Views: 243461
Submissions: 3155
Favs: 399089

call me Nix | Registered: Sep 16, 2008 09:33
business account -->

<--personal account
icon by ferwildir
if you like what i do, you can support me with Shinies, or with these tip jars:
<3 but feel no pressure to do so!
Check Journals for Commission Openings
****Commission Prices****Terms of Service****Current Art Queue****
>>if you need to get ahold of me shout on my page, or email at NixRayne [at] gmail [dot] com<<
as a note, i insta-block on all my sites for things like:
|| AI "art"/nft support || underage nsfw || feral nsfw || hateful images or language ||
|| bad attitudes or anything else i might find unsavory and don't want in my space ||
it's probably not personal, it's just me keeping my spaces as comfy and low-stress as i can
BUT block-evading will lead to more blocking/banning. please take the hint.
All of my characters Belong to Me, and are not to be used, altered, edited, redistributed, etc., without my expressed written permission and consent.
All Art Done by Me is Copyright to Me, and is not to be used, altered, edited, redistributed, etc., without my expressed written permission and consent.
Comments Earned: 26999
Comments Made: 26093
Journals: 798
Comments Made: 26093
Journals: 798
Recent Journal
Weekly Wing-its - OPEN
6 hours agoi have no idea where the last week went and i wish i got fun things done, but really my break just FLEW BY and now we're back with wing-its!
no themes or anything, just arts
here are your rules, and the form down below, as usual:
Weekly Wing-its
• Quality:
• $95 for flat colors. $160 for simple cel shading ($125 for Moonbeam Patrons) . +30% privacy fee.
• Form opens Fridays and is open for 24-48 hours.
• Wing-its open every week and will be finished within the week, but I do not save form responses. They are all deleted before the next opening.
• One entry per person, per week (if not on cooldown). If more responses are submitted, all of them will be deleted.
• Single-character ONLY. Multiple characters are not allowed.
• Payment within 24 hours of invoice or it will be dropped & given to someone else immediately.
• 14 Day Cooldown after being picked (If picked you cannot submit the next week).
• WING-IT style - No WIPs provided, & generally artist’s choice.
• No edits unless I missed a design/detail on the ref.
• No overly complex characters, no backgrounds, no alt versions.
• If you select Mature/Adult rating for nudity, you must link a NSFW ref showing the bits or describe them for me.
• Not FCFS. Total of 5 will be drawn to start, some random dice rolls and some hand-picked.
• If I finish the initial 5 early, I may take more – keep an eye on your inbox!
• Ordering as a gift is okay as long as you can provide proof of permission to use the character.
• WILL DRAW / WON'T DRAW list is here:
• Terms of Service is here:
• Trello for queue and cooldowns:
without further ado, here is the form!
>>>Weekly Sketch Submission Form<<<
Thanks for your time.
sent Shinies to Alishka"Happy Holidays!"