Views: 52917
Submissions: 20
Favs: 789

Writer | Registered: Jul 2, 2009 01:36
Oh, Hello! I'm Ryan Charles Fullmer, but in the furry fandom I am Ryker the red kangaroo. I'm a physics major who graduated in 2010. I love science, history, and comparative religion. I have an almost unearthly ability to fix problems of almost any type and have been called a miracle worker on way too many occasions. My most developed creative talent is writing, and I hope to actually produce some material worthy of being read on this website.
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Comments Earned: 6035
Comments Made: 6239
Journals: 16
Comments Made: 6239
Journals: 16
Featured Journal
Networking on FA!
7 years ago
I have yet another question for the people here! Does anyone here work at Northrop Grumman or know some one who does? I'm looking to get a referral in.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Red Kangaroo
Favorite Music
New Age, Synthisizer, Celtic, Jazz
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Favorite Games
The Command and Conquer series
Favorite Animals
The giant squid
Favorite Site
Encyclopedia Astronautica
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Well done steak
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