Inktober continues as we continue down the list of prompts.
The next word to use is Pressure.
And I decided to go with a part of a training montage Carmelita Fox is undergoing to prepare for the adventure ahead of getting Sly back from Egypt....or wherever in time he'll end up.
She is undergoing the training of former assassin/enemy Mai Ling. Guess this is further into the story when they make amends and Mai agrees to give Carmelita extra training to prepare her mentally and physically for her biggest mission yet.
Carmelita is never afraid of a challenge or danger of any sort. Nevertheless, the training Mai puts her through is anything but easy. It's just like Mai Ling to be all Kung-Fuey and give Carmelita normally impossible tasks us mere mortals could never hope ot achieve.
The task at hand is lifting a huge boulder under the body until it is stable to a point of holding it up with one hand. Impossible IRL but more than capable with the right mind-set and physical strength in a world of anthropomorphic animals. Mai Ling of course has done it many times before so she is demonstrating it flawlessly. It's Carmelita's first time lifting something so incredibly heavy so she's not having the easiest of times. Still gotta commend her for lifting it to begin with; though probably not before undergoing some other forms of rigorous training Mai put her through.
Mai looks like she's showing off a bit doesn't she? :P She's just demonstrating it can be done if Carmelita puts her mind and back into it. In the end I'm sure our favorite foxy cop will overcome the odds. Not before a little blood sweat and tears....and maybe a few broken bones.
Oh well: no pain no gain. I'm sure she can handle the pressure.
Carmelita Montoya Fox belongs to Sony
Mai Ling belongs to me
The next word to use is Pressure.
And I decided to go with a part of a training montage Carmelita Fox is undergoing to prepare for the adventure ahead of getting Sly back from Egypt....or wherever in time he'll end up.
She is undergoing the training of former assassin/enemy Mai Ling. Guess this is further into the story when they make amends and Mai agrees to give Carmelita extra training to prepare her mentally and physically for her biggest mission yet.
Carmelita is never afraid of a challenge or danger of any sort. Nevertheless, the training Mai puts her through is anything but easy. It's just like Mai Ling to be all Kung-Fuey and give Carmelita normally impossible tasks us mere mortals could never hope ot achieve.
The task at hand is lifting a huge boulder under the body until it is stable to a point of holding it up with one hand. Impossible IRL but more than capable with the right mind-set and physical strength in a world of anthropomorphic animals. Mai Ling of course has done it many times before so she is demonstrating it flawlessly. It's Carmelita's first time lifting something so incredibly heavy so she's not having the easiest of times. Still gotta commend her for lifting it to begin with; though probably not before undergoing some other forms of rigorous training Mai put her through.
Mai looks like she's showing off a bit doesn't she? :P She's just demonstrating it can be done if Carmelita puts her mind and back into it. In the end I'm sure our favorite foxy cop will overcome the odds. Not before a little blood sweat and tears....and maybe a few broken bones.
Oh well: no pain no gain. I'm sure she can handle the pressure.
Carmelita Montoya Fox belongs to Sony
Mai Ling belongs to me

Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 735px
File Size 191.8 kB
Carm is really holding her own
Am impressed
I do imagine that tony would join up with her on her quest to retrieve sly
That’s probably we’re he would meet up with cletus and get a arc sort of similar to what George and Marty McFly went through in the first back to the future
With tony trying to help cletus regain his confidence and stop being so paranoid
Am impressed
I do imagine that tony would join up with her on her quest to retrieve sly
That’s probably we’re he would meet up with cletus and get a arc sort of similar to what George and Marty McFly went through in the first back to the future
With tony trying to help cletus regain his confidence and stop being so paranoid