Took way too long to do this garbagey thing. Damn you summer busy-ness!
Anyway, a nice "rival" for Big O the blastoise.
Marcelle is everything one loves in a charizard. Fiesty, hot-headed, quick to anger and fights, prideful...Her goal is to be the best, and she wnats nothign more than to beat Big O. But, she is naive and reckless, so Big O tends to refuse. He likes a challenge, not a massacre, even though she has potential....she just won't be a match for him for a looooooong while.
Regardless, she tends to bribe him into fights when she makes it worth his while, and the outcome is always the same.
I might have them as a 'rivalmance', even though Big O is much older. Pokermanz dont seen to age in a logical sense so i dont think it matters to them as long as they're matured and.....functional lol.
And Tephra's being....herself. Her and Marcelle are not related, btw. =3
Anyway, a nice "rival" for Big O the blastoise.
Marcelle is everything one loves in a charizard. Fiesty, hot-headed, quick to anger and fights, prideful...Her goal is to be the best, and she wnats nothign more than to beat Big O. But, she is naive and reckless, so Big O tends to refuse. He likes a challenge, not a massacre, even though she has potential....she just won't be a match for him for a looooooong while.
Regardless, she tends to bribe him into fights when she makes it worth his while, and the outcome is always the same.
I might have them as a 'rivalmance', even though Big O is much older. Pokermanz dont seen to age in a logical sense so i dont think it matters to them as long as they're matured and.....functional lol.
And Tephra's being....herself. Her and Marcelle are not related, btw. =3
Category All / Pokemon
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 914px
File Size 99.9 kB
I think what I like about Big O here is that he's got the experience on his side. He's not cocky, he's not rushing into anything. He's like a mountain, in a sense.
Generally, he's everything that I like in a male character.
I'm sick of the ones who act "cool" so they can be a 5 second shot with the gal.
I would gladly suppord their rivalmance, though they best be careful... they ARE compatable breeding partners XD.
Also... turtles are absurdly well hung... I hope she's rather deep. XD
Generally, he's everything that I like in a male character.
I'm sick of the ones who act "cool" so they can be a 5 second shot with the gal.
I would gladly suppord their rivalmance, though they best be careful... they ARE compatable breeding partners XD.
Also... turtles are absurdly well hung... I hope she's rather deep. XD
Well he's old enough to be one. He's a literal hand-me-down pokemon. lol He has his moments though where his fighting nature gets the better of him. If he sees a worthy opponent, he'll happily go for a challenge, but Marcelle is no where near that.
This may ruin her image, but she's kind of like Ash, minus all the annoying. She thinks she's amazing and jumps in head first only to get her ass handed to her by someone with experience. Still she keeps at it so you ahve to admire her spunk.
big O's coolness is all his own. Because he's old and knows ice moves! lol
LoL big o might be too old for his little soldiers to function anymore. Don't know, they'll just have to test the theory when they get to it.
This may ruin her image, but she's kind of like Ash, minus all the annoying. She thinks she's amazing and jumps in head first only to get her ass handed to her by someone with experience. Still she keeps at it so you ahve to admire her spunk.
big O's coolness is all his own. Because he's old and knows ice moves! lol
LoL big o might be too old for his little soldiers to function anymore. Don't know, they'll just have to test the theory when they get to it.
She might, you never know. People are convinced charizards are god pokermanz lol. It's not that she's super sucky [like a charizard with rock smash] it's just she's too.....ambitious. She could win, if she fought pokemon more her level. But she's possibly liek lv 36-40....andf she's fighting an experience water type lv 100......kinda poor odds. But she has lady parts and willingly offering them to an older gentleman that doesnt get much from his livingsituation.....he's gonna have ahard time sayign no. lol He's not perfect he has them urges too lol.
Marcelle's hips don't lie. They distract so she can get a first strike lol. Yes Big O has been to the pokermanz center....... a lot. Pokemon are apparently held together with glue [its teh oen pokemon anime ep i rememebr....where they fixed a raticate's teeth....with super glue]
Tephra's true power! - her cute charm....considering she's possibly the worst charmeleon battle wise. But she's cute so who cares =D
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Tephra's true power! - her cute charm....considering she's possibly the worst charmeleon battle wise. But she's cute so who cares =D
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