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Animation Sneak Peek
Artwork by

Scrip, Story, & Song/Lyrics by me
Looter & DeFacer belong to me
Vader belongs to

While walking under a starry night holding the one-of-a-kind Vicuna fleece over his shoulder, Looter tilted his head left and right while tapping his furry toes and heel on the ground in rhythm
♪Lovely...you're so lovely♪ twirls in a circle and wraps the fleece around his other shoulder
♪How fortunate you came to my recent discovery♪ takes two small steps to his right leading with his right furry foot and follows suit with two steps to the left leading with his left furry foot
♪Such a shame the guards fought me so roughly♪ stares at his fleece while quivering his furry lips and closing his eyes halfway
Opens his eyes wide with a devilish smile ♪'Cause now they'll spend such a very long time in recovery♪
As Looter danced to his hideout, he pulled out his phone to capture this wonderful moment but stopped when looking at his screen saver.
"Oh my...", said Looter.
"When was the last moment that I partook in analyzing my masterpiece?" Looter blinked and smiled looking at Vader hanging from the ceiling by his own trademark stirrups
A couple hours later
Looter's furry footsteps echoed throughout the empty museum. He rested his furry hands behind his back while sharpening the claw that picked the entrance doorlock.
Looter sang loudly throughout the museum
♪I evaded all the police♪ swings his right furry foot in a circle while stepping his left furry foot harshly on the floor
♪Made off with the rare fleece♪ skids furry feet left and right in a slide motion
♪I want my stress to cease♪ takes three steps backwards with a resounding thud on the floor every time
♪'Time to enjoy my masterpiece♪ hops a little high and walks forward to his donation
Looter chuckles to himself and turns towards his masterpiece
"HEY!" shouted Looter, "Where's the masterpiece that I graciously donated to this exhibition?!"
Looter quickly lowered his furry hands and stared at the wall.
Looter's heart stopped briefly, his eyes grew wide in shock, and he bit his lower furry mouth. Before Looter said one word, his neck was already crushed and squeezed so tight that he couldn't even let one sound out of his mouth. Only sound was from the rabbit who was once hanging in his exhibit
"Looking for me RACCOON!?" yelled Vader.
Desperate for escape, Looter tried grabbing and hitting Vader with his left furry arm but could only slap his fuzzy shoulder. Soon enough, Vader grabbed that furry arm and twisted it against Looter's back. Looter's mouth opened wide but couldn't even scream with that cold metal gold bracer crushing his Adam's Apple. He attempted running forward but felt fuzzy toes against the back of his knee.
"Get Down!" shouted Vader.
As though acting on command, Looter fell to his knees. He tried hitting Vader with his other furry hand but only managed slapping his other shoulder. He shook left and right to no avail. Although spots flashed in his eyes, he heard faint laughing and felt like he was sitting on the floor. Looter kicked and thrashed his legs in the air. Every attempt only ended with a resounding thud whenever his furry feet hit the ground. Wasn't long before drool came out of his mouth and his furry cheeks turned red. His eyes barely making out the pillars and pictures on the wall that slowly turned into blotches surrounded by darkness. He heard more laughter, then growling but now seemed from a far distance.
"Grr...guess what?" said Vader while tightening his arms around Looter's prone body and smiling at him.
"I'm thinking of making my own exhibit!"
Looter wanted more fun after his bash 🎉
His masterpiece was worth more than cash 💰
His work was gone in a flash 📸
Looter didn't prepare for Vader's backlash 🙀
A kick in his knee made him crash 🦶
Twisting that arm hurts more than a rash 🩼
Y’know what would make Looter thrash 🤔
If all of you thought this was the end of their clash 😈
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1610 x 2289px
File Size 653.5 kB