Views: 45737
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Like A Real Artist But Not | Registered: Sep 3, 2008 04:44
Oh no, oh man, oh gee. It's me - it's Dregan, woah boy!
So I'm a guy with way too many characters and way too little commitment to the 10,000 crafts through which I varyingly decide to share and portray them. When I was young I reeeaaally wanted to be an artist... but after a string of Ds and Es in Art, decided it really wasn't my thing.
I can't promise to post consistently, or with any sort of quality, but I CAN promise you at least one thing.
It's me. It's Dregan.
Woah boy!
For the most part, work posted to this account is by other people. I will post my own work here too but... yeah, it'll majority be commissions or gifts I've received. If you're more interested in just seeing what I've made for myself you can check out my Deviantart, or if you'd like to read up more on the characters behind the pics, I have a!

So I'm a guy with way too many characters and way too little commitment to the 10,000 crafts through which I varyingly decide to share and portray them. When I was young I reeeaaally wanted to be an artist... but after a string of Ds and Es in Art, decided it really wasn't my thing.
I can't promise to post consistently, or with any sort of quality, but I CAN promise you at least one thing.
It's me. It's Dregan.
Woah boy!
For the most part, work posted to this account is by other people. I will post my own work here too but... yeah, it'll majority be commissions or gifts I've received. If you're more interested in just seeing what I've made for myself you can check out my Deviantart, or if you'd like to read up more on the characters behind the pics, I have a!

Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 3735
Comments Made: 6893
Journals: 50
Comments Made: 6893
Journals: 50
Featured Journal
The Chapel of Wrestling Spirits 2.0 - Sign Up!
3 years ago
The Chapel of Wrestling Spirits? 2.0? Well whatever does that mean?
Weeeell about... wow, 5 years ago now? I had a little writing project! A wrestling promotion by the name of C.O.W.S, to which people submitted their characters, for promos, matches, and stries! Ooor at least that was the idea. It didn't make it super far.
You can find the original here if you're curious!;
You're probably already getting where this is going at this point. Yes, I'm going to be attempting the project once more! Fresh start, from the top - and will hopefully get a li'l further this time. And once more, I'mma gonna need characters from you guys!
Few things to run over first though;
1. If you participated last time, feel free to enter with your old profile! I do request however people copy-paste their profiles from last time into the comments below, juuust so I can keep track. If it helps, you can find the prior journal here!
2. C.O.W.S is a SFW project! I don't mind flirty or somewhat sexualised characters, variety is the spice of life and all that, but here we're looking at wrassling in the traditional sense. No erotica here!
3. Multiple characters are allowed! Though, y'know, try not to flood me with them. If I get a ton from one person, some of them are probably gonna wind up stuck to filler roles.
4. Please no straight-up expy characters. References are fine, but I'd really not have a character who is straight-up 'Samoa Joe, but a Moose. I call them Samoa Moose.'
5. Let's try and keep drama to a minimum! Not everyone is gonna get on with everyone, I know that, especially in the furry community. And with a veritable fruitbowl of characters, I imagine there's gonna be some people in there who don't neccesarily want to have their characters involved with specific others. If it's the case that you're in this and you see someone else here you really REALLY don't want to run the risk of getting involved with... just drop me a note or message behind the scenes. I can write around things where neccesary!
6. On the note of avoiding drama... not everyone can be the champion, or always in the main event. Will try to treat every character fairly, but sometimes... well, you're gonna have to lose matches. Sorry!
Aaaand I think that's everything. If that all sounds good to you... well, please fill out the form and post below!
Name: (Character's ACTUAL name - or what they're most commonly known as if actual name is secret/unknown)
Owner: (Hopefully, that's you!)
Role: (Wrestler, Tag Team Wrestler, Referee, Announcer, Commentary, Backstage Interviewer, Manager, Something Else? Not just looking for wrestlers here! Though obviously like, may need to do some alteration if I get like, 20 Commentators or something.)
Species: (Simple enough, and I'm open to most things! Humans, furries, weird goo people, whatever!)
Gender: (Male? Female? Herm? Clown? Whatever fits!)
Age: (Or at least, if age unknown, about how old they appear to be!)
Height: (Feet and inches preferred, though I can convert!)
Weight: (Pounds preferred, but once more, can convert!)
Appearance: (Link to a picture, a written description, or both! Doesn't have to be too long-winded, just wanna let people know what they're looking at!)
Background: (Feel free to keep this as brief or as long-winded as you want! If your character runs a gimmick with slightly different background to their actual background, the gimmick background is more important - though feel free to list both if you wish!)
Personality: (Same deal as above, brief or long-winded, gimmick is the priority if applicable, however you wanna write it! Just take note a lot of how I write your character will be based from this, so being too brief may result in misrepresentation.)
Fighting Style: (Optional for all non-wrestlers. You can keep this as simple as 'High-Flyer' or go in-depth! Once again, this'll come down to how I represent your character in-ring.)
(Everything below is entirely optional, and segments here can be entirely deleted if irrelevant to your character.)
Nicknames: (Alternate names given to the character)
Names Used: (Names they'll officially be referred to under - so if you would rather them be referred to by a nickname as standard, or anything like that. Essentially, what your character will be called. If nothing here, I'll just use any and all Names and Nicknames listed.)
Titles: (Red Barons - not actual nicknames, but titles like 'The Game', 'The Big Guy' and 'The Best in the World' fit under here.)
Hailing From: (For when they enter, where they're announced as being from. Doesn't have to be a legitimate location, things like 'From the depths of Hell' and 'From the reccesses of your own imagination' are acceptable.)
Preferred Alignment: (Heel? Face? Tweener? Something altogether more complicated? They may not stick to this the whole time, but it'll certainly give me a further idea of how to present them.)
Signature Moves: (Moves they have a preference towards using in a match - like certain wrestlers may rely on the Superkick a lot.)
Finisher: (Or Finishers - big finale moves they like to finish matches with. The actual move(s) are the most important part, though if they have a custom names for them, list those too.)
Entry Theme: (The song they enter too - or at least style of music! If you lack one of these, III'll probably assign one myself.)
Entry Details: (If you have a particular full-entrance in mind, list off how you want it to go down!)
Past Titles Held/Accomplishments: (Anything you find particularly noteworthy in this regard here!)
Other Notes: (Anything else you think is important!)
(Also optional, for if a character is managing someone or on a team with someone)
Wrestlers Managed: (If they manage any wrestlers, list 'em here!)
Stable Members: (Any teammates of any sort, either from a tagteam or larger alliance.)
Stable Name: (The name/names of said team!)
Relation Details: (Essentially how teammates/managers know each other/interact, just so I can represent them right.)
Team Signatures: (As Signature Moves, but as a team.)
Team Finishers: (As Finisher, but as a team.)
Entry Theme: (If the team has a unique entry theme.)
Entry Details: (If the team has a specific entry.)
Other Notes: (Anything else you think is important in this regard!)
Weeeell about... wow, 5 years ago now? I had a little writing project! A wrestling promotion by the name of C.O.W.S, to which people submitted their characters, for promos, matches, and stries! Ooor at least that was the idea. It didn't make it super far.
You can find the original here if you're curious!;
You're probably already getting where this is going at this point. Yes, I'm going to be attempting the project once more! Fresh start, from the top - and will hopefully get a li'l further this time. And once more, I'mma gonna need characters from you guys!
Few things to run over first though;
1. If you participated last time, feel free to enter with your old profile! I do request however people copy-paste their profiles from last time into the comments below, juuust so I can keep track. If it helps, you can find the prior journal here!
2. C.O.W.S is a SFW project! I don't mind flirty or somewhat sexualised characters, variety is the spice of life and all that, but here we're looking at wrassling in the traditional sense. No erotica here!
3. Multiple characters are allowed! Though, y'know, try not to flood me with them. If I get a ton from one person, some of them are probably gonna wind up stuck to filler roles.
4. Please no straight-up expy characters. References are fine, but I'd really not have a character who is straight-up 'Samoa Joe, but a Moose. I call them Samoa Moose.'
5. Let's try and keep drama to a minimum! Not everyone is gonna get on with everyone, I know that, especially in the furry community. And with a veritable fruitbowl of characters, I imagine there's gonna be some people in there who don't neccesarily want to have their characters involved with specific others. If it's the case that you're in this and you see someone else here you really REALLY don't want to run the risk of getting involved with... just drop me a note or message behind the scenes. I can write around things where neccesary!
6. On the note of avoiding drama... not everyone can be the champion, or always in the main event. Will try to treat every character fairly, but sometimes... well, you're gonna have to lose matches. Sorry!
Aaaand I think that's everything. If that all sounds good to you... well, please fill out the form and post below!
Name: (Character's ACTUAL name - or what they're most commonly known as if actual name is secret/unknown)
Owner: (Hopefully, that's you!)
Role: (Wrestler, Tag Team Wrestler, Referee, Announcer, Commentary, Backstage Interviewer, Manager, Something Else? Not just looking for wrestlers here! Though obviously like, may need to do some alteration if I get like, 20 Commentators or something.)
Species: (Simple enough, and I'm open to most things! Humans, furries, weird goo people, whatever!)
Gender: (Male? Female? Herm? Clown? Whatever fits!)
Age: (Or at least, if age unknown, about how old they appear to be!)
Height: (Feet and inches preferred, though I can convert!)
Weight: (Pounds preferred, but once more, can convert!)
Appearance: (Link to a picture, a written description, or both! Doesn't have to be too long-winded, just wanna let people know what they're looking at!)
Background: (Feel free to keep this as brief or as long-winded as you want! If your character runs a gimmick with slightly different background to their actual background, the gimmick background is more important - though feel free to list both if you wish!)
Personality: (Same deal as above, brief or long-winded, gimmick is the priority if applicable, however you wanna write it! Just take note a lot of how I write your character will be based from this, so being too brief may result in misrepresentation.)
Fighting Style: (Optional for all non-wrestlers. You can keep this as simple as 'High-Flyer' or go in-depth! Once again, this'll come down to how I represent your character in-ring.)
(Everything below is entirely optional, and segments here can be entirely deleted if irrelevant to your character.)
Nicknames: (Alternate names given to the character)
Names Used: (Names they'll officially be referred to under - so if you would rather them be referred to by a nickname as standard, or anything like that. Essentially, what your character will be called. If nothing here, I'll just use any and all Names and Nicknames listed.)
Titles: (Red Barons - not actual nicknames, but titles like 'The Game', 'The Big Guy' and 'The Best in the World' fit under here.)
Hailing From: (For when they enter, where they're announced as being from. Doesn't have to be a legitimate location, things like 'From the depths of Hell' and 'From the reccesses of your own imagination' are acceptable.)
Preferred Alignment: (Heel? Face? Tweener? Something altogether more complicated? They may not stick to this the whole time, but it'll certainly give me a further idea of how to present them.)
Signature Moves: (Moves they have a preference towards using in a match - like certain wrestlers may rely on the Superkick a lot.)
Finisher: (Or Finishers - big finale moves they like to finish matches with. The actual move(s) are the most important part, though if they have a custom names for them, list those too.)
Entry Theme: (The song they enter too - or at least style of music! If you lack one of these, III'll probably assign one myself.)
Entry Details: (If you have a particular full-entrance in mind, list off how you want it to go down!)
Past Titles Held/Accomplishments: (Anything you find particularly noteworthy in this regard here!)
Other Notes: (Anything else you think is important!)
(Also optional, for if a character is managing someone or on a team with someone)
Wrestlers Managed: (If they manage any wrestlers, list 'em here!)
Stable Members: (Any teammates of any sort, either from a tagteam or larger alliance.)
Stable Name: (The name/names of said team!)
Relation Details: (Essentially how teammates/managers know each other/interact, just so I can represent them right.)
Team Signatures: (As Signature Moves, but as a team.)
Team Finishers: (As Finisher, but as a team.)
Entry Theme: (If the team has a unique entry theme.)
Entry Details: (If the team has a specific entry.)
Other Notes: (Anything else you think is important in this regard!)
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Music
Rock, Dark Cabaret & Opera
Favorite Games
Sonic Battle
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS4 or PC
Favorite Animals
Favorite Site
http://If I put FurAffinity do I get instant popularity?
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Classic English Dinner
Favorite Quote
Contact Information
