Lessee...a bicycle allows a human to go 3 or 4, maybe more, times faster than on foot...and a horse runs how many times faster than a human?
Huh....am I lowballing it with 70 MPH....?
Huh....am I lowballing it with 70 MPH....?
Category All / All
Species Horse
Gender Multiple characters
Size 895 x 648px
File Size 115.1 kB
Altho you'd have to have the bike's wheels and such geared like those older style bikes that if you jam the pedals even slightly backward, it acts as a brake and stops the wheels from turning..
That's the only way I could easily see a horse's momentum stopping even halfway decently when coming to lights or such.. and you'd SURE AS HECK cause drivers to be looking as you rode bye.. *giggles*
There are specialty high speed bikes that have gotten humans up to 80 mph, I can only imagine what they'd do if horse-powered http://www.wired.com/culture/lifest.....ikerecord_0330
My father used to try to convince his grade 5 and 6 students that farmers once shod their horses with skate-bladed shoes in the winter. On a related note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdmsRcsl_xA
Actually, in an old episode of The New Scientist, their quasi-serious scientist Daedalus, suggested the Third World should develop ax ox-powered bicycle as a means of speeding up the draft-animal drawn vehicle approach, and showed something not too dissimilar to the classic treadmill, mounted on a tyred platform. No reason why you couldn't get it up to a reasonable clip, as long as you didn't frighten the horses along the way.
Mmm... My most scary event on a bicycle was when I exceeded 44 miles an hour during a storm. And I was afraid to use the brakes because the concrete bicycle lane was covered in mud form roadworks. When I got home I was colored a uniform brown from that stretch of road.