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Writer | Registered: May 22, 2007 01:14
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Comments Earned: 251
Comments Made: 291
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 291
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
16 years ago
Here's the case:
I can come up with characters easily. But when it comes to doing things with the characters, I get stalled. So... I'm taking everything down until I can find out what I want to do with my characters I envision.
For anyone that already had a chance to read my character profiles, Diana is going to be on the team I actually decide to do something with, no exceptions. Of course, there's no way I'm making her a team leader.
Then there's Grandis... I can't really think of what I was doing when I sparked him. If I can't repeat the measures I went through to spark him, how am I to do anything with him?
Taking a short time to actually get my matters together. This... Feels extremely difficult for me.
I can come up with characters easily. But when it comes to doing things with the characters, I get stalled. So... I'm taking everything down until I can find out what I want to do with my characters I envision.
For anyone that already had a chance to read my character profiles, Diana is going to be on the team I actually decide to do something with, no exceptions. Of course, there's no way I'm making her a team leader.
Then there's Grandis... I can't really think of what I was doing when I sparked him. If I can't repeat the measures I went through to spark him, how am I to do anything with him?
Taking a short time to actually get my matters together. This... Feels extremely difficult for me.
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Favorite Games
It's a toss-up between the Suikoden series and the Shadow Hearts series.
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Shouldn't be a factor.
Favorite Quote
'Knowing where you came from is the first step to knowing where you're going.'
I hope you have a wonderful day~