Views: 649
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✨ Electric Momma ✨ | Registered: Oct 8, 2022 10:50
Comments Earned: 25
Comments Made: 54
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 54
Journals: 1
Featured Journal
Hey! I'm opening up commissions! (๑˘︶˘๑)
9 months agoHeyo!
As the title says I'm officially open and taking commissions! ♡ ♡ ♡
You can find art examples, my prices & some additional info here ---->
I made an art specific discord last year that I should be using, so if you're interested in a commission or have any questions feel free to message me...
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ @leiorwyn
I'll be uploading a few previously completed commissions so you can see some other work besides my gorgeous OC Zoey! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
I'd super appreciate if you'd share this or my commission info with anyone who you think might be interested!
Thanks so much,
Lei ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Saber Tiger X Lion
Favorite Music
Instrumentals and Movie, Game & Series OSTs
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Kung Fu Panda 1&2,
Favorite Games
Baldur's Gate 3, Carnal Instinct, TitanFall 2
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC & Switch
Favorite Animals
Wild & Domesitcated Cats & Red Pandas
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Italian & Asian foods