands, many raids were dispatched to wipe out species who are a threat to the kingdom. A race of Cats were wiped out, they tried to wipe out the Green Wood Dragons who were excellent in sword skills and blending in with their surroundings. Then the Valley of the Waterfall Dragons were the army of the land. There was thousands of clans with many individuals in each clan. They traded and protected those who needed their airpower attacks and ground troops with magic. They were fighting many wars as their numbers were spread out. The raids came and started killing the younglings, hatchlings and eggs along with females who were not in the army. Each clan had a few females who were responsible with keeping the number up with clutches of eggs. Everyone helped in rearing the hatchlings and younglings to young adults to adults. Many fighters were shot down and then killed. Many egg laying females were killed... those who could fly away with a single egg and deposited to a Dragon Clan or a Wolf Clan were saved. The females were so badly damaged as most didn't see their egg hatch and died. Most of their clans are reduced to spirits who roam the Valley of the Waterfalls. Now it's an ancient and abandoned city with many past treasures and a vast library.
The Valley of the Waterfalls was a group of rivers that flowed off several precipices that combined to one large river that ended in a cove where it was part of the sea. The location was stunningly beautiful, the sound of the waterfalls with much mist floating in the moving air. There was several rivers that ended there with their water flowing as a waterfall at their location. Trees and soft rolling hills stretched for miles on their lands. They lived well, they forged their own swords and armour with a special lightweight material which was easy for the dragons to wear even in flight. This metal was very strong to protect them against magic, arrows and swords. The Dragons glowed beautifully when all decked out in their armour and swords. They are well versed in sword arts, shielding and hand to hand combat if necessary. They used magic as well as fire-breathing which is very common for their species. Each clan had their own amulet which was designated by the elders of the various clans. These amulets were handed to adult dragons unless that clan was destroyed as in Kratos' case, he only received one amulet that was gold with a satin polish. It belonged to the elder of the clan, this amulet was very powerful as it holds the magic and abilities of his clan.
One day, as I was with Carlin, a voice was heard through and over their forest...a summoning. Carlin created a vortex a doorway between my world and Earth where I stepped thru and met my hyoomin. I do have the ability to visit home where I came from. The languages I now know are English, Japanese, Common Dragon and Ancient Dragon.
Kratos a winged smooth scaled. He stands at 15 ft, with a wing span of 45 ft. He's well muscled everywhere. His eyes are intimidating to his looks. His personality is stoic, reserved and selfish. He has a long tail and breathes fire. His claws are long and sharp, he has a mouthful of razor sharp teeth, a few long canine type teeth. He's attractive, erotic and arousing.
He speaks common dragon with its three dialects and Ancient Dragon with its four dialects.
The dragon has a several abilities besides fire breathing. He can transfer memories to him or from him to another, he gets premonitions. He highly skilled in combat with a sword n shield. His family are in the army, as fighters, but more so as commanders.
He is intimidating, but a great dragon underneath all that. He's not overly human friendly, but tolerates some humans. His arms are big and very strong with lots of muscle. His wings do have the hook but he folds them neatly against him. His chest is massive as are his shoulders, no nipples. He's a reptile, not a mammal with many dragons I see have nipples. He has a long midsection with eight rows of big bulky abs, that raised mirror image of a v-line that raises out a bit. His legs are strong and muscular like the rest of him. He's well proportioned. His back has to be very strong to support those huge wings.
He eats anything and everything, whole generally, since he cannot chew well. He has two horns at the top of his head that have some length, his ears are off to the side but he hears very well. His sense of smell is quite efficient. My stomach digests everything into a thick slurry. It's my small intestines are very, very long...then my larger intestines are long too... it takes 3 days for food to enter my mouth to exit nearby the tail.
He comes from the Valley of the Waterfalls, a beautiful place with bluffs, rivers ending in long, high waterfalls. Some are small, near the cove out to a sea. The land sits up high with beautiful surroundings.
Kratos is his first name, his middle name is Suvarious as he doesn't know his last name if he even had one. His clan is of many warriors. They were involved in creating the army to protect the homeland and surrounding villages. Others were into making weapons used for trade and supplying their own with armour, swords, arrows for the archers, shields and all. They have to be solid muscle to carry and deal with the weapons. The armour was light so it didn't weigh the flyer down, but durable against arrows and sword blows. They had Dragowizards as backup support.
Tho he stands 15' tall, shoulders to shoulder is 6ft wide, his chest is 5.5ft wide which slightly tapers down to his lower belly. His entire stomach is about 4 or so feet long and 5ft wide. From his lower groin to the horns on his head is 8 ft long. From his feets to his lower groin is 7 ft. He is a very thick dragon from front to back about 5.5ft thick to support his 45' wing span. He is a solid muscle, powerful and lean. Though fat needed for a dragon of his species. he weighs approx 2500 lbs.
He's a fire breather, healer, premonitions, telekinesis, empathy, he's able to transfer memories and knowledge from his mind to another or from another to another thru communing by touch. He's an excellent with the sword and shield. Kratos doesn't know when he will receive all his abilities. As he grows older, they make their appearance be known. Some he wont get till he's an older mature dragon. He's very young in dragon age. A youngling so to speak on his world, he's 29 in earth years. Kratos is young dragon, he's not a young adult yet in dragon years. His species can live up to or just past 5000 yrs. He has a long way to go.
The blue crystal glows on the amulet as does the one on his shoulders. As he uses his abilities it glows brighter. But just being around his neck, it glows lightly, but not dimly.
As his tale goes, the amulet does nobody else any good. It only works for Kratos. If stolen, the amulet always finds its owner. Its attuned to Kratos's lifeforce, its an amplifier for his own magical abilities, it's from his clan and the elders it possessed long ago transferring their abilities to the Amulet, which transfers to Kratos as he ages. When he becomes an elder, he will have all the abilities the past elders had. Till he's ready to pass it onto the next clan dragon, usually a hatching at almost the time of death for Kratos.
I am Stoic, Reserved and sorta Selfish. Humans or Hoomins as I call them from Common Dragon. My creator is course an accepted Hyoomin as I belong to him, I am his dragon! If dragons like me existed, I'd have no trouble protecting him. I am fiercely protective of those I love and care about. I am a gay dragon, only during heat, I will have sex a female only during that time to preserve my dwindling species. I prefer a pure bred female dragon from the Valley of the Waterfalls. Most of my kind are spirits that we can commune with.
I was raised by the Golden Dragons, who are very magical and live in a sanctuary deep in the forest. Their land is kept secret by a magical boundary that leaves their clan and home invisible to outsiders, as all you see is forest. There is a special hidden entrance to enter the sanctuary. Once a year in the Sanctuary, the Golden Dragons have Festival. Where all the Golden Dragon spirits become corporeal for 2 days or 48 hours. There are parties, games, gardens, magic, bonfires, wrestling, dance, artists, fighters and more gather, talk and course eat. Huge banquets feeding a thousand or more dragons for those 2 days. On the 3 day, all the dragons revert back to spirits once again. It's a painful time during the reverting as many of them don't want to revert, lots of crying, screaming, yelling and so forth, as its a sad time. The gardens are amazing in the sanctuary as they are always tended to by the spirits. Just be careful not to pick any. Possessions are a common place in the sanctuary, which can last a few moments to several minutes. The Spirit has total control of you, it's a most interesting experience to be possessed. The Spirits possess new individuals who enter the Sanctuary. Anything and everything can happen there. It's a huge magical experience, most who enter are not fully prepared of what to expect. If possessed, you could be waltzing around, reciting poetry, doing an art pose or the artist, romping around like younglings, kissing another individual or feeling heat from a spirit which transfers off to you.
When inside the house, if you want something, just ask for it out loud, it will arrive to you. You have your own servant to ready your room, wake you, and talk to, which again is a spirit.
(more to add as time allots)
Put this on your page if you are a dragon or support them!
║║║║║║║║║╔═╝║╔═╝ Put this on
║╚╝║║║║║║║╔╗║╚═╗ your page
║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
I just love hugs.
Favourite Individuals: MyBuddy_Delta * Monchi* Raventhan* AzureParagon
* Red_Dragon_Roar* daikitei* maldu * ragincajunsmith (more to come)
Groups: scaliesoffa ~ pridedragons ~ uniteddragons ~ gaydragons ~

Favourite Artists:

Kratos Arts That I have Commissioned:

Dusk_Coffee Twitter: Finished and Paid
WH6K Twitter: Finished and Paid
XBOOMMON Twitter: Commission soon
The Forgess Patreon: Finished and Paid

Lerchief2007 Commissioned, Finished and Paid

Tankdragon commissioned and Paid (Artist is behind)
XUAN_SIRIUS Requested a commission?? (have not heard back)
Trencalos Commission soon??
Sollyz Refused, always refused. (Guess my money isn't Good enough) :-(
Comments Earned: 350
Comments Made: 299
Journals: 6
Comments Made: 299
Journals: 6
Featured Journal
Fur Suiter Sought
5 years agoIf anyone know of someone who has made Dragon suits, can they send them to my FA Page where my contact info is listed.
Thank You.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
just about anything but heavy metal, Punk, and stuff that has no meaning or screaming along with rap
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Transformers, Star Trek, Star Wars,
Favorite Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
old nintendo
Favorite Animals
Dragons and Furs
Favorite Site
FA, YouTube
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Hoomins, just about anything else. Preferrably Alive, Can eat other processed foods.
Favorite Quote
"Take a sip of my creamy Dragon Juice, Mmm!"
Contact Information