Views: 6503
Submissions: 296
Favs: 3028

You're winner! | Registered: Jan 16, 2017 09:45
still here with the same laptop since 2018!
birthyear is 2000.717
C O M I S S I O N S are always open!
trades are a depends
requests are a depends as well, you see, I get bored more often than I get comms or trades so I just end up doing them even after swearing I'd stop over and over again so it's just a matter of time till I ask for suggestions or wtvr so don't be afraid to give me stuff to have fun with :]
Commissions are done!
trade with muffin_7771 c'mon now, kvol...
if you like my stuff and want to support me you can give me a donation in ko-fi ^^
donations are more than appreciated!
my discord server if you wanna join an at times active server, we all have the same timezone and sometimes I do streams doing commissions
take some time to stop by and talk a lil bit :3c
I don't mind having my characters traced over, just credit me
If I follow you, there's a BIG big chance I wanna do a trade
birthyear is 2000.717
C O M I S S I O N S are always open!
trades are a depends
requests are a depends as well, you see, I get bored more often than I get comms or trades so I just end up doing them even after swearing I'd stop over and over again so it's just a matter of time till I ask for suggestions or wtvr so don't be afraid to give me stuff to have fun with :]
Commissions are done!
trade with muffin_7771 c'mon now, kvol...
if you like my stuff and want to support me you can give me a donation in ko-fi ^^
donations are more than appreciated!
my discord server if you wanna join an at times active server, we all have the same timezone and sometimes I do streams doing commissions
take some time to stop by and talk a lil bit :3c
I don't mind having my characters traced over, just credit me
If I follow you, there's a BIG big chance I wanna do a trade
Job Search Tip 32 Remix: First Question of Every Interview
by Edwin_at_work, faved: a day ago

Comments Earned: 517
Comments Made: 920
Journals: 8
Comments Made: 920
Journals: 8
Recent Journal
december update
3 months agoI've passed my university semester, yayyy :D, and I'm free for whatever till march AFAIK, so I should be a LOT more active, I HOPE, there's been a lot of blackouts in my municipality and I'd guess it's just the infrastructure being too old and it's getting some fixing and upgrade, but I can make the counterargument that I'm barely younger than the grid and other zones are not getting this kind of problems as often AND we had frequent blackouts from february to march of this same year, some bad actors is most likely to be the answer
it's weird
anyway, I've started many coding projects and finished none of them, so now it's time to get back on track and do something about them dammit
but maybe I could start a new one because the current ones are just too broken for me to care and spend a week or so fixing bugs instead of doing everything from the ground up with an over all better design, the more I fail the more I learn i guess
now to things that concern the most of you: commissions
they do be going up in price, I said that in my last journal so read up guys
the summary:
for an actual drawing taking my sketch price ($5) as my pivot, then the new prices next year would be:
sketches keep their price
inking+color $13 -> $16
hard shading $17 -> $21
soft shading $20 -> $25
for them backgrounds
abstract ones $5 -> $7
detailed ones $10 -> $13
they'll be effective since the start of the new year, no hurries, except for me cuz I have LOTS of projects I gotta finish first before xmas aaaa D:
because of that it's unlikely I'll be taking commissions or finishing them before new year, however, if I do accept it, I'll be respecting the old price regardless of when I finish it
so with no further ado,
godspeed you
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Music
Manifesto by Dane from Booze Design
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Birdboy: the forgotten children
Favorite Games
TBOI, Luanti, robotfindskitten
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Linux gaming hell yeh
Favorite Animals
Contact Information

Aww thank you! Love your work as well, surprised it took me this long to find you!