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Ok this is chapters Seven and Eight of When You Wish Upon a Star.
Again, there is so much of this story that I love. Yet I also want to scream at my past self to pick a perspective. That being said here it is. The plan is to keep trying to make any small edits that I can without just completely scraping it doing a rewrite.
So, if you like it maybe leave a comment. Good or bad it will just encourage me to get more of it posted here.
Chapter seven
Jane slowly woke up to the clammy feeling of wet pajamas sticking to his legs. Pulling off the wet quilts he started the familiar walk to Mary’s room. Jane knew that she wasn’t going to be mad but still felt a reluctance about showing her another accident. Part of him felt like he was letting her down and he should be doing better. After knocking and waiting for a moment Mary opened the door and kneeled down to give him a hug.
“I’m sorry Mary,” said Jane doing his best to hide the fact his eyes were already starting to water.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault that this is happening.”
He just let out a sniffle as she carried him to the bathroom. Mary set him down and went to get his other pair of pajamas while he dried himself off. She handed him the blue footed sleeper and went to clean the couch giving him privacy to change. Jane stepped into the article of clothing and with a bit of maneuvering had them pulled up and all his paws in the right place. To his frustration though he couldn’t quite get them closed as the zipper was located on the back.
After a momentary struggle he gave up and headed out to the living room to join Mary. As Jane approached her, she gave him a comforting smile and held out Leo.
“I’m happy to report that this little guy is safe and sound.”
Jane had completely forgot he was sleeping with Leo and was relieved to see him safe and dry. Mary quickly pulled up the zipper making no mention of it. Only taking a moment to gently straighten the garment before she returned to the matter at hand.
Jane wanted to help but honestly wasn’t even sure what he could do just sitting down on the floor with Leo in his lap. He wanted to be an adult about the situation but he couldn’t think of the mature response to wetting the bed. After several minutes of cleaning Mary had the couch striped of wet quilts and sat down next to the kitten.
“You doing ok” She asked putting an arm on his shoulder. She knew the answer already as she noticed the small boys lip seem to quiver as if at any moment a dam of built-up emotions was about to break.
“I’m sorry Mary I know you don’t like it when I’m sad”
Mary couldn’t stand it anymore as she pulled him into her lap. “No I don’t like it when you are sad but that’s not what I meant earlier. It’s perfectly fine to be upset with this. I just don’t want you to be scared about it. If you have an accident it can be upsetting but promise me you won’t ever be afraid to come get me. Ok”.
Jane let out a meek “Ok”
Mary started to gently rub his back, which felt great since it was still sore from when he slipped in the shower.
“Here tell me a good memory about a time you wet the bed.”
“A good memory?” Jane asked confused. “There isn’t anything good about wetting the bed”.
Mary continued to rub his back.
“I don’t mean the part of actually wetting the bed. I mean after you woke up and got someone.”
Jane thought for a moment and let out a sigh saying “I guess there was this one time when I was five that was kind of nice. I wasn’t at a big orphanage like One Tree but with a foster family that looked after several kids at a time. They were a couple of wolves that were ok. The husband Ron was really mean at times but the wife Susan was nice”.
Mary continued rubbing his back and started to slowly stroke his stomach.
“One weekend the husband left on a business trip and the other two kids had found homes so it was just me and Susan”.
Jane continued slowly talking clearly feeling soothed as the older feline gently pulled him in closer. “That night I had an accident but she wasn’t mad. She just cleaned it up and then let me sleep with her. It was kind of cool not sleeping alone, but she did make me start wear…”
Jane silently trailed off and Mary just hugged him as he awkwardly looked at the floor. She then got to her feet and carried him into her bedroom.
Jane started his usual fidgeting but she just kept a hold of him and climbed under the covers. The kitten quickly got engulfed by the sweet strawberry smell of her shampoo and stopped trying to fight her. Feeling that not only was the bed enveloped in her scent but still warm from her body heat.
“See isn’t this also kind of cool,” said Marry as she cradled him in her arms.
Jane who was holding Leo in the same way Mary held him, did his best to let out a disinterested sounding “I guess so”. Although, inside he knew he felt wonderful. Feeling not only warm and cozy in her arms but having a complete sense of security in knowing she was there.
“Are you going to make me start wearing diapers?” He asked after a moment of silence, the thought pulling him back from his comfy and relaxed state.
He suddenly felt very apprehensive about what she was going to say but Mary snuggled her head next to his softly saying in his ear “No I’m not going to make you do anything. But you haven’t had the greatest track record lately so it may be a good decision for us to make.”
Jane liked the fact that she said they would make the decision. Continuing to relax he found himself getting lost in the sound of Mary’s breathing.
“But let’s not think about that right now. We can figure that out tomorrow with all the other things but for now let’s just get a good night’s sleep,” was the last thing Jane remembered hearing as he fell asleep.
Jane slowly woke up with to the cozy feeling of Mary’s arms around him. He could once again hear her slowly breathing in and out and found himself nearly being lulled back to sleep. Mary shifted and slowly woke up with a happy yawn.
“How long have you been awake?” She asked keeping a secure hold on him.
“A little while.”
“Well then shall we get a start on our day?”
Jane really didn’t want her to let go of him but he didn’t want to admit it either. Just saying “sure”. Mary got out of bed picking him up and carrying him to the kitchen. She cheerily set him down in a chair and went over to a cupboard retrieving two mugs.
“How about some hot chocolate” asked Mary?
Jane watched her take her mug and pour a cup of coffee for herself and then turn to him for an answer.
“No thank you but I’ll take some coffee though,” Jane said as nonchalant as he could.
Mary gave him a big smile saying, “Well I guess we did make a deal and you have been holding up your end.”
She poured him a mug and asked him if he would like cream or sugar, he gave an excited “no I’ll take it black”.
She sat down and put the mug in front of him sipping on her own coffee. Jane took a sip and was over whelmed by the bitter taste. He looked up to see Mary doing her best not to giggle. He hesitated for a moment then tried another sip to the same affect.
“Fine can I please have some hot chocolate instead” said Jane grudgingly. Mary made him a mug and sat back down.
“I know you want to do adult stuff but I think there are better things to do then drink coffee”
Jane started to drink the hot chocolate, which did taste much better than the coffee.
“What do you have in mind?” Jane asked curiously.
“It’s a surprise but I promise it will be fun” she said with a wink.
Jane had to admit he was excited about the prospect of whatever it was that she had planned. Mary offered him oatmeal or cereal for breakfast to which he replied cereal after the coffee experience. As they ate the two made happy small talk. When they finally finished, Mary cleared the dishes and stepped over to Jane giving him a contemplative look.
“What” Jane asked slightly on edge?
Mary smiled and picked him up heading toward the bathroom.
“Well I don’t know the best way to go about this but I think that you need a bath”.
It took Jane a moment but he quickly realized that after yesterday’s mishap she wasn’t going to trust him alone anymore. They got to the bathroom and Mary set him on the counter before starting to draw a bath.
“This is weird I’m not really a little kid” Jane said avoiding eye contact.
“Ok I know that you feel uncomfortable but I’ve already seen you naked so there’s not much mystery left”. She said in a very gentle motherly tone.
He wanted to fight but was finding an intense comfort in her mothering.
Mary slowly unzipped his blue sleeper and striped him down and sat him in the bath. Jane suddenly felt strangely comfortable sitting in the bathtub. He was still sore from his slip yesterday and the warm water felt really good. There was something nice about how small he felt in the tub with Mary behind him. She slowly started to rub shampoo into his fur massaging his back. After what seemed like too short a time Mary started to pull him out of the bath.
“Ok all done. That wasn’t so bad was it” she said picking him up in a towel. “I think one might even say that you enjoyed it the way your tail was acting.”
Jane just avoided eye contact as she happily took him into her bedroom and set him down on her bed. He didn’t want to admit it but he actually found the experience kind of nice. Mary went to her dresser and came back with a bundle of clothes sitting back down on the bed. Jane was confused as she pulled him back into her lap.
“How am I supposed to get dressed from your lap?”
Mary smiled pulling a brush from the bundle of clothes. “First things first your coat is in some desperate need of attention”.
Jane tried to pull out of her lap but Mary wrapped her arm around him as she started to brush.
“I never brush my coat this is something only girls do.”
Despite his whining Mary just kept him grounded in her lap as she made long strokes down his back and chest. “I’m not surprised to hear that judging from the condition it’s in”.
Jane let out a disgruntled “it’s still girly” as Mary continued to brush him for several minutes.
“I don’t really see how. Although if you’re so set on it being girly, I do have some pink bows that would look adorable.”
Jane turned to give Mary an angry look but was meet with a kiss on his forehead. He tried to keep giving her the angry look but couldn’t manage it as she started to gently rub his ears. She then set him back on the bed and handed him the bundle of clothes. He awkwardly waited for her to turn her back but she just kept staring at him until she finally let out a happy giggle.
“I don’t think there’s anything I haven’t already seen but I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready” Mary said as she walked out of the room.
Moments later he was dressed and came out to find her putting the cushions back on the couch. She motioned for him to take a seat next to him. He climbed up next her giving no fight as she pulled him into her lap.
“So, I’ve been giving it some thought and I think the best way to handle the appearance of Jane the kitten is to just tell the truth.,” said Mary gently rubbing his back.
“You mean tell people that I somehow turned into a little kid,” asked Jane cynically.
“Well ok maybe not the whole truth but the fact that I found you an abounded kitten” She said giving him a hug.
Mary could tell uneasiness had filled Jane as he grabbed hold of her arm.
“But then if we can’t find a way to turn me back id have to go back to foster care.”
She rested her chin on his head holding him tight.
“I already told you that I’m not going to let that happen.”
Jane felt uneasy but at the same time that he could trust Mary.
“You promise?”
“I promise,” she said in a soothing tone.
Jane couldn’t explain it but all his worry seemed to vanish and he had complete faith in her. Mary started to hum a lullaby as she rubbed his stomach and they sat on the couch for a while. He found it really nice to just be doing nothing and for the first time all weekend wasn’t thinking about the future or what had happened. Jane was rather dismayed when a knock came causing Marry to set him on the couch going to answer the door.
He peered across the room and saw Marry open the door reviling Maria. Jane was rather excited to see her and got off the couch to great her.
“Hey Mary, me and Abby here were heading to the park and thought Jane might want to come.” said Maria stepping aside to reveal a young female rabbit with cream colored fur.
She was about his size and wearing a pink dress that had yellow and blue flowers around the bottom. Abby looked past Maria giving Jane a happy smile that caused him to feel suddenly embarrassed and move behind Marry. The older cat just picked him up and rubbed her nose against his something that he was admittedly starting to find oddly comforting.
“Well what do you want to do Jane? I have some boring errands to run so you can come with me or head to the park for some fun.”
The way she phrased it he could tell she was trying to gently coax him to go with them. Jane found he didn’t mind though even if it was something childish, he was excited about the prospect of getting to spend more time with Maria.
“Would one of the errands have to do with my surprise?” he asked slyly giving Mary a smile.
“It just might, so it would probably be best if you went with them.” Mary said giving him a warm smile back.
There was something extremely pleasant in the way he was able to talk with Mary. Jane didn’t feel like he had to watch what he said around her.
“So, is that a yes Jane?” asked Maria who was holding the hand paw of an excited Abby.
He gave a nod and Marry started to carry him towards the kitchen.
“Well then how about we put together a picnic basket for you guys” Marry said motioning for Abby and Maria to step inside.
When Mary got to the kitchen, she set down Jane and whispered in his ear that he should try and use the bathroom. He didn’t like how childish she was treating him but he was grateful for her not doing it in front of Maria. It also occurred to him that she was probably right and made no fuss as he slipped away to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, he looked at the toilet and felt an animosity as if it had become a bitter rival.
He sat down on it and again felt a loss of control. Sitting there time seemed to slow down as despite his best efforts nothing was happening. Jane had never thought about the ability to control his bladder and bowels as a difficult proficiency. Now that it seemed to be forgotten though, he found himself feeling as if it was a complex language. Something he could remember knowing but couldn’t even try to describe the workings of now.
After several minutes without any accomplishment to speak of Jane gave up telling himself that he simply didn’t have to go. He flushed the toilet anyway and exited the bathroom to find Mary handing Maria the picnic basket. She gave him a praising look that made him feel ashamed about his deceit. Jane tried to shake of the feeling moving towards the door. Before he made it there though he felt two arms give him a hug.
“Have fun and be safe,” said Mary as she gave him the gentle embrace.
Jane felt at ease and didn’t mind her motherly show of affection saying a quite ok. Maria and Abby both smiled as he joined them and they headed out. As the trio walked to the park Abby excitedly asked Jane all sorts of questions about himself. He found she liked to talk and it seemed that with each short answer he gave her, the young rabbit responded with great detail about herself.
Abby was four and lived down the street from Mary’s apartment. She was much more girly than Jamie but also less snooty. It seemed that whenever he looked over at her she was staring at him with a happy smile. When they got to the park Abby spotted a group of kids playing tag and started running to join them.
“Come on Jane lets go play,” said Abby turning back to face him.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”
Abby gave him a disappointed look before continuing to the group of young furs. The park had the usual slides and jungle gym and was surrounded by a circle of grass. Maria set down a blanket taking a seat and Jane sat down next to her.
“You sure you don’t want to go play,” asked Maria.
Jane looked up at the teen and gave a nod. “Yeah I’m sure. She keeps smiling at me for some reason.”
Maria let out a giggle and patted him on the back.
“I think that a certain someone might have a little crush on a certain kitty.”
Jane’s ears dropped down and you could probably see him blushing even through his fur.
“Hmm does someone feel the same way?” Maria asked letting out another giggle.
“No not at all there’s no way I’d have feelings for her she’s just a little bunny,”
stammered Jane forgetting for a second he was now a kitten.
“So you like foxes then” said Maria nonchalantly.
Jane made the connection to Jamie and felt frustrated. Realizing the fun Maria was having and the hole he was digging for himself he decided to go join Abby. Cringing as she jokingly shouted, he shouldn’t be juggling two girls.
Abby seemed happy for him to join the group running up and pronouncing him it. Jane tried to tag her back but she was too quick so he settled for a raccoon boy. The boy started to turn but Jane quickly made a dash up the slides ladder to safety. Finding that Abby was atop the slide. The two joining up side by side as they made their way to the other side of the playground and presumed safety.
Time went by fast as the game progressed and Jane was having a lot of fun. All the furs playing were nice and didn’t seem to mind him joining in. Even helping him with different rules as they started to play new games. Despite the fact both he and Abby were getting hungry, they weren’t happy when Maria flagged them down. She gave them a smile as they sat down and handed out ziplock bags of animal cookies. Jane happily started eating, glad to take the juice box as it was handed to him. The three of them sat in the warm sun talking and soon Abby was resting her head on Maria’s lap asleep.
“I have another blanket if you want to lie down too” Maria said quietly as she rubbed the young rabbit’s head.
Jane straightened up and shook his head “No I’m good”.
Maria smiled and handed him another juice box. He was happy sitting there with her as they watched all the different furs play. After a while Jane’s concentration was broken as he felt a warmth spreading through his pants. Jane knew right away what was happening and was scared stiff as he felt the pool forming under him. Jane didn’t know what to do he could hear Maria asking him if something was wrong but couldn’t react.
Jane just stayed perfectly still as Maria realized what had happened. She carefully moved Abby off her lap and started to rub his back.
“Jane it’s no big deal.”
“Yes it is” said Jane on the brink of tears. “I wasn’t even asleep. I’m turning into a complete baby.”
Maria pulled the extra quilt out of the basket and wrapped it around him.
“That doesn’t matter Jane you’re just having a bit of trouble.” she said pulling him into her lap.
“Do you think that Abby will still want to be my friend?” said Jane quietly staring at the rabbit sleeping peacefully just a couple feet from them.
Just that morning he saw her as an annoyance that he was going to have to deal with but now he was worried she wouldn’t like him. He wasn’t completely sure what had changed but it felt important that he’d made a friend.
“Of course, she will. Now how about we get you back to Mary’s apartment”.
Jane didn’t know why but he really wanted to be with Mary. It wasn’t just that she knew his real age but something more. He felt like when he was with her things wouldn’t mater. Abby started to wake up and asked why Jane was wrapped in the blanket. He had a strong feeling she didn’t buy Maria’s story about him being cold. Especially the way Abby was eyeing the large wet spot but she didn’t say anything. Soon everything was packed up with the exception of Jane’s quilt. Maria picked Jane up who gave no complaint and the three started the trek back to Mary’s building.
The walk back wasn’t as blissful but both Abby and Maria continued their happy small talk. Jane was anxious every time a passerby looked at him as if they completely knew what he’d done. Both Abby and Maria however just continued to give him happy smiles whenever he made eye contact. Soon they were back at Mary’s door and Jane was filled with relief when she appeared with a smile.
“I wasn’t expecting you guys back so soon I just got home myself” Mary said giving Jane a rub on the head.
“Oh, it was getting a little cold so we thought we’d head back” said Maria setting Jane down.
“That’s probably for the best winter is coming fast,” said Mary eyeing the blanket and giving Jane a smile.
The two girls said goodbye and started to walk down the hallway when Abby turned around.
“It was fun playing with you Jane and I promise not to tell anyone. See you in school.”
Jane cringed as his suspicions that she knew he had an accident were proven to be true. Mary picked him up and Jane found himself burying his face in her chest, as he couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. She sat at their usual spot on the couch and gently rubbed his back. Mary waited for several minutes before asking the kitten what happened at the park.
“It was awful I was just sitting there talking to Maria and it happened. I wasn’t even asleep this time I’m turning completely incontinent,” said Jane still burying his head in Mary’s chest.
She gently rubbed his ear talking in her soothing voice, “Your overreacting Jane I just think that maybe when you shrank you may have lost your potty training”.
Jane shifted so that he could look up at her.
“What’s the difference ether way I’m stuck as an oversized baby?”
“You’re not a baby Jane and the difference is that we just need to work on it”.
Again her use of the word we caused him to have a happy feeling. Mary gave him a simple smile that seemed to convey an entire conversation of reassuring remarks.
“How about we get you cleaned up and then see if the other Jane has had a better day,” said Mary as she carried him to the bathroom.
In what had become the usual fashion she set him down to clean up leaving to fetch some clothes. Jane pulled off his wet pants and used the towel to dry himself off before wrapping it around his waist. He heard the rustle of a plastic bag and turned to find Mary returning with a set of clothes and a shopping bag. A pit formed in his stomach as he made out the two packages of pull-ups.
Seeing his reaction Marry gave him a comforting smile and sat down on the bathroom floor. Despite the desire to act like an adult, he couldn’t fight the urge to climb back into her lap. She wrapped her arms around him and Jane felt a southing calm spread over him.
“So, I think that we need to have that talk about you wearing a bit of protection,” Mary said rubbing his head.
Jane just stared at the plastic bag as if it was a bomb about to explode.
“So, I can only assume your thoughts on the matter. But I think the adult thing to do is to maybe sacrifice our pride and use the simple solution”. She said continuing to gently rub his head.
“I see what you’re trying to do but there’s no way you’re going to trick me into thinking there’s anything adult about wearing diapers” said Jane looking up a Mary.
“I’m not trying to trick you Jane. And there may not be anything adult about diapers but there may be something mature about making the tough choice.”
Jane let out a sigh. Whether or not she was right it would be nice to get through a day without a change of clothes.
“Ok but can we not tell anyone?” Jane asked trying not to think about the fact pretty much everyone already knew about his accidents.
“Of course, it can just be our little secret,” She said lifting him to his feet.
Mary got to her feet as well and pulled the two packages of pull-ups out of the bag. One was blue and the other pink each with a happy three year old kitten on the packaging.
“Why did you get so many?” was all Jane could muster.
“They were on sale buy one get one free” Mary said as she tore the pink package open.
He couldn’t argue with it but still found the idea of a stockpile unsettling.
“Can I wear a boy’s one at least.”
Mary gave him a playfully agitated look.
“And just what makes these for girls?”
“They’re pink and have a cartoon princess on them.”
Mary gave him a smile opening the blue package, “And just what about princesses are only for girls?”
Jane tried to think of something but could only come up with they were girly. They both smiled as she handed him the blue pull-up. She put the two packages under the sink and left for him to change. As Jane went to join her on the couch, he could feel thickness of his new undergarment between his legs. It wasn’t uncomfortable and Jane didn’t want to admit it but there was a nice security in knowing he couldn’t have an accident. Mary was happily waiting for him book in hand. Climbing up on the couch, he seemed to instinctively find his way into her lap.
“It’s enough that you let me read to you. You don’t need to sit in my lap.” Mary said turning him around so he was facing her.
Jane’s ears dropped down as he broke eye contact.
“Would it be weird if I said that I like sitting in your lap?”
Mary rubbed her nose against his. “No not at all and I also like it when you sit in my lap”.
Jane felt a lump in his chest worrying that he was acting more childish than ever. Feeling Mary’s warmth though he ignored it and snuggled in as she wrapped her arms around him beginning to read. Princess Jane was trekking through a dangerous swamp in search of an amulet. Once again, he was getting lost in the story and the excitement of the morning was catching up to him. As he started to drift off, he was vaguely aware of Mary tucking him into her bed. Quickly falling asleep as she put Leo into his arms and gave him a kiss on his forehead wising him a happy nap.
Chapter eight
Jane was quickly startled awake as he felt warmth spreading between his legs. Jolting upright he jumped out of th bed and started racing down the hall nearly running into Marry speeding past her to the bathroom. By the time Jane had the door shut and was standing in front of the toilet it was clear that he was too late. Letting out a sigh he stripped down and went to retrieve a clean pullup. As he exited the bathroom, he was surprised to find Maria sitting on the couch with a math textbook open in her lap.
“Hey sleepy head how was your nap,” she asked as he went over to the couch.
“I’m not a little kid and wasn’t taking a nap I was just lying down because I was feeling a little worn.”
“Oh of course you are, my mistake, but I hope that you’re not too grown up for your present”.
The tone in her voice made it clear that she in no way agreed with him something he wanted to comment on but was distracted by the prospect of a gift.
“What do you mean my present”, Jane asked cautiously.
Maria opened her backpack and pulled out a large pastel colored package handing it to him.
“Now it’s not just from me it was Abby’s idea too.”
Jane looked down at the package in his paws with disbelief.
“Well come on don’t just stand there. Open it” Maria said happily.
“But why would you guys get me something?” asked Jane still looking at the package making out what appeared to be cartoon carrots covering it.
“Abby and I thought that you were having a lousy time of things and could use something to make sure today was a happy memory.”
Her use of the word memory gave him the feeling that Mary also had a hand in this.
“But why would you guys care?” asked Jane still holding the package at an arm’s length.
Maria gave him a smile as he felt Mary knell down behind him and rub his head fur.
“Because that’s what friends do.” she softly spoke into his ear continuing to gently rub. “Now open it already, I’m curious what it is myself.”
Jane didn’t believe for a second that she didn’t already know what it was tearing open the wrapping paper. Soon he was holding a blue stuffed rabbit in his arms with its happy face looking up at him. Jane couldn’t help giving it a hug despite the dual coos from both Maria and Mary.
“So you like him,” the teen asked.
Jane just gave a nod.
“Good Abby made me promise that the two of you would go visit her. What are you going to name him?” Maria asked giving him a happy smile.
He thought for a minute before answering Peter, receiving two approving looks from Maria and Mary.
“Do you want to do something Maria” Jane asked happily holding Peter in his arms.
She gave him a frown “Sorry Jane but I’ve got to finish my homework”.
Jane let out a quiet “oh” and couldn’t help but feel disappointed and aware in the back of his mind the similarity to when Jamie asked Mary to watch a movie. He was broken from his train of thought though as Mary picked him up saying he could help her grade tests.
The kitten said ok as she carried him to the kitchen table. Jane was expecting her to set him down in a chair but instead just took a seat herself. Before he could object, she had her legs crossed making a very secure nook for him. He couldn’t quite explain how he felt. Part of him wanted to struggle and was deeply concerned that the teen was seeing him being babied by Mary. Yet he just felt secure not wanting the older cat to let go of him.
Picking up on his distress Mary seemed to make a big show saying how she needed his help to get caught up on things. Feeling incredibly adult as she gave him an answer key and a stack of tests to grade. As the two worked Mary began to ask him questions about the good parts of going to the park. At first Jane was very reserved giving very unenthusiastic answers.
Yet the teacher seemed to gently push and pull the conversation, lightly rubbing her paw on his stomach as he admittedly became excited. Going over all the different games that they had played.
The rest of the afternoon went by peacefully. Maria finished her homework and the three then played board games until Mary stopped and made dinner. As the trio ate the conversation continued with Jane and Maria getting lost in a conversation about why one of the games was better than the others. Jane again felt a strong sense unity with the other two cats and for once like he actually belonged. After they ate Maria gave Jane a pat on the head saying she would see him tomorrow.
However, as she walked the teen to the door Mary suddenly got serious saying “You know you’re always welcome here right?”
Jane remembered the previous day when they went to the girls apartment as Maria gave Mary a slow nod saying thanks and that she knew. There was a slight silence after she left before Mary rubbed Jane’s head asking if he was ready for his surprise.
“Yeah what is it” Jane asked excitedly.
“When I stopped by the school to pick up some work, I borrowed my classrooms projector.” she said pulling a mess of wires out of a canvas bag. “I thought we could have a nice evening and watch a movie”.
“Cool what movie?” Jane asked as he helped her hook everything up.
“I’m not sure all I know is that it has zombies and most likely isn’t age appropriate no matter how old you really are”.
Moments later he was on the couch with Peter as Mary turned off the lights and sat next to him. The movie was very clichéd but Jane didn’t care. Apart from being violent it was somewhat scary. After only thirty minutes Jane found himself curled up next to Mary who wrapped her arm around him. At the halfway mark he was burying his head into her chest almost every other scene. Other than a quick smile Mary didn’t acknowledge that he was getting frightened. She just kept her arm wrapped around him slowly rubbing his back.
Jane was finding there was something oddly enjoyable about being scared but having someone to curl up next to. Despite being startled the action scenes were really cool and Jane felt adult getting to watch the movie. By the time the remaining survivors had fought their way to safety Jane was sitting snugly in Mary’s lap.
“So, did you enjoy the movie?” she asked rubbing his head.
He nodded as she got off the couch and set him on the ground.
“Well, I think it’s about bedtime why don’t you go get ready and I’ll get the couch made up.”
Jane didn’t like the term bedtime but the happy smile she was giving him made it hard to argue. Using the stool that was now kept in the bathroom he brushed his teeth. Changing into his princess Jane pajamas he found his pullup was slightly soggy. After fetching a new one Jane decided to give the toilet a final try and was happy to find success. Although the score was nowhere near in his favor there was a bit of relief at the fact, he was actually able to use the bathroom.
As usual Marry was standing next to the couch ready to tuck him in. As childish as it was Jane was happy to see her. Despite this he wasn’t about to admit it and when he got on the couch, he tried to shoo her away. Any attempt proved futile though as she hummed a lullaby putting Peter into his arms and pulling the blanket up to his chin.
“Now you two stay warm and sleep tight” Mary said kissing his forehead then adding “and don’t let the bed bugs bite,” as she rubbed her nose against his.
Any objections he had to being treated like a little kid long gone Jane let out a happy “we won’t”.
“Good hopefully we’ve at least handled any night time problems but don’t fret to come wake Leo and I if you need anything” Mary said giving him one last kiss on his forehead.
As she walked away with Leo gazing back at him over her shoulder, he felt a sudden twinge as the repercussions of his new undergarment occurred to him. Not wetting the bed meant they didn’t have to go through the ordeal of washing his beading but also meant he wouldn’t get to sleep with Mary again either. It was a strange feeling of remorse that was causing him to feel a sudden isolation and loneliness. Jane pulled Peter close and rolled over attempting to shake off the felling. Try as he might though everything just kept reminding him of how nice and warm Mary’s bed was.
His concentration was finally broken as there was a loud thump from outside in the building’s hallway. Jane found that his loneliness was quickly being replaced by a growing anxiety as to what might have caused the sound. After several moments of eagerly listening there didn’t appear to be anything but he couldn’t get the images of zombies out of his head. Jane kept going over the facts of how silly it was to be thinking of zombies but couldn’t shake the feeling that at any moment something was going to grab him. The feeling just kept getting worse until there was another thump out in the hall way and he found himself out from under the covers and running to Mary’s room.
Jane found Mary’s door was open with her in bed reading a book. As Jane entered, she set her book down giving him a comforting smile.
“Everything ok you two look pretty shaken up?” She asked sliding over and patting the edge of her bed.
Jane tried his best to play it cool but found himself quickly darting across the room and climbing onto the bed next to her. Mary just kept staring at him with her happy smile causing him to feel the need to explain himself. The problem though was that as he sat next to her with his tight grip on Peter Jane couldn’t think of what to say. He didn’t want to be acting like a scared little kid but he also wanted her to just hold him so badly. He felt trapped having to choose between one or the other.
“I think I see what’s going on,” Marry said in a cheerfully sarcastic tone.
“You do?” Jane asked hesitantly.
“I wasn’t really thinking when I picked that movie was I. Poor little Peter probably got pretty scared out there in the dark after watching it.”
Jane had no delusions about what she was doing but was more than happy to take the out she was giving him.
“Yeah, but he didn’t get too scared. There were just some sounds outside that I think got him worried” Jane said holding Peter out as if he was standing up.
“Oh I know you weren’t,” she said rubbing Peters head. “Why don’t you guys sleep in here just in case though?”
Mary then grabbed Peter by his arms and turned him to face Jane.
“Would you mind if we slept with Mary tonight?” Mary said giving Peter a unique and cheerful voice.
There was something really silly about playing pretend with Mary that just made him happy.
Jane gave a nod and Mary pulled him into her arms giving him a kiss on his head.
“Can I ask you something Mary”
“Of course you can,” she said slowly rubbing his stomach in her usual fashion.
“Why are you so nice and willing to do so much for me? I just don’t get it.”
Mary playfully hummed as if she was having trouble thinking.
“Well for starters as much as you hate to hear it you are pretty cute but passed that I don’t think that you’re supposed to understand. Part of you getting to be a kid is that you just have someone looking after you”.
After she spoke the woman paused continuing to think. “Also, I know you get all silly when people tell you things like this. But there is something pretty amazing about you that just makes me feel special.”
Jane wasn’t sure he was satisfied with her answer but he did find something nice about the comment as lame as it sounded to him.
“Now we need to get to sleep ok,” Mary said turning off her night lamp and pulling Jane under the covers. He still didn’t like the idea of being a little kid. Yet as Mary held him tightly in her arms he just felt at ease. That nothing could hurt him as long as she was at his side.
Jane woke up to Mary gently rocking his shoulder. After rubbing his eyes, he found Mary fully dressed and happily handing him a stack of clothes.
“Come on sleepy head we have a big day ahead of us”.
Jane grudgingly took the clothes from her and made his way to the bathroom to change. As he walked, he could feel his pullup sagging indicating that he still needed them. After changing into a fresh one and getting dressed he threw it away finding the trashcan empty. Jane knew that Mary was aware of his bathroom track record but somehow found it disconcerting that there was no denying it.
As he exited the bathroom Mary was happily waiting for him with a smile and a camera. Before he could react, there was a flash as she took a photo.
“Hey what was that?” Jane exclaimed trying to shield himself.
Mary picked him up giving him the usual smile.
“Oh, come on I need to have photos of your first day of school in my collection.”
“Collection?” Jane asked in a disturbed voice.
Mary held the camera out for him to see and scrolled through the photos. Starting with him asleep on the couch dressed in only her shirt ending with him asleep in Mary’s bed holding Peter. There was even some of him playing in the park with Abby that Maria must have taken.
“It’s creepy you’ve only been taking photos of me in my sleep.”
Mary gave him a long kiss on the cheek.
“So is that permission to take some when you are awake?”
Jane just crossed his arms and broke eye contact causing Mary to give him another kiss.
“What do you mean my first day of school? I don’t have to go to school with Abby and Jamie, do I?” Jane asked in a concerned tone.
“No for now at least you can just tag along with me.”
Mary sat him down in a chair at the kitchen table moving over to the counter. She soon returned with a large blueberry muffin and a glass of milk setting both down in front of him. The muffin was still warm and Jane tried to eat it but found it hard to take a bite out because of its size. Looking across the table he saw that Mary was looking back at him with a knife in her hand. After a moment’s pause, she nonchalantly asked if he needed anything making it clear that if he wanted help he would have to ask. After one more failed attempt he meekly asked her for help.
She let out a happy “of course” cutting the muffin into smaller pieces. Jane let out a semi forced “thanks” before digging in. Mary sipped coffee as he happily ate. Jane was finding that he was having trouble drinking from the glass constantly having to wipe a dribble of milk from his chin. Favorably though if Mary noticed she kept it to herself.
When he was done eating Mary carried him to the couch and retrieved his shoes from by the door. She then grabbed his foot and started to slide his first shoe on. Jane quickly pulled his foot away saying that he could do it himself. To his surprise Mary made no objection handing the shoe to him. Jane had several satisfying moments of superiority thinking he had finally convinced her that he could handle himself. Although this quickly passed as he was putting on his second shoe and there was a bombardment of flashes from Mary’s camera.
He wanted to say something witty but failed to think of anything deciding instead to ignore her. When he was done velcroing his shoes he looked up to find Mary gone. After a moment of scanning the room in search of her she covered his eyes from behind the couch.
“Close your eyes.”
Jane let out a curious and worried “why” as he complied.
“Open them and find out silly.”
As he did so he found that she was holding a child’s backpack in front of him.
“Now it’s a little smaller than your old one but I was still able to fit in your computer, some coloring books and a spare pull-up in case you have an accident.”
Jane was grateful for her putting in his netbook but still wasn’t thrilled about the coloring books or pull-up. Before he could comment though Mary cut him off.
“I know what you’re going to say about being all grown up and boring but I don’t know how it would look if someone saw a four year old with your level of computer skills. So maybe when there are people around you could just pretend to have fun coloring. Who knows if you keep pretending you might just have some by accident”
Putting on the backpack Jane wanted to argue that he didn’t see that happening but chose to just say thanks instead.
“Well my little one I think we need to get going.” Mary said as she adjusted the straps on his backpack so that it was nice and snug.
He wanted to tell her to stop but found himself lost in a sea of emotion. Whenever Mary spoke about him with a sense of possession it filled him with an untamed feeling of pride and bliss. He was lost in thought until he was brought back to reality as Mary knelled in front of him rubbing her nose against his.
“Hey I thought we talked about you getting all serious on me.”
Looking into Mary’s eyes Jane got butterflies in his stomach. Jane didn’t know what to say but felt a tremendous pressure for it to be the right thing. After a moment of silence, he let out barely audible “sorry”.
She picked him up planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Oh, you know you never have to apologize to me”.
Jane felt good in her arms and all his anxiety seemed to vanish. He didn’t like that once again his main mode of transportation was being carried. Yet Jane couldn’t bring himself to ask her to set him down. They got to the parking lot and she set him down in the passenger seat. Mary pulled his seat belt half way before stopping so he could buckle it in himself.
“You’re not going to stop treating me like a kitten, are you?” Jane said as Mary put the car into gear.
“Oh, don’t try and tell me you don’t enjoy it. Plus, your well overdo for a little mothering”.
Jane gave his backpack a happy hug as he pulled it close to his chest. He didn’t even care about her teasing this time there was just a happy warmth about her use of the word mothering.
Ok this is chapters Seven and Eight of When You Wish Upon a Star.
Again, there is so much of this story that I love. Yet I also want to scream at my past self to pick a perspective. That being said here it is. The plan is to keep trying to make any small edits that I can without just completely scraping it doing a rewrite.
So, if you like it maybe leave a comment. Good or bad it will just encourage me to get more of it posted here.
Chapter seven
Jane slowly woke up to the clammy feeling of wet pajamas sticking to his legs. Pulling off the wet quilts he started the familiar walk to Mary’s room. Jane knew that she wasn’t going to be mad but still felt a reluctance about showing her another accident. Part of him felt like he was letting her down and he should be doing better. After knocking and waiting for a moment Mary opened the door and kneeled down to give him a hug.
“I’m sorry Mary,” said Jane doing his best to hide the fact his eyes were already starting to water.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault that this is happening.”
He just let out a sniffle as she carried him to the bathroom. Mary set him down and went to get his other pair of pajamas while he dried himself off. She handed him the blue footed sleeper and went to clean the couch giving him privacy to change. Jane stepped into the article of clothing and with a bit of maneuvering had them pulled up and all his paws in the right place. To his frustration though he couldn’t quite get them closed as the zipper was located on the back.
After a momentary struggle he gave up and headed out to the living room to join Mary. As Jane approached her, she gave him a comforting smile and held out Leo.
“I’m happy to report that this little guy is safe and sound.”
Jane had completely forgot he was sleeping with Leo and was relieved to see him safe and dry. Mary quickly pulled up the zipper making no mention of it. Only taking a moment to gently straighten the garment before she returned to the matter at hand.
Jane wanted to help but honestly wasn’t even sure what he could do just sitting down on the floor with Leo in his lap. He wanted to be an adult about the situation but he couldn’t think of the mature response to wetting the bed. After several minutes of cleaning Mary had the couch striped of wet quilts and sat down next to the kitten.
“You doing ok” She asked putting an arm on his shoulder. She knew the answer already as she noticed the small boys lip seem to quiver as if at any moment a dam of built-up emotions was about to break.
“I’m sorry Mary I know you don’t like it when I’m sad”
Mary couldn’t stand it anymore as she pulled him into her lap. “No I don’t like it when you are sad but that’s not what I meant earlier. It’s perfectly fine to be upset with this. I just don’t want you to be scared about it. If you have an accident it can be upsetting but promise me you won’t ever be afraid to come get me. Ok”.
Jane let out a meek “Ok”
Mary started to gently rub his back, which felt great since it was still sore from when he slipped in the shower.
“Here tell me a good memory about a time you wet the bed.”
“A good memory?” Jane asked confused. “There isn’t anything good about wetting the bed”.
Mary continued to rub his back.
“I don’t mean the part of actually wetting the bed. I mean after you woke up and got someone.”
Jane thought for a moment and let out a sigh saying “I guess there was this one time when I was five that was kind of nice. I wasn’t at a big orphanage like One Tree but with a foster family that looked after several kids at a time. They were a couple of wolves that were ok. The husband Ron was really mean at times but the wife Susan was nice”.
Mary continued rubbing his back and started to slowly stroke his stomach.
“One weekend the husband left on a business trip and the other two kids had found homes so it was just me and Susan”.
Jane continued slowly talking clearly feeling soothed as the older feline gently pulled him in closer. “That night I had an accident but she wasn’t mad. She just cleaned it up and then let me sleep with her. It was kind of cool not sleeping alone, but she did make me start wear…”
Jane silently trailed off and Mary just hugged him as he awkwardly looked at the floor. She then got to her feet and carried him into her bedroom.
Jane started his usual fidgeting but she just kept a hold of him and climbed under the covers. The kitten quickly got engulfed by the sweet strawberry smell of her shampoo and stopped trying to fight her. Feeling that not only was the bed enveloped in her scent but still warm from her body heat.
“See isn’t this also kind of cool,” said Marry as she cradled him in her arms.
Jane who was holding Leo in the same way Mary held him, did his best to let out a disinterested sounding “I guess so”. Although, inside he knew he felt wonderful. Feeling not only warm and cozy in her arms but having a complete sense of security in knowing she was there.
“Are you going to make me start wearing diapers?” He asked after a moment of silence, the thought pulling him back from his comfy and relaxed state.
He suddenly felt very apprehensive about what she was going to say but Mary snuggled her head next to his softly saying in his ear “No I’m not going to make you do anything. But you haven’t had the greatest track record lately so it may be a good decision for us to make.”
Jane liked the fact that she said they would make the decision. Continuing to relax he found himself getting lost in the sound of Mary’s breathing.
“But let’s not think about that right now. We can figure that out tomorrow with all the other things but for now let’s just get a good night’s sleep,” was the last thing Jane remembered hearing as he fell asleep.
Jane slowly woke up with to the cozy feeling of Mary’s arms around him. He could once again hear her slowly breathing in and out and found himself nearly being lulled back to sleep. Mary shifted and slowly woke up with a happy yawn.
“How long have you been awake?” She asked keeping a secure hold on him.
“A little while.”
“Well then shall we get a start on our day?”
Jane really didn’t want her to let go of him but he didn’t want to admit it either. Just saying “sure”. Mary got out of bed picking him up and carrying him to the kitchen. She cheerily set him down in a chair and went over to a cupboard retrieving two mugs.
“How about some hot chocolate” asked Mary?
Jane watched her take her mug and pour a cup of coffee for herself and then turn to him for an answer.
“No thank you but I’ll take some coffee though,” Jane said as nonchalant as he could.
Mary gave him a big smile saying, “Well I guess we did make a deal and you have been holding up your end.”
She poured him a mug and asked him if he would like cream or sugar, he gave an excited “no I’ll take it black”.
She sat down and put the mug in front of him sipping on her own coffee. Jane took a sip and was over whelmed by the bitter taste. He looked up to see Mary doing her best not to giggle. He hesitated for a moment then tried another sip to the same affect.
“Fine can I please have some hot chocolate instead” said Jane grudgingly. Mary made him a mug and sat back down.
“I know you want to do adult stuff but I think there are better things to do then drink coffee”
Jane started to drink the hot chocolate, which did taste much better than the coffee.
“What do you have in mind?” Jane asked curiously.
“It’s a surprise but I promise it will be fun” she said with a wink.
Jane had to admit he was excited about the prospect of whatever it was that she had planned. Mary offered him oatmeal or cereal for breakfast to which he replied cereal after the coffee experience. As they ate the two made happy small talk. When they finally finished, Mary cleared the dishes and stepped over to Jane giving him a contemplative look.
“What” Jane asked slightly on edge?
Mary smiled and picked him up heading toward the bathroom.
“Well I don’t know the best way to go about this but I think that you need a bath”.
It took Jane a moment but he quickly realized that after yesterday’s mishap she wasn’t going to trust him alone anymore. They got to the bathroom and Mary set him on the counter before starting to draw a bath.
“This is weird I’m not really a little kid” Jane said avoiding eye contact.
“Ok I know that you feel uncomfortable but I’ve already seen you naked so there’s not much mystery left”. She said in a very gentle motherly tone.
He wanted to fight but was finding an intense comfort in her mothering.
Mary slowly unzipped his blue sleeper and striped him down and sat him in the bath. Jane suddenly felt strangely comfortable sitting in the bathtub. He was still sore from his slip yesterday and the warm water felt really good. There was something nice about how small he felt in the tub with Mary behind him. She slowly started to rub shampoo into his fur massaging his back. After what seemed like too short a time Mary started to pull him out of the bath.
“Ok all done. That wasn’t so bad was it” she said picking him up in a towel. “I think one might even say that you enjoyed it the way your tail was acting.”
Jane just avoided eye contact as she happily took him into her bedroom and set him down on her bed. He didn’t want to admit it but he actually found the experience kind of nice. Mary went to her dresser and came back with a bundle of clothes sitting back down on the bed. Jane was confused as she pulled him back into her lap.
“How am I supposed to get dressed from your lap?”
Mary smiled pulling a brush from the bundle of clothes. “First things first your coat is in some desperate need of attention”.
Jane tried to pull out of her lap but Mary wrapped her arm around him as she started to brush.
“I never brush my coat this is something only girls do.”
Despite his whining Mary just kept him grounded in her lap as she made long strokes down his back and chest. “I’m not surprised to hear that judging from the condition it’s in”.
Jane let out a disgruntled “it’s still girly” as Mary continued to brush him for several minutes.
“I don’t really see how. Although if you’re so set on it being girly, I do have some pink bows that would look adorable.”
Jane turned to give Mary an angry look but was meet with a kiss on his forehead. He tried to keep giving her the angry look but couldn’t manage it as she started to gently rub his ears. She then set him back on the bed and handed him the bundle of clothes. He awkwardly waited for her to turn her back but she just kept staring at him until she finally let out a happy giggle.
“I don’t think there’s anything I haven’t already seen but I’ll be in the living room when you’re ready” Mary said as she walked out of the room.
Moments later he was dressed and came out to find her putting the cushions back on the couch. She motioned for him to take a seat next to him. He climbed up next her giving no fight as she pulled him into her lap.
“So, I’ve been giving it some thought and I think the best way to handle the appearance of Jane the kitten is to just tell the truth.,” said Mary gently rubbing his back.
“You mean tell people that I somehow turned into a little kid,” asked Jane cynically.
“Well ok maybe not the whole truth but the fact that I found you an abounded kitten” She said giving him a hug.
Mary could tell uneasiness had filled Jane as he grabbed hold of her arm.
“But then if we can’t find a way to turn me back id have to go back to foster care.”
She rested her chin on his head holding him tight.
“I already told you that I’m not going to let that happen.”
Jane felt uneasy but at the same time that he could trust Mary.
“You promise?”
“I promise,” she said in a soothing tone.
Jane couldn’t explain it but all his worry seemed to vanish and he had complete faith in her. Mary started to hum a lullaby as she rubbed his stomach and they sat on the couch for a while. He found it really nice to just be doing nothing and for the first time all weekend wasn’t thinking about the future or what had happened. Jane was rather dismayed when a knock came causing Marry to set him on the couch going to answer the door.
He peered across the room and saw Marry open the door reviling Maria. Jane was rather excited to see her and got off the couch to great her.
“Hey Mary, me and Abby here were heading to the park and thought Jane might want to come.” said Maria stepping aside to reveal a young female rabbit with cream colored fur.
She was about his size and wearing a pink dress that had yellow and blue flowers around the bottom. Abby looked past Maria giving Jane a happy smile that caused him to feel suddenly embarrassed and move behind Marry. The older cat just picked him up and rubbed her nose against his something that he was admittedly starting to find oddly comforting.
“Well what do you want to do Jane? I have some boring errands to run so you can come with me or head to the park for some fun.”
The way she phrased it he could tell she was trying to gently coax him to go with them. Jane found he didn’t mind though even if it was something childish, he was excited about the prospect of getting to spend more time with Maria.
“Would one of the errands have to do with my surprise?” he asked slyly giving Mary a smile.
“It just might, so it would probably be best if you went with them.” Mary said giving him a warm smile back.
There was something extremely pleasant in the way he was able to talk with Mary. Jane didn’t feel like he had to watch what he said around her.
“So, is that a yes Jane?” asked Maria who was holding the hand paw of an excited Abby.
He gave a nod and Marry started to carry him towards the kitchen.
“Well then how about we put together a picnic basket for you guys” Marry said motioning for Abby and Maria to step inside.
When Mary got to the kitchen, she set down Jane and whispered in his ear that he should try and use the bathroom. He didn’t like how childish she was treating him but he was grateful for her not doing it in front of Maria. It also occurred to him that she was probably right and made no fuss as he slipped away to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, he looked at the toilet and felt an animosity as if it had become a bitter rival.
He sat down on it and again felt a loss of control. Sitting there time seemed to slow down as despite his best efforts nothing was happening. Jane had never thought about the ability to control his bladder and bowels as a difficult proficiency. Now that it seemed to be forgotten though, he found himself feeling as if it was a complex language. Something he could remember knowing but couldn’t even try to describe the workings of now.
After several minutes without any accomplishment to speak of Jane gave up telling himself that he simply didn’t have to go. He flushed the toilet anyway and exited the bathroom to find Mary handing Maria the picnic basket. She gave him a praising look that made him feel ashamed about his deceit. Jane tried to shake of the feeling moving towards the door. Before he made it there though he felt two arms give him a hug.
“Have fun and be safe,” said Mary as she gave him the gentle embrace.
Jane felt at ease and didn’t mind her motherly show of affection saying a quite ok. Maria and Abby both smiled as he joined them and they headed out. As the trio walked to the park Abby excitedly asked Jane all sorts of questions about himself. He found she liked to talk and it seemed that with each short answer he gave her, the young rabbit responded with great detail about herself.
Abby was four and lived down the street from Mary’s apartment. She was much more girly than Jamie but also less snooty. It seemed that whenever he looked over at her she was staring at him with a happy smile. When they got to the park Abby spotted a group of kids playing tag and started running to join them.
“Come on Jane lets go play,” said Abby turning back to face him.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”
Abby gave him a disappointed look before continuing to the group of young furs. The park had the usual slides and jungle gym and was surrounded by a circle of grass. Maria set down a blanket taking a seat and Jane sat down next to her.
“You sure you don’t want to go play,” asked Maria.
Jane looked up at the teen and gave a nod. “Yeah I’m sure. She keeps smiling at me for some reason.”
Maria let out a giggle and patted him on the back.
“I think that a certain someone might have a little crush on a certain kitty.”
Jane’s ears dropped down and you could probably see him blushing even through his fur.
“Hmm does someone feel the same way?” Maria asked letting out another giggle.
“No not at all there’s no way I’d have feelings for her she’s just a little bunny,”
stammered Jane forgetting for a second he was now a kitten.
“So you like foxes then” said Maria nonchalantly.
Jane made the connection to Jamie and felt frustrated. Realizing the fun Maria was having and the hole he was digging for himself he decided to go join Abby. Cringing as she jokingly shouted, he shouldn’t be juggling two girls.
Abby seemed happy for him to join the group running up and pronouncing him it. Jane tried to tag her back but she was too quick so he settled for a raccoon boy. The boy started to turn but Jane quickly made a dash up the slides ladder to safety. Finding that Abby was atop the slide. The two joining up side by side as they made their way to the other side of the playground and presumed safety.
Time went by fast as the game progressed and Jane was having a lot of fun. All the furs playing were nice and didn’t seem to mind him joining in. Even helping him with different rules as they started to play new games. Despite the fact both he and Abby were getting hungry, they weren’t happy when Maria flagged them down. She gave them a smile as they sat down and handed out ziplock bags of animal cookies. Jane happily started eating, glad to take the juice box as it was handed to him. The three of them sat in the warm sun talking and soon Abby was resting her head on Maria’s lap asleep.
“I have another blanket if you want to lie down too” Maria said quietly as she rubbed the young rabbit’s head.
Jane straightened up and shook his head “No I’m good”.
Maria smiled and handed him another juice box. He was happy sitting there with her as they watched all the different furs play. After a while Jane’s concentration was broken as he felt a warmth spreading through his pants. Jane knew right away what was happening and was scared stiff as he felt the pool forming under him. Jane didn’t know what to do he could hear Maria asking him if something was wrong but couldn’t react.
Jane just stayed perfectly still as Maria realized what had happened. She carefully moved Abby off her lap and started to rub his back.
“Jane it’s no big deal.”
“Yes it is” said Jane on the brink of tears. “I wasn’t even asleep. I’m turning into a complete baby.”
Maria pulled the extra quilt out of the basket and wrapped it around him.
“That doesn’t matter Jane you’re just having a bit of trouble.” she said pulling him into her lap.
“Do you think that Abby will still want to be my friend?” said Jane quietly staring at the rabbit sleeping peacefully just a couple feet from them.
Just that morning he saw her as an annoyance that he was going to have to deal with but now he was worried she wouldn’t like him. He wasn’t completely sure what had changed but it felt important that he’d made a friend.
“Of course, she will. Now how about we get you back to Mary’s apartment”.
Jane didn’t know why but he really wanted to be with Mary. It wasn’t just that she knew his real age but something more. He felt like when he was with her things wouldn’t mater. Abby started to wake up and asked why Jane was wrapped in the blanket. He had a strong feeling she didn’t buy Maria’s story about him being cold. Especially the way Abby was eyeing the large wet spot but she didn’t say anything. Soon everything was packed up with the exception of Jane’s quilt. Maria picked Jane up who gave no complaint and the three started the trek back to Mary’s building.
The walk back wasn’t as blissful but both Abby and Maria continued their happy small talk. Jane was anxious every time a passerby looked at him as if they completely knew what he’d done. Both Abby and Maria however just continued to give him happy smiles whenever he made eye contact. Soon they were back at Mary’s door and Jane was filled with relief when she appeared with a smile.
“I wasn’t expecting you guys back so soon I just got home myself” Mary said giving Jane a rub on the head.
“Oh, it was getting a little cold so we thought we’d head back” said Maria setting Jane down.
“That’s probably for the best winter is coming fast,” said Mary eyeing the blanket and giving Jane a smile.
The two girls said goodbye and started to walk down the hallway when Abby turned around.
“It was fun playing with you Jane and I promise not to tell anyone. See you in school.”
Jane cringed as his suspicions that she knew he had an accident were proven to be true. Mary picked him up and Jane found himself burying his face in her chest, as he couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. She sat at their usual spot on the couch and gently rubbed his back. Mary waited for several minutes before asking the kitten what happened at the park.
“It was awful I was just sitting there talking to Maria and it happened. I wasn’t even asleep this time I’m turning completely incontinent,” said Jane still burying his head in Mary’s chest.
She gently rubbed his ear talking in her soothing voice, “Your overreacting Jane I just think that maybe when you shrank you may have lost your potty training”.
Jane shifted so that he could look up at her.
“What’s the difference ether way I’m stuck as an oversized baby?”
“You’re not a baby Jane and the difference is that we just need to work on it”.
Again her use of the word we caused him to have a happy feeling. Mary gave him a simple smile that seemed to convey an entire conversation of reassuring remarks.
“How about we get you cleaned up and then see if the other Jane has had a better day,” said Mary as she carried him to the bathroom.
In what had become the usual fashion she set him down to clean up leaving to fetch some clothes. Jane pulled off his wet pants and used the towel to dry himself off before wrapping it around his waist. He heard the rustle of a plastic bag and turned to find Mary returning with a set of clothes and a shopping bag. A pit formed in his stomach as he made out the two packages of pull-ups.
Seeing his reaction Marry gave him a comforting smile and sat down on the bathroom floor. Despite the desire to act like an adult, he couldn’t fight the urge to climb back into her lap. She wrapped her arms around him and Jane felt a southing calm spread over him.
“So, I think that we need to have that talk about you wearing a bit of protection,” Mary said rubbing his head.
Jane just stared at the plastic bag as if it was a bomb about to explode.
“So, I can only assume your thoughts on the matter. But I think the adult thing to do is to maybe sacrifice our pride and use the simple solution”. She said continuing to gently rub his head.
“I see what you’re trying to do but there’s no way you’re going to trick me into thinking there’s anything adult about wearing diapers” said Jane looking up a Mary.
“I’m not trying to trick you Jane. And there may not be anything adult about diapers but there may be something mature about making the tough choice.”
Jane let out a sigh. Whether or not she was right it would be nice to get through a day without a change of clothes.
“Ok but can we not tell anyone?” Jane asked trying not to think about the fact pretty much everyone already knew about his accidents.
“Of course, it can just be our little secret,” She said lifting him to his feet.
Mary got to her feet as well and pulled the two packages of pull-ups out of the bag. One was blue and the other pink each with a happy three year old kitten on the packaging.
“Why did you get so many?” was all Jane could muster.
“They were on sale buy one get one free” Mary said as she tore the pink package open.
He couldn’t argue with it but still found the idea of a stockpile unsettling.
“Can I wear a boy’s one at least.”
Mary gave him a playfully agitated look.
“And just what makes these for girls?”
“They’re pink and have a cartoon princess on them.”
Mary gave him a smile opening the blue package, “And just what about princesses are only for girls?”
Jane tried to think of something but could only come up with they were girly. They both smiled as she handed him the blue pull-up. She put the two packages under the sink and left for him to change. As Jane went to join her on the couch, he could feel thickness of his new undergarment between his legs. It wasn’t uncomfortable and Jane didn’t want to admit it but there was a nice security in knowing he couldn’t have an accident. Mary was happily waiting for him book in hand. Climbing up on the couch, he seemed to instinctively find his way into her lap.
“It’s enough that you let me read to you. You don’t need to sit in my lap.” Mary said turning him around so he was facing her.
Jane’s ears dropped down as he broke eye contact.
“Would it be weird if I said that I like sitting in your lap?”
Mary rubbed her nose against his. “No not at all and I also like it when you sit in my lap”.
Jane felt a lump in his chest worrying that he was acting more childish than ever. Feeling Mary’s warmth though he ignored it and snuggled in as she wrapped her arms around him beginning to read. Princess Jane was trekking through a dangerous swamp in search of an amulet. Once again, he was getting lost in the story and the excitement of the morning was catching up to him. As he started to drift off, he was vaguely aware of Mary tucking him into her bed. Quickly falling asleep as she put Leo into his arms and gave him a kiss on his forehead wising him a happy nap.
Chapter eight
Jane was quickly startled awake as he felt warmth spreading between his legs. Jolting upright he jumped out of th bed and started racing down the hall nearly running into Marry speeding past her to the bathroom. By the time Jane had the door shut and was standing in front of the toilet it was clear that he was too late. Letting out a sigh he stripped down and went to retrieve a clean pullup. As he exited the bathroom, he was surprised to find Maria sitting on the couch with a math textbook open in her lap.
“Hey sleepy head how was your nap,” she asked as he went over to the couch.
“I’m not a little kid and wasn’t taking a nap I was just lying down because I was feeling a little worn.”
“Oh of course you are, my mistake, but I hope that you’re not too grown up for your present”.
The tone in her voice made it clear that she in no way agreed with him something he wanted to comment on but was distracted by the prospect of a gift.
“What do you mean my present”, Jane asked cautiously.
Maria opened her backpack and pulled out a large pastel colored package handing it to him.
“Now it’s not just from me it was Abby’s idea too.”
Jane looked down at the package in his paws with disbelief.
“Well come on don’t just stand there. Open it” Maria said happily.
“But why would you guys get me something?” asked Jane still looking at the package making out what appeared to be cartoon carrots covering it.
“Abby and I thought that you were having a lousy time of things and could use something to make sure today was a happy memory.”
Her use of the word memory gave him the feeling that Mary also had a hand in this.
“But why would you guys care?” asked Jane still holding the package at an arm’s length.
Maria gave him a smile as he felt Mary knell down behind him and rub his head fur.
“Because that’s what friends do.” she softly spoke into his ear continuing to gently rub. “Now open it already, I’m curious what it is myself.”
Jane didn’t believe for a second that she didn’t already know what it was tearing open the wrapping paper. Soon he was holding a blue stuffed rabbit in his arms with its happy face looking up at him. Jane couldn’t help giving it a hug despite the dual coos from both Maria and Mary.
“So you like him,” the teen asked.
Jane just gave a nod.
“Good Abby made me promise that the two of you would go visit her. What are you going to name him?” Maria asked giving him a happy smile.
He thought for a minute before answering Peter, receiving two approving looks from Maria and Mary.
“Do you want to do something Maria” Jane asked happily holding Peter in his arms.
She gave him a frown “Sorry Jane but I’ve got to finish my homework”.
Jane let out a quiet “oh” and couldn’t help but feel disappointed and aware in the back of his mind the similarity to when Jamie asked Mary to watch a movie. He was broken from his train of thought though as Mary picked him up saying he could help her grade tests.
The kitten said ok as she carried him to the kitchen table. Jane was expecting her to set him down in a chair but instead just took a seat herself. Before he could object, she had her legs crossed making a very secure nook for him. He couldn’t quite explain how he felt. Part of him wanted to struggle and was deeply concerned that the teen was seeing him being babied by Mary. Yet he just felt secure not wanting the older cat to let go of him.
Picking up on his distress Mary seemed to make a big show saying how she needed his help to get caught up on things. Feeling incredibly adult as she gave him an answer key and a stack of tests to grade. As the two worked Mary began to ask him questions about the good parts of going to the park. At first Jane was very reserved giving very unenthusiastic answers.
Yet the teacher seemed to gently push and pull the conversation, lightly rubbing her paw on his stomach as he admittedly became excited. Going over all the different games that they had played.
The rest of the afternoon went by peacefully. Maria finished her homework and the three then played board games until Mary stopped and made dinner. As the trio ate the conversation continued with Jane and Maria getting lost in a conversation about why one of the games was better than the others. Jane again felt a strong sense unity with the other two cats and for once like he actually belonged. After they ate Maria gave Jane a pat on the head saying she would see him tomorrow.
However, as she walked the teen to the door Mary suddenly got serious saying “You know you’re always welcome here right?”
Jane remembered the previous day when they went to the girls apartment as Maria gave Mary a slow nod saying thanks and that she knew. There was a slight silence after she left before Mary rubbed Jane’s head asking if he was ready for his surprise.
“Yeah what is it” Jane asked excitedly.
“When I stopped by the school to pick up some work, I borrowed my classrooms projector.” she said pulling a mess of wires out of a canvas bag. “I thought we could have a nice evening and watch a movie”.
“Cool what movie?” Jane asked as he helped her hook everything up.
“I’m not sure all I know is that it has zombies and most likely isn’t age appropriate no matter how old you really are”.
Moments later he was on the couch with Peter as Mary turned off the lights and sat next to him. The movie was very clichéd but Jane didn’t care. Apart from being violent it was somewhat scary. After only thirty minutes Jane found himself curled up next to Mary who wrapped her arm around him. At the halfway mark he was burying his head into her chest almost every other scene. Other than a quick smile Mary didn’t acknowledge that he was getting frightened. She just kept her arm wrapped around him slowly rubbing his back.
Jane was finding there was something oddly enjoyable about being scared but having someone to curl up next to. Despite being startled the action scenes were really cool and Jane felt adult getting to watch the movie. By the time the remaining survivors had fought their way to safety Jane was sitting snugly in Mary’s lap.
“So, did you enjoy the movie?” she asked rubbing his head.
He nodded as she got off the couch and set him on the ground.
“Well, I think it’s about bedtime why don’t you go get ready and I’ll get the couch made up.”
Jane didn’t like the term bedtime but the happy smile she was giving him made it hard to argue. Using the stool that was now kept in the bathroom he brushed his teeth. Changing into his princess Jane pajamas he found his pullup was slightly soggy. After fetching a new one Jane decided to give the toilet a final try and was happy to find success. Although the score was nowhere near in his favor there was a bit of relief at the fact, he was actually able to use the bathroom.
As usual Marry was standing next to the couch ready to tuck him in. As childish as it was Jane was happy to see her. Despite this he wasn’t about to admit it and when he got on the couch, he tried to shoo her away. Any attempt proved futile though as she hummed a lullaby putting Peter into his arms and pulling the blanket up to his chin.
“Now you two stay warm and sleep tight” Mary said kissing his forehead then adding “and don’t let the bed bugs bite,” as she rubbed her nose against his.
Any objections he had to being treated like a little kid long gone Jane let out a happy “we won’t”.
“Good hopefully we’ve at least handled any night time problems but don’t fret to come wake Leo and I if you need anything” Mary said giving him one last kiss on his forehead.
As she walked away with Leo gazing back at him over her shoulder, he felt a sudden twinge as the repercussions of his new undergarment occurred to him. Not wetting the bed meant they didn’t have to go through the ordeal of washing his beading but also meant he wouldn’t get to sleep with Mary again either. It was a strange feeling of remorse that was causing him to feel a sudden isolation and loneliness. Jane pulled Peter close and rolled over attempting to shake off the felling. Try as he might though everything just kept reminding him of how nice and warm Mary’s bed was.
His concentration was finally broken as there was a loud thump from outside in the building’s hallway. Jane found that his loneliness was quickly being replaced by a growing anxiety as to what might have caused the sound. After several moments of eagerly listening there didn’t appear to be anything but he couldn’t get the images of zombies out of his head. Jane kept going over the facts of how silly it was to be thinking of zombies but couldn’t shake the feeling that at any moment something was going to grab him. The feeling just kept getting worse until there was another thump out in the hall way and he found himself out from under the covers and running to Mary’s room.
Jane found Mary’s door was open with her in bed reading a book. As Jane entered, she set her book down giving him a comforting smile.
“Everything ok you two look pretty shaken up?” She asked sliding over and patting the edge of her bed.
Jane tried his best to play it cool but found himself quickly darting across the room and climbing onto the bed next to her. Mary just kept staring at him with her happy smile causing him to feel the need to explain himself. The problem though was that as he sat next to her with his tight grip on Peter Jane couldn’t think of what to say. He didn’t want to be acting like a scared little kid but he also wanted her to just hold him so badly. He felt trapped having to choose between one or the other.
“I think I see what’s going on,” Marry said in a cheerfully sarcastic tone.
“You do?” Jane asked hesitantly.
“I wasn’t really thinking when I picked that movie was I. Poor little Peter probably got pretty scared out there in the dark after watching it.”
Jane had no delusions about what she was doing but was more than happy to take the out she was giving him.
“Yeah, but he didn’t get too scared. There were just some sounds outside that I think got him worried” Jane said holding Peter out as if he was standing up.
“Oh I know you weren’t,” she said rubbing Peters head. “Why don’t you guys sleep in here just in case though?”
Mary then grabbed Peter by his arms and turned him to face Jane.
“Would you mind if we slept with Mary tonight?” Mary said giving Peter a unique and cheerful voice.
There was something really silly about playing pretend with Mary that just made him happy.
Jane gave a nod and Mary pulled him into her arms giving him a kiss on his head.
“Can I ask you something Mary”
“Of course you can,” she said slowly rubbing his stomach in her usual fashion.
“Why are you so nice and willing to do so much for me? I just don’t get it.”
Mary playfully hummed as if she was having trouble thinking.
“Well for starters as much as you hate to hear it you are pretty cute but passed that I don’t think that you’re supposed to understand. Part of you getting to be a kid is that you just have someone looking after you”.
After she spoke the woman paused continuing to think. “Also, I know you get all silly when people tell you things like this. But there is something pretty amazing about you that just makes me feel special.”
Jane wasn’t sure he was satisfied with her answer but he did find something nice about the comment as lame as it sounded to him.
“Now we need to get to sleep ok,” Mary said turning off her night lamp and pulling Jane under the covers. He still didn’t like the idea of being a little kid. Yet as Mary held him tightly in her arms he just felt at ease. That nothing could hurt him as long as she was at his side.
Jane woke up to Mary gently rocking his shoulder. After rubbing his eyes, he found Mary fully dressed and happily handing him a stack of clothes.
“Come on sleepy head we have a big day ahead of us”.
Jane grudgingly took the clothes from her and made his way to the bathroom to change. As he walked, he could feel his pullup sagging indicating that he still needed them. After changing into a fresh one and getting dressed he threw it away finding the trashcan empty. Jane knew that Mary was aware of his bathroom track record but somehow found it disconcerting that there was no denying it.
As he exited the bathroom Mary was happily waiting for him with a smile and a camera. Before he could react, there was a flash as she took a photo.
“Hey what was that?” Jane exclaimed trying to shield himself.
Mary picked him up giving him the usual smile.
“Oh, come on I need to have photos of your first day of school in my collection.”
“Collection?” Jane asked in a disturbed voice.
Mary held the camera out for him to see and scrolled through the photos. Starting with him asleep on the couch dressed in only her shirt ending with him asleep in Mary’s bed holding Peter. There was even some of him playing in the park with Abby that Maria must have taken.
“It’s creepy you’ve only been taking photos of me in my sleep.”
Mary gave him a long kiss on the cheek.
“So is that permission to take some when you are awake?”
Jane just crossed his arms and broke eye contact causing Mary to give him another kiss.
“What do you mean my first day of school? I don’t have to go to school with Abby and Jamie, do I?” Jane asked in a concerned tone.
“No for now at least you can just tag along with me.”
Mary sat him down in a chair at the kitchen table moving over to the counter. She soon returned with a large blueberry muffin and a glass of milk setting both down in front of him. The muffin was still warm and Jane tried to eat it but found it hard to take a bite out because of its size. Looking across the table he saw that Mary was looking back at him with a knife in her hand. After a moment’s pause, she nonchalantly asked if he needed anything making it clear that if he wanted help he would have to ask. After one more failed attempt he meekly asked her for help.
She let out a happy “of course” cutting the muffin into smaller pieces. Jane let out a semi forced “thanks” before digging in. Mary sipped coffee as he happily ate. Jane was finding that he was having trouble drinking from the glass constantly having to wipe a dribble of milk from his chin. Favorably though if Mary noticed she kept it to herself.
When he was done eating Mary carried him to the couch and retrieved his shoes from by the door. She then grabbed his foot and started to slide his first shoe on. Jane quickly pulled his foot away saying that he could do it himself. To his surprise Mary made no objection handing the shoe to him. Jane had several satisfying moments of superiority thinking he had finally convinced her that he could handle himself. Although this quickly passed as he was putting on his second shoe and there was a bombardment of flashes from Mary’s camera.
He wanted to say something witty but failed to think of anything deciding instead to ignore her. When he was done velcroing his shoes he looked up to find Mary gone. After a moment of scanning the room in search of her she covered his eyes from behind the couch.
“Close your eyes.”
Jane let out a curious and worried “why” as he complied.
“Open them and find out silly.”
As he did so he found that she was holding a child’s backpack in front of him.
“Now it’s a little smaller than your old one but I was still able to fit in your computer, some coloring books and a spare pull-up in case you have an accident.”
Jane was grateful for her putting in his netbook but still wasn’t thrilled about the coloring books or pull-up. Before he could comment though Mary cut him off.
“I know what you’re going to say about being all grown up and boring but I don’t know how it would look if someone saw a four year old with your level of computer skills. So maybe when there are people around you could just pretend to have fun coloring. Who knows if you keep pretending you might just have some by accident”
Putting on the backpack Jane wanted to argue that he didn’t see that happening but chose to just say thanks instead.
“Well my little one I think we need to get going.” Mary said as she adjusted the straps on his backpack so that it was nice and snug.
He wanted to tell her to stop but found himself lost in a sea of emotion. Whenever Mary spoke about him with a sense of possession it filled him with an untamed feeling of pride and bliss. He was lost in thought until he was brought back to reality as Mary knelled in front of him rubbing her nose against his.
“Hey I thought we talked about you getting all serious on me.”
Looking into Mary’s eyes Jane got butterflies in his stomach. Jane didn’t know what to say but felt a tremendous pressure for it to be the right thing. After a moment of silence, he let out barely audible “sorry”.
She picked him up planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Oh, you know you never have to apologize to me”.
Jane felt good in her arms and all his anxiety seemed to vanish. He didn’t like that once again his main mode of transportation was being carried. Yet Jane couldn’t bring himself to ask her to set him down. They got to the parking lot and she set him down in the passenger seat. Mary pulled his seat belt half way before stopping so he could buckle it in himself.
“You’re not going to stop treating me like a kitten, are you?” Jane said as Mary put the car into gear.
“Oh, don’t try and tell me you don’t enjoy it. Plus, your well overdo for a little mothering”.
Jane gave his backpack a happy hug as he pulled it close to his chest. He didn’t even care about her teasing this time there was just a happy warmth about her use of the word mothering.
When You Wish Upon A Star Chapters 7-8
Ok this is chapters Seven and Eight of When You Wish Upon a Star.
Again, there is so much of this story that I love. Yet I also want to scream at my past self to pick a perspective. That being said here it is. The plan is to keep trying to make any small edits that I can without just completely scraping it doing a rewrite.
So, if you like it maybe leave a comment. Good or bad it will just encourage me to get more of it posted here.
Chapter seven
Again, there is so much of this story that I love. Yet I also want to scream at my past self to pick a perspective. That being said here it is. The plan is to keep trying to make any small edits that I can without just completely scraping it doing a rewrite.
So, if you like it maybe leave a comment. Good or bad it will just encourage me to get more of it posted here.
Chapter seven
Category Story / Baby fur
Species Housecat
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 44.5 kB