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Photographer | Registered: Jun 3, 2010 09:23
This account is for herp photography, info and care.
If you need to contact me, emailing ophidile[at] is best as I sometimes don't check this account when I'm busy.
Photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. See this journal entry for details.
If you need to contact me, emailing ophidile[at] is best as I sometimes don't check this account when I'm busy.
Photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. See this journal entry for details.
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Out of the snake business
13 years ago
Thought I should update that I've rehomed all my snakes.
It was a hard decision to make, as I would have preferred to have kept my adults for their full lifespan. Unfortunately society is still fairly intolerant of reptiles and, while I was willing to deal with that, I didn't think it was fair to force my SO and family to do so. The cliffnotes summary is that I'm moving and while I've done several times before with the snakes, this time it was a burden for too many people who are not me.
I've tried to rehome my critters in the most responsible fashion possible. There are still some up for adoption with the Chicago Herpetological Society if anyone is interested, particularly those near Chicago! They do not ship.
I do plan to continue taking photos at shows and on herp trips, but do not want to breed again. While snakes themselves are low maintenance, raising the babies and selling them is a LOT of time and work and no, I don't think there's any profit it if you're putting the animals' interests first. I did it because it was fun and interesting and I liked to think I was providing folks with quality pets :) But though I'll miss my snakes, it's a bit of a relief to have a break after 10 years. If I ever have herps again, it will only be one or two, pets only.
Thanks for reading.
It was a hard decision to make, as I would have preferred to have kept my adults for their full lifespan. Unfortunately society is still fairly intolerant of reptiles and, while I was willing to deal with that, I didn't think it was fair to force my SO and family to do so. The cliffnotes summary is that I'm moving and while I've done several times before with the snakes, this time it was a burden for too many people who are not me.
I've tried to rehome my critters in the most responsible fashion possible. There are still some up for adoption with the Chicago Herpetological Society if anyone is interested, particularly those near Chicago! They do not ship.
I do plan to continue taking photos at shows and on herp trips, but do not want to breed again. While snakes themselves are low maintenance, raising the babies and selling them is a LOT of time and work and no, I don't think there's any profit it if you're putting the animals' interests first. I did it because it was fun and interesting and I liked to think I was providing folks with quality pets :) But though I'll miss my snakes, it's a bit of a relief to have a break after 10 years. If I ever have herps again, it will only be one or two, pets only.
Thanks for reading.

Hope you don\'t mind me watching to you get tips and all
That\'s exactly what I thought.It has it\'s awards,then again,it could be dangerous.