Cosmical Horror
Y si, no seria Halloween, sin que el demoniaco dino se muestre como la gigante deidad de la destruccion que es, cada Halloween, es libre de actuar a su antojo y hacer lo que le plazca, en este caso, decidio ir por un sacrifico diferente, divirtiendose con el pequeño planeta, probablemente robar toda la energia vital de este... o deborarlo como la costumbre de los dulces.
Solo recuerden que el dia de hoy es cuando la gran deidad de la destruccion se mueve con libertad causandod estruccion esta noche 😈
And yeah, this won't be a Halloween without this demonic dino showing himself, like the giant deity of destruction he is, every 31, he is free to do his will and act as he want, he may end up having fun with the lil planet, or just take it as a sacrifice for his own.
who knows, just rememeber, that is the day when the deity of destruction roam free. 😈
Solo recuerden que el dia de hoy es cuando la gran deidad de la destruccion se mueve con libertad causandod estruccion esta noche 😈
And yeah, this won't be a Halloween without this demonic dino showing himself, like the giant deity of destruction he is, every 31, he is free to do his will and act as he want, he may end up having fun with the lil planet, or just take it as a sacrifice for his own.
who knows, just rememeber, that is the day when the deity of destruction roam free. 😈
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 1280px
File Size 457.5 kB