And the raffle results are in!!
3 years ago
Alright alright, and here we gol!
Winner is #27:
I'll be contacting the winner later on. Thanks to all of you that participated in my little raffle, and hope the holidays have been treating you guys well <3
Winner is #27:

I'll be contacting the winner later on. Thanks to all of you that participated in my little raffle, and hope the holidays have been treating you guys well <3

Hooray and congrats!

Congraaaats, lucky heckin' heck!

Ancient Ashgar
Nice. Congratulations!

Congratz to the winner. Can't wait to see how the final piece looks!

Congrats to toggenburg! Excited to see the outcome!

Lucky guy. Maybe in the future I'll get something with you, still congrats on the milestone.