Views: 90456
Submissions: 1
Favs: 63

Photographer | Registered: Sep 21, 2013 12:08
This is an icon account to show that you do not want your art being posted onto RP sites and that if anyone recognizes any of your art being used that they should let you know as many signatures and insignias are unrecognizable and/or unreadable for those whom don't know the artists in question.
This icon represents someone's choice not to have their art re-posted on ALL roleplay sites unless it was by them and only serves as a clear indicator that if it is seen and you recognise it then you should let them know about it. This account is unattended and serves merely as an indicator to others than you do not use F-List we do not actively seek anyone out or do anything.
This icon represents someone's choice not to have their art re-posted on ALL roleplay sites unless it was by them and only serves as a clear indicator that if it is seen and you recognise it then you should let them know about it. This account is unattended and serves merely as an indicator to others than you do not use F-List we do not actively seek anyone out or do anything.
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Comments Earned: 206
Comments Made: 32
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Comments Made: 32
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GothCrux was a porn-addicted diaperfur who would throw tantrums at the very idea that someone would not like role playing or F-List. Much hilarity ensued, but that nibbla's gone now.