Views: 14062
Submissions: 61
Favs: 751

Writer and Commissions | Registered: Jul 11, 2017 02:56
Pronounced: "SUE-KAH-MEI."
Proudly Canadian, and never leaving the place!
Collared by the masterful:

Professional collector of mountable creatures.
Team perversion, and some of my closest friends:

Special thank you for all my other remarkable friends, you make life easier. <3
Just your regular unicorn-shark with magical ice powers! I love gaming, writing, hanging with friends online, and purchasing commissions. Gallery contains some wonderful artwork drawn by multitudes of artists, all of which I absolutely adore. I also post updates about what I'm doing whenever able, and will occasionally share music or random videos. I do answer notes, but only conduct RP with particularly close people. Have any questions about a character, or simply wish to inquire about my interests, ask away! I never bite -TOO- hard. ~
Sukame, Ice-Elemental:
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Seirah, Beaver Engineer:
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Quinton, Fennec Luchador:
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Vexas, Vixen Boxer:
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Tremble, Gnoll Adventurer:
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Scoop, Possum Reporter:
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Kayutei, Bat-Nerd Professional:
- [ No reference available. No sketch completed. ]
Quill Viperstrike, Chua Daddy:
- [ No reference available. No sketch completed. ]
Lovely Simon, Vulpine Incubus:
- [ ] - [ ]
For gaming information, check below here!
- Final Fantasy Online: Currently inactive, but will potentially subscribe again someday.
- RuneScape: Currently active on Canadian servers, and my personal choice of MMORPG. <3
- World of Warcraft: Pandaren Hunter on Wyrmrest Accord named Kwinlen. - Future Vulpera!
- Steam: Too many games for listing here reasonably, but you're allowed to inquire.
- Nintendo Switch: Once I have started my Animal Crossing experience, information here. ~
For an extra disclaimer, I do not have an 'F-List' account. Provided I did, would be posted here!
This user has no favorites.
Recently Watched
Comments Earned: 950
Comments Made: 2118
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 2118
Journals: 3
Recent Journal
~|Holy Diver: RuneScape Luck|~
a month agoHoly crap, either he's a good luck charm, or 'RS' loves me today. Game even announced my name and prize server wide. o_o
Unsure whether that's my server or -EVERY- server, though. People saw 'Sukame Hale' appear on screen, which is nice. xD
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Unicorn Shark
Favorite Music
Alternative Rock.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Mystery Science Theater: 3000 episodes.
Favorite Games
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo Switch.
Favorite Animals
Fantasy creatures are radical.
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Food which is both edible and delicious.
Favorite Quote
"Life is beautiful."