Views: 12159
Submissions: 138
Favs: 1525

fiiish | Registered: Sep 26, 2010 06:11
Just a shark lad.
I do some doodles from time to time. But most of my stuff is commissions.
You can find me at other places listed Here on Linktree
I also have my own website: trzdvk
***Information regarding the usage of my characters***
If you want to make/get art with my characters I would really appreciate it if you run it by me first.
Best Friends

People I consider friends: (If you aren't here don't worry I'm still filling it out)

Comments Earned: 331
Comments Made: 280
Journals: 4
Comments Made: 280
Journals: 4
Featured Journal
a month ago
So right off the bat.
Had a super wild rollercoaster of a series of life events.
Birthday, context for events in my childhood being learned, home condition issues, crazy weather, tons of work events, sudden realization that shits hit the fan and I've been ignoring it.
So to set expectations: I AM NOT OK, BUT I WILL BE FINE!
I already started shoving things into motion with life and home and work.
Got a week long work vacation set up to fully disconnect from that.
Ripped the breaks off my reluctance to just do certain things, which is why I'm now blasting your inbox with postings. (These are things I've been sitting on for +4 YEAAAARSSS)
Created a website to finally have a centralized location for all my shit. Still working on it but you can check it out over Here at! I'd love some feedback.
Built a Home NAS and have been doing physical and cloud backups.
Started throwing shit out that's been collecting dust and just writing it off as a loss and moving on.
Organizing my life and plans to stop riding the wind and to start using the rudder.
And the most important part.
**Removing the damn filter I've been using for myself**
I no longer spare any effort or energy that are outside my sphere of control.
Politics, World events, the next drama someone kicks up.
I have my own problems to deal with and I need that energy to deal with them.
I still stand firm that I will be a good person to those I interact with on the grounds you return the same courtesies. If I'm being an ass, I need to be called out on it by who I am currently interacting with.
So saying that.
There's a lot of people I need to get in touch with and re-establish those bridges.
So be ready for me to kick your door in and start interacting with you if you are on my list >:D
****Please be aware I may shove updates into this journal as I'm full steam and may have forgotten something.****
Had a super wild rollercoaster of a series of life events.
Birthday, context for events in my childhood being learned, home condition issues, crazy weather, tons of work events, sudden realization that shits hit the fan and I've been ignoring it.
So to set expectations: I AM NOT OK, BUT I WILL BE FINE!
I already started shoving things into motion with life and home and work.
Got a week long work vacation set up to fully disconnect from that.
Ripped the breaks off my reluctance to just do certain things, which is why I'm now blasting your inbox with postings. (These are things I've been sitting on for +4 YEAAAARSSS)
Created a website to finally have a centralized location for all my shit. Still working on it but you can check it out over Here at! I'd love some feedback.
Built a Home NAS and have been doing physical and cloud backups.
Started throwing shit out that's been collecting dust and just writing it off as a loss and moving on.
Organizing my life and plans to stop riding the wind and to start using the rudder.
And the most important part.
**Removing the damn filter I've been using for myself**
I no longer spare any effort or energy that are outside my sphere of control.
Politics, World events, the next drama someone kicks up.
I have my own problems to deal with and I need that energy to deal with them.
I still stand firm that I will be a good person to those I interact with on the grounds you return the same courtesies. If I'm being an ass, I need to be called out on it by who I am currently interacting with.
So saying that.
There's a lot of people I need to get in touch with and re-establish those bridges.
So be ready for me to kick your door in and start interacting with you if you are on my list >:D
****Please be aware I may shove updates into this journal as I'm full steam and may have forgotten something.****
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
'Tiger' shark
Favorite Games
Cyberpunk, Armored Core, Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC, Switch, 3DS
Favorite Animals
Sharks, dragons, lizards, orcas
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Contact Information