Views: 8386
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Watcher | Registered: Sep 5, 2007 12:24
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Comments Earned: 1784
Comments Made: 3260
Journals: 9
Comments Made: 3260
Journals: 9
Recent Journal
Game on! (Updated)
9 years agoPC: League of Legends, Dawn of War 2: The Last Stand, Street Fighter 5, and Warframe.
Xbox One: Battlefield 4, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, and Titanfall.
Xbox 360: Battlefieled Bad Company 2
WiiU: Smash Bros. Pokken Tournament, and Hyrule Warriors.
Other: I also play the tabletop wargame Warhammer 40,000, as well as some random card games like Yomi and Furoticon... In the past I used to play them all like Yugioh, MTG, Overpower, so I know TCG talk :p
IF you want a gaming buddy hit me up ether here or on my Twitter (@leonix13), I usually play at night after I get home from work (11:30PM EST)... If I suck, I'm sorry. If you suck, meh who cares =^_^= I'm just looking to have fun while attempting to look like we know what we are doing :3
I also enjoy anime, and comics too.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
Lion-Pheonix Gryphon
Favorite Music
Techno/80s Hairbands
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Sci-fi, Fantasy & Anime mostly
Favorite Games
Most Fighting/RTS Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
I gotta name just one?
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Take out XD
Favorite Quote
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
Contact Information

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