Hey, everyone likes to relax, even a dragon. With Shades and a nice chair there is nothing better to-do than lounge around and soak up the Sun! A Epsilon Emoji! Line arts for this were originally made by the absolutely amazing felisrandomis!!!
Check her out here: Felisrandomis's page
See all the amazing things she offers at https://felisrandomis.carrd.co/ I can't recommend her enough if you are looking for a commission, emotes, whatever arts you want! She also has a Etsy and Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/felisrandomis/shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/FelisRandomis !!! Thank you Felis for being so awesome!!!
Check her out here: Felisrandomis's page

See all the amazing things she offers at https://felisrandomis.carrd.co/ I can't recommend her enough if you are looking for a commission, emotes, whatever arts you want! She also has a Etsy and Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/felisrandomis/shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/FelisRandomis !!! Thank you Felis for being so awesome!!!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Any
Size 1077 x 887px
File Size 301.3 kB